
Spooky Quotes

There are 286 quotes

"I highly recommend it for anyone who wants something kind of spooky but also wants a magical feel."
"The atmosphere vibes for being creepy and spooky and scary unmatched unparalleled absolutely perfect."
"If you like haunted house stories, if you like things that go bump in the night, if you like just feeling really tense atmospheres, I think you're really gonna like this."
"It may not have been like the most Halloween-themed, but it's still spooky."
"Now, if you love creepy videos, then you'll love the rest of our content."
"It's a little spooky but it's nothing that's going to you know give you nightmares but I think you take some of those elements and you just kind of turn them."
"Lights off, volume up, we be getting spooky in here."
"This whole thing is spooky, by the way, this whole thing is spooky."
"Spooky season makes you want to go to Disneyland."
"Bigfoot caught on drone, a spooky encounter in Salt Fork State Park."
"It wouldn't be spooky if it didn't look so real and they clearly succeeded here."
"If there ever was a spooky town, it's Salem, Massachusetts."
"Let's just jump on into today's spooky video."
"The ghost horse I made white giving it more ghosty vibes and the accents are dark gray making it even more spooky looking."
"This place is creepy, this is creeper doing."
"Until then, you all stay spooky, and remember the best things happen in the dark."
"Not all tourist attractions are as charming as they may seem; some even seem like something out of a horror movie."
"House of the Dead in Atchison is definitely haunted."
"For me, it was nothing more exciting and more spooky than kick-off track Fire on High."
"You asked for it, so let's get spooky, baby."
"I feel very witchy in this, very spooky, witchy."
"This place is supposedly super duper haunted."
"This place looks like it is haunted."
"What is it about abandoned hotels that make them so spooky?"
"It's darker, spookier, set in the Wild West, has a Norman Bates vibe to the house."
"Never have I seen the Jersey Devil... gives you the heebie-jeebies for a second."
"It's Halloween time to get spooky."
"October is the month for spooky things."
"A haunting and spooky place with terrible stories to tell."
"It is a cavalcade of the cadaverous, a spectrum of the spooky, a panoply of the paranormal, an odyssey of oddities… let’s just call it: a menagerie of the macabre."
"Let’s make the most of this spooky night, and see what kind of bizarre tales we can unearth in the cemeteries of the world. Won’t you please join me?"
"Halloween is the spookiest time of the year."
"Bigfoot isn't the spookiest of monsters."
"Listening to your guys' music actually makes me want to scare the [__] out of myself, and it's spooky season so like I think I'm going to have some night terrors this month. Let's [__] go guys."
"I might take Shadia to the haunted Spring Hill cemetery."
"We're going to have a spooky nighttime routine, face mask, do all the things. It's going to be a vibe."
"I wanted it to kind of be spooky kind of and I associate green with scary things."
"Certainly some spooky tales from the woods."
"It was a spooky forest, and I have tons of stories about what I saw in there that makes most horror movies look like a joke."
"It seems like a lot of people have had some pretty spooky things happen to them while up in the mountains."
"My top number one spooky scary dark aesthetic deck is the Murder of Crows Tarot."
"I ordered a CD of spooky but kid-friendly songs, and on the chosen day, we turned out the lights but lit candles inside the pumpkins we carved and sat in a circle to sing."
"It’s just a spooky place, is all. Atmosphere like this would get to anyone…"
"It's like a neighborhood Halloween haunted house in the best way. Rooms with creepy toys, cobwebs, doors that lead to over-the-top scares."
"I mean, this is, you know, debris everywhere, an old rickety gate, long winding driveway. At night, when there's a house, eerie or no house, yeah, it's kind of creepy."
"Buckle up, it's going to be a spooky ride as I'm exiting this neighborhood, checking out the Halloween decorations."
"Can you feel the spooks invading my body?"
"The 8th floor especially is the most haunted place in this prison."
"The objective is to find something spooky on camera, find something entertaining for y'all, and find a place to sleep."
"I couldn't picture a spookier scene, being in an abandoned prison."
"Dude, this is the most haunted place I've ever been."
"As dangerous and tiring and frustrating as it may be, the perfect spooky books."
"I think this book is perfect for spooky season."
"Blade, huge, big spooky boys character you gotta have him."
"Time to turn off the lights and get some holy water cuz it's spooky time."
"Stagecoach Road is definitely a very eerie place and not somewhere that you want to find yourself alone late at night."
"Everybody, as always, stay spooky."
"Until the next one, you all stay spooky, and remember: 'The best things happen in the dark.'"
"Life is short and I want it full of spooks."
"...we saw what could only be described as a grim reaper tall and skinny a skeletal figure shrouded in shadow cloaked in that smoky swirling mist..."
"Do you like spooky or do you like witchy?"
"Lucky Cafe, the spookiest cafe in the whole of India."
"Bertha liked it when he told her spooky stories and she would always beg him to tell another."
"This is considered one of the most haunted cemeteries in the country."
"That's the spookiest thing I've ever seen."
"Ye Otis Ghost, ye only true and original spook."
"Everything I look for in a spooky ugab Booga ghost story is present here and it's all so good."
"Someone was looking into her window. It was one of the skeleton witches."
"They left all their possessions and just got the hell out of that house because reportedly it was haunted."
"Spooky season, I just want to see a bat, you know? A bat, not like in a scary way but like if there's a bat involved anywhere then I'll be fine."
"I am always here for a theater ghost as discussed like I really really really am an Alaskan theater ghost like mate sign me up that sounds spooky and cold and spooky again."
"For all of you out there that might not be so spooky, but you are eerie and weird, I see you."
"You can't have a spooky basket without a spooky, you know?"
"Spookiest Halloween in the world!"
"So while they're on this trail walking and talking, Sullivan, Fred, Ted, decides to start bringing up the subject of the supernatural en cryptids and weird things like that to try and make it more spooky."
"The spooky soundtrack to This Spiel is thunder, everybody."
"Are they simply mortal prankster children with spooky souls who stumbled upon the realm of their wildest dreamy nightmares?"
"Halloweentown is like Never Neverland for spooky souls."
"Spooky in here with all the crows."
"I just love the fact that it is spooky but gorgeous at the same time."
"It has that spooky feeling without actually being scary."
"The pace of this book is just really fun and exciting; it's definitely more on the spooky side."
"I told you this room's bloody haunted."
"Stay spooky, everybody! Happy Halloween!"
"But those horrible centuries well managed in a different time period. Yeah, well he'll snow it's not happening, but exactly is it was spooky."
"...an experience that will always stick with me as being strange and spooky."
"That's the best Shady story I've heard in a minute because we've been reading spooky stories."
"So join us tonight on the spooky adventure through one of the most haunted homes on the entire East Coast."
"A spooky ghostlike figure of a woman in a white dress with black hair standing still."
"...Lindsay Curry does such a great job at writing really really spooky middle grade books that kind of get under your skin..."
"Welcome to Nightmare Season! Yes, that's right, it's time for spooky tales."
"And you'll be hearing from me again very soon until then you will stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark."
"This was definitely spooky, but also kind of cool at the same time."
"Coraline is definitely the best Halloween book that you could ever pick up. It's so spooky, it's the right amount of creepy. It's very fantastical."
"This to me is how you kick off the spooky season"
"...one of my absolute favorite things to do...is to support small spooky businesses..."
"Look at this haunted house guys, all the windows light up."
"Short and packed, short and packed. Spoopy thick."
"Time to play, we're super spooky up in here."
"There's something quite spooky and mystical about it with these jagged cliffs."
"Oh my god, look at the ghost town sign. It's got like little spiders all over it, they've thought of everything, it's so cool."
"...spooky scarecrow there, for joining me here tonight at Creepy World Scream Park..."
"I like all those spooky things. I like the magical spooky things. I like the funny spooky things. I like the kind of like adorable campy spooky like I'm a fan of it all. I really am."
"If you like the spooky stuff, you're definitely going to want to check it out, as I always say because this guy is the king of haunts."
"Top five spooky ghost videos that will make you poop yourself."
"Mississippi boasts a much darker Legacy, one rot with spine-tingling ghostly fables."
"I like this because it's like classic spooky Halloween type stuff."
"A Haunted Amusement Park, a ghost-infested prison Island, and a weathered Castle harboring the Restless spirits of those who passed within long ago await."
"Not all of them are spooky but all of them are perfect for Halloween."
"Again, it's just a nice little classic spooky tree with a face on it and I think it just looks so awesome."
"Wow, this is creepy, this is an absolute ghost village."
"I don't see the 12-foot tall skeleton, but I do see the 12-foot tall Jack Skellington right there."
"Oh wow, pretty spooky, pretty spooky."
"It's just a really cute book like there's a lot of illustrations all throughout just really spooky and fun."
"I wanted to start my spooky village this year."
"Ghost Game doing that weekly trick of Digimon doing a spooky thing with humans exhausted my personal desire to see it long before the show finished."
"My favorite genre of Halloween media is not so much scary horror movie Halloween, but more like classic spooky Halloween ambiance."
"For all these reasons and more, many have claimed the building to be incredibly haunted."
"Taking into account its fascinating history long list of purported hauntings and range of chilling ghost stories in urban legends, we felt the C&O Canal towpath was an easy pick in our books as the most haunted hike in the United States."
"Just about every New England town during the fall time feels incredibly spooky but no place is quite as synonymous with the term as Salem."
"Gravity Hill is terrifying... it's the ghost children that died on this bus crash."
"This is the haunted Scooby-Doo mansion."
"Is there somebody out there? Sounds like somebody's walking but there is no one there, okay."
"I think it is like a perfect book for summer if you still want to feel like a little bit spooky but you still want to feel a little bit summery at the same time."
"Um Frank and I are out here now ready to go yep and uh it's already getting kind of spooky."
"Sad ghost taking home the Sodor cup."
"Any spooky things or anything you saw this video that you want to talk about?"
"I love spooky things and concepts."
"I ended up actually having the worst night's sleep that night with nightmares thrown in there for good measure."
"The little one said that he could see him at night crawling down the hallway, the doors would open and close on their own and they would hear disembodied voices and feel negative energy stuff like that."
"I've always been a big fan of ghost stories and spooky things."
"Wow, you know Halloween is just a couple days away. I thought the place would be decorated by now. Still looks like a house where scary things happen but more in a that's not the right color for tap water kind of way."
"I'm not really a Believer per se but a lot of spooky and unexplained things have happened at night, so many that I have no choice but to begin to believe when it's all added up together."
"If this was in a haunted house, tens across the board."
"Spooky, kind of scary to be honest."
"You never hear about haunted retirement homes, right? So, have you experienced anything spooky?"
"In a spooky video shared on social media, user Reuben and Colin Roman have encountered a puzzling event that's caused a lot of interest online. The video was taken during a boat trip near the coast of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico."
"My number two is Halloween, it's spooky time baby, there's something about wanting to get scared, wanting to be in a spooky atmosphere that's inherently fun."
"That's spooky. What's up with that? That's shrouded in mystery."
"Monster High welcomes you back to creepy sights."
"I'm a lover of all things weird and creepy."
"When hinges creek in doorless chambers and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls, that is the time when ghosts are present."
"This just sounded really creepy and spooky and I haven't heard anyone talk about this before so I'm really excited to give this a read at some point and it's just a really pretty hardback as well."
"This is Halloween, this is Halloween!"
"I love ghosts, coffins, and jack-o'-lanterns."
"Either way, I hope that you have a fantastic spooky day."
"The haunting riffs and spooky vibe just create the perfect atmosphere."
"May your dreams be sweet and your nightmares be spooky monster scary and not Grandma clip showed style."
"It's one of my favorite spooky middle grade books of all time."
"It's a great summer read, it's very spooky, very atmospheric."
"Hello friends of the dark, it's October which means we're talking about the evil, the scary, and the spooky."
"I know a spooky story about ghosts."
"Sometimes you'll find things that aren't probably intended to be spooky but can totally be used in a spooky gothy way."
"It is Halloween once again, where all the ghosties and ghoulies and long-legged beasties and things go bump in the night."
"Super spooky but it was a lot of fun."
"Doors creaked and the tombstones quake, spooks come out for a swing and wake."
"I could not resist because I feel like this is once again a cute little spooky all year round set."
"It's just little spooky things on a sweatshirt, and I thought that was really cute."
"I actually love spooky stuff, so I'm literally so prepared."
"A haunted house: Fun, spooky skeletons, cobwebs, a talking pumpkin, spiders, a witch, and a floating ghost."
"Something eerie and unexpected, something splattered and spooky, something that brings ghouls, vampires, and werewolves into the night."
"What a ghostly looking picture, why don't you try it if you dare."
"We started around a campfire, spooky ghost stories."
"Sit back, relax, and get ready for some truly spooky stories."
"It's Friday, and it's late and creepy, you know, normal spooky season Shenanigans."
"It wasn't too scary, and was just the right amount of weird."
"It helped introduce me to the spooky stuff I'd enjoy later in life."
"Oh honey, if you like that spooky stuff, then you've come to the right place."
"It was spooky, but like made you think, and it was very scientifically based; it was amazing, amazing."
"This story is easily one of the spookiest true stories I have ever come across."
"This is so beautifully spooky, I love it."
"Spooky stories are a great way to fall asleep."
"Vampathon is a spooky week of reading that I host every single year."
"These books are just inherently Gothic and spooky to me."
"I had so much fun reading this, even though it was pretty spooky."
"It's a bit spooky alone at night in the woods."
"Happy Halloween, happy spooky times."
"I'm telling you like every autumn we are just blessed with the strange and the spooky, and that is my jam."
"I love ghosts, I love Ghoulies, I love spooky stuff."
"If you like things to be atmospheric and spooky, I feel like you would also enjoy this one."
"We hope you have a spooky Halloween."
"Tell me something spooky," the little girl pleaded with her mother, her green eyes wide and unblinking.
"The Helm of midnight by Marina Lostetter is thrilling and chilling, and very spooky."
"It's the dead of the night in this spooky castle, it's in total darkness, you trundle along a winding track and be faced with all kinds of sudden ghostly goings-on, ghoulishly great fun."
"I love everything about the paranormal, the spooky, the creepy."
"She does look scary, in my opinion, good enough. Virgo, she looks pretty good for a ghost."
"It's about to get spooky; it's about to get scary out here."
"It's just so fabulous and fun and silly, and yet a little boo-ki scary a little bit."
"It's a vibe, it's spooky and disconcerting for various reasons."
"This is spooky when you go into this, you expect to see the Mystery Machine sitting right there."
"It's a spooky night, it's raining, but it's just ambiance."
"It sounds spooky and culturally rich and I'm just really excited to give this one a go."
"We’re being spooky ghosts you guys!"
"It is so spooky, it is so creepy, so maybe don't listen at night."
"When you hear the name Elvira, only one person comes to mind: horror icon and quintessential symbol of all things spooky, the one and only Mistress of the Dark."
"Watch out, 'cause today's story is gonna be a little bit spooky."
"Once upon a time, there was a ghost, a really, really spooky ghost."
"The vibes I'm getting are kind of like mysterious, spooky, very quiet, silent."
"Greetings from the haunted hollow here in Michau State Forest."
"It's a little spooky, I'm not gonna lie."