
Individualization Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Costume design needs context, it is not the same as a collection of fashion- it is very individualized and meant to be in a specific world."
"At the end of the day, nutritional advice should be individualized."
"I got y'all with your moves if you're a six foot one player."
"There's a very good reason for this specific protocol it's because every rider is different and your FTP only tells part of your story."
"First and foremost thing that we should exercise is individualization of the type 2 diabetes treatment plan."
"Treatment has to be individualized; no two people's fatigue is exactly the same."
"Discipleship has to be individualized and decentralized."
"Your well-being journey needs to be tailored to you."
"Thyroid lab tests really need to be individualized."
"If we understand the components of trance induction, then we can tailor an induction to suit the needs of the unique client in front of us." - Matt Terrell
"When coaches look at what's out there, they read all these books, watch all the videos, and they don't prescribe to what's been put in front of them. They come to their own conclusion and mold it to the person they have in front of them."
"That's the magic word and the magic word in fitness is context. It depends."
"Individualized care can address barriers and provide better patient care in the future."
"Having individualized treatment plans is very important moving forward."
"You've got to design everything tailored to the individual, and so that was two workouts back to back. Then take a day off and then have a back workout."
"As long as they are consistent within themselves, you can gauge improvements."
"It's all got to be individualized and focused on you as yourself, not anyone else."
"It's finding what works for you based off of some Universal principles."
"It's trying to pick out the principles that generally can be applied to most people and then tease out the nuances."
"Find whatever feels comfortable for you so you can feel that stretch."
"The insight approach focuses on building your best practices for taking the LSAT, building your skills, building your methods, tailoring them to your own style."
"Honestly, if you've got multiple people driving it is really useful because like I said you can have all of your presets set up your phone and things like that based off of your own individual key fob which is amazing."
"Learning how to individualize for training is absolutely essential to make real progress."
"You are the individualization of the all, a minuscule degree of Consciousness connected to the super Consciousness."
"If you understand principles, you can match the tool to the athlete's specific need."
"treating stress as an individual problem is ultra effective at keeping us from questioning existing systems"
"So there is no single best number of times a muscle should be trained per week; rather, it should be individualized based on your current individual circumstances."
"TV and streaming has individualized all of media to the point where it's like well there's a million shows for a billion people and not everyone's gonna watch it."
"If you follow and listen to all these different factors you can start to begin to develop a balanced approach to nutrition and ultimately find the best diet that works for you which will lead to the best results."
"The core of therapy should not be techniques but individualization and modification according to the patient's needs."
"...high-level creative care individualized for each animal."
"Every surgery should really be individualized for the patient."
"This is about a process of individualization."
"It's about finding what people can do that's progress and that's part of the individualization of the coaching process."
"The importance of an individualized approach... we assess where the athlete lies in terms of physiology, psychology, strengths, and weaknesses."
"Look at your children's strengths and weaknesses, assess where they're at, and then you can be able to pick a curriculum that fits them with where they're at."
"Uniform responses don't always serve the client's best interests."
"ASV achieves physiologically individualized ventilation by automatically selecting the breathing pattern and by continuously adapting to changes in lung function."
"We have a choice and the choice needs to be individualized and personalized."
"Now everybody has their own individualized plan personalized to them."
"General principles of motivation must be tailored to the specific circumstances of the individual student."
"Patient-centered care is individualized care."
"The whole point of the FIT principles is that they can be used to plan and to manage appropriate levels of overload for each individual."
"Would you really train a 13 year old the same way you train a 57 year old? Probably not identically."
"Every single program must concord with the first six training principles, but the degree to which those principles are applied is a question for individualization."
"Individualization is very important to apply to every single program."
"This really calls for new strategies that put the focus on each individual customer."
"Meeting the individualized needs of the child is what special education really is."
"The survey link in this email invitation system is individualized so that when someone answered, then that you know, response status will show in the system."