
Positive Perception Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"For once in a lifetime... everyone has finally united."
"You're still optimistic about the situation, seeing the good things about them."
"They saw you as someone very sweet and caring, someone who was helping them heal."
"I feel like you guys are just really respected and you know people really like you."
"It's not easy to ruin someone's life once you find out how wonderful they are."
"ENFPs always somehow end up being likable, even lovable at times."
"Nice, yeah, oh awesome, yeah, they didn't want to burden his family, yeah that's dope, that was classy, yeah."
"Katie is not just some dead soul behind her eyes, she genuinely seems okay and happy."
"I see a gorgeous girl, I see a smart girl, I see a girl with a great Destiny..."
"Feminism is about equality and everyone likes equality."
"They see you as this like fount of inspiration and wisdom."
"The fundamentals in the country as viewed by the American people are pretty good."
"Every person has a beautiful sight, and if we can only just see that beautiful sight in another person, that'll be the side which grows."
"It didn't change who I was, I look better, I feel better about myself, other people are going to see me in a more positive light and this is great."
"You have such a big heart, I feel like you don't want to see the worst in people."
"China's relationship with Africa has boosted growth rates and public opinion towards China is favorable."
"Embrace your flaws because when I see someone with like freckles all over their face for example, I think it's stunning."
"You see the good in everybody, you're an individual who'll see somebody as fractured and you want to heal them."
"Even after all of that, they still think highly of you. This person, whoever it is, we have the mother of Pentacles."
"He's too damn nice of a guy, you can't hate the son of a bitch."
"I was on the ground in the country, spoke with the people, had an opportunity to see for myself what is, and what I see is greatness."
"Your heart really shines really beautifully."
"They see you as very accomplished and a great catch."
"They see you as a 10 for sure because they see that not only are you like an accomplished person, you're going to add a lot to their life."
"People are honestly really very nice and kind."
"They see Libra as extremely powerful, attractive, and physically fit, an action taker whose words match their heart."
"They didn't see your worth, they didn't see your value, they didn't see how special you are. They see you as elevated, they see you as really special."
"Your co-workers see you as happy, they see how you brought yourself out of hardships."
"They see you as this shining beacon of truth in their life."
"I think the fact that there are so many products now shows just how positively Americans think about Korea in general."
"I feel like these people, there's such good genuinely nice people."
"Don't underestimate yourself. If other people see you in a certain way and it's positive, there's something to that."
"They will see you as a blessing. Your genuine nature will be so precious to them."
"This person sees you having a very big heart."
"Your person was seeing you as someone who tries to help people."
"They're thinking about the positive things about you."
"I think this is a massive win if you choose to see it."
"They see you as someone who makes the best of everything."
"She charmed everyone she met and barely anyone had a bad word to say about her."
"I wanted him to associate me with good things."
"You should take solace in the fact that the people who actually spend time listening to you have an opinion of you that's way more positive."
"But still to this day, my friends see the best of me."
"This person sees you in a really, really high light."
"Justice tells us that your person views you as someone who's very fair, very just, very kind, very gracious, very balanced."
"The more that we like someone, the more we're willing to see their good elements."
"Good-hearted people are always seeing the best in you."
"She was known to be empathetic and for always seeing the best in others."
"They think that you do have a very kind heart, that you are a beautiful spirit."
"They see someone as a good person who's very talented or enigmatic or passionate or creative or beautiful."
"This person feels like you're really loving, giving, emotionally mature."
"This person sees you as someone who's always got a lot going on, but you handle it really well."
"They view you as someone that is very positive, very inspirational."