
Freshwater Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Lake Baikal is not only the deepest lake in the world, it also contains one-fifth of the planet's unfrozen fresh water. Its depths are still largely unexplored and are believed to harbor unknown species, many of which are alien-like in appearance."
"The Sea of Galilee is one of the most important water formations on Earth."
"The grace mission in a first of its kind study scientists combined NASA's satellite images of Earth with data on human activities to map and explain where fresh water is changing around the world."
"Lake Superior in North America, the largest freshwater surface in the world."
"Think of the Columbia Icefield like a massive freshwater storage tank for North America."
"One of my favorite things about Europe is we seem to always come across free-flowing fresh water in the cities."
"Danios are excellent schooling fish for freshwater aquariums."
"It's just cool knowing that a 70 million-year-old hundred-pound fish is swimming around in the fresh water of the western United States."
"World of fresh water as diverse as the terrestrial world around us."
"Welcome if you've done freshwater and you've done fish keeping in the past this shouldn't be too hard."
"Lake Superior contains 10 percent of all of the world's fresh water."
"The Great Lakes of North America are the home of the largest bodies of fresh water in the world."
"Historically, however, the presence of the river and the fresh water it provided was one of the reasons that Winchester was originally settled by people."
"The fresh water... is the only water we can actually use and drink."
"The wells catfish, with its colossal size and mighty presence, it's a true leviathan of freshwater."
"With access to that incredible volume of freshwater comes the responsibility of not just stewardship but protection."
"I've never dove in fresh water before, let alone a lake, so I'm pretty excited about what I might experience here."
"Lake Michigan is one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world and it's the only Great Lake that is entirely within the United States."
"Groundwater is the largest reservoir of fresh water that is readily available to humans."
"The annual freshwater melt carried by the Ganges River in India feeds both an agricultural and a cultural way of life for over 400 million people."
"The fresh water tank, we're going to find under here, and as I say, 122 liters of fresh water, so that's really good."
"Antarctica is the largest freshwater reserve in the world, we are talking about 70% of all the world's water reserves."
"Estuary is a place where freshwater mixes with saltwater."
"Deep in Eastern Siberia, tucked away in rugged mountains, there is a lake that holds one-fifth of the planet's fresh water."
"Loch Ness is the largest body of fresh water in Britain by volume."
"We're facing a serious challenge: how to meet the freshwater needs of the 7 billion people on this planet while also addressing the needs of the natural ecosystems."
"Earth Imaging can revolutionize our approach to our freshwater future."
"The Great Lakes are North America's largest source of fresh water."
"Antarctica has up to 90% of all the fresh water on Earth stored in its ice sheet."
"The Great Lakes system holds about 21% of the world's fresh water supply."
"The pike is the tyrant of the fresh waters as the salmon is the king."
"Florida's natural springs discharge more than 8 billion gallons of crystal clear freshwater each day."
"The largest usable reservoir of freshwater lies beneath our feet in the form of groundwater."
"Nothing like it in freshwater as far as fight; everybody talks about smallmouth, but I'm telling you, these things are right there."
"The giant freshwater stingray is the largest freshwater fish and stingray worldwide."
"In my opinion, Kokanee are the best freshwater eating fish out there."
"That's a nice little landlocked Kokanee, basically a sockeye salmon that doesn't make it to the ocean."
"These five interconnected inland seas contain 20% of the world's surface freshwater and 95% of the nation's."
"It is one of the largest bodies of fresh water underground in the world."
"Kokanee is actually landlocked Sockeye Salmon, right, and they live their entire life in the lake."
"They grow much faster in fresh water compared to salt water and seem to grow much more vigorously if they are actually in soil."
"These are wild, slow-growing fish known for their habit of attacking prey on the surface and fighting harder than just about anything else that swims in fresh water."
"Ontario has some of the best multi-species freshwater fishing in the world."
"This was my best swimming experience so far because it's so much better than the sea, 'cuz it's not salty, and you can actually drink water from it."
"I've been in the hobby since fifth grade. I started with a 20-gallon aquarium, all freshwater."
"We live on a beautiful freshwater system."
"The hydrosphere is 97% in the ocean and three percent of it is locked up in freshwater."
"Most species of turtles are freshwater turtles, found in rivers, lakes, and swamps worldwide."
"This is a really rare ecosystem where you can have this fresh water that converges with the salt water of the Gulf."
"Best eating fish in freshwater, in my opinion, by far."
"The ice cap contains almost 70% of the world's fresh water and 90% of its ice."
"Not quite 3 percent as freshwater, and of that 3 percent, three-quarters of it is tied up in ice and glaciers."
"It's probably the best freshwater fishing in the country."
"It's helping a lot that the Israelis are exporting fresh water to their neighbors; California should be doing the same thing."
"They are the most vast and vital bodies of freshwater."
"Tilapia is a freshwater organism that inhabits shallow waters like ponds, rivers, etc."
"Only 1% of it is fresh water that we can drink."
"The Great Lakes system, with a combined surface area of 244,100 square kilometers, holds about 20 percent of the world's fresh surface water."