
Animal Husbandry Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Ants have learned to keep livestock, but instead of cattle, they breed aphids."
"Pigeons are some of the oldest domesticated birds, they've been kept for thousands of years and used for food, sending messages, and entertainment."
"I want to move my pig, so I've had a lot of animals in my 2020 garden area before. I've had ducks in there, I've had chickens rotate through there, I've had goats in there, and so now, since May, I've had pigs in there."
"A cow on a homestead, providing milk and having babies, and later on providing meat for a family lives a fantastic life."
"In regenerative agriculture, pigs are a highly valuable animal to use to impact the land."
"I think I wanna get a second horse before we get a cow or a llama."
"The advantages of cultivating large extensions of land and of grazing uncountable flocks and herds has allowed us to grow enormously."
"Friends, I hope you enjoyed this week in the life where we went from two goats to seven goats."
"I love kidding season. It's just so much fun to get to be a part of just new life coming into the world."
"I would keep pigs even if I couldn't eat them."
"The domestic pigeon is actually the oldest domesticated bird."
"Having goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, and rabbits can mean the difference between a fairly good and healthy diet and one that's terribly lacking in protein."
"Let me tell you something my dudes who it is stanky up in here man damn I mean we got cow poop pig poop sheep poop and cacti poop all in the same place absolutely disgusting."
"98% of births unassisted... that's unheard of pretty much."
"I was very happy to finally be ranching gassy moos."
"Chickens are a gift from God and companions to keep us healthy and alive."
"The learning curve is much steeper with animals, I genuinely think as far as food sustainability goes, the garden is your best bet."
"That's our chicken sustainability, man. We like to keep a rooster just in case one day we need to breed our own chickens."
"Unlike any other livestock animal, rabbits you can sell as pets."
"Everybody wants to have that amazing zoo facility outdoor yard with tons of reptiles."
"Proper handling of mole rats could be important if they could be domesticated."
"The breed of the cow, the age of the cow, and how it's raised can influence the fat content and fat flavor of beef."
"...I sincerely hope you enjoyed watching today's video. It's always a blast getting to set up new enclosures for amazing animals and showing you the process."
"Raise them from baby chicks. Take it from me, it is one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have."
"If you can smell the pigs, they need to move."
"If you're planning on bringing ducks onto your homestead, that means that you're going to have to deal with brooding ducklings."
"We now know why it's not good to have too many roosters."
"The more the cows produce a lot of milk, most of the time when they're recently carved down, they're really bullish."
"If you start getting to that four-year-old pig, you know you're at the 250, 275."
"Dealing with parasites is one of the most confusing things about working with goats."
"...if you're not using a pump and you're a slow hand milker, you are going to go through a lot of grain."
"To raise profitable litters, s must have good housing."
"Cows have become our favorite I call it the Cornerstone Animal on our Homestead so really this cow the mini Jersey but also we love our guarantee our breath Moon Yeah breath."
"We got to build an entire new structure for the pigs, an entire new structure for the rabbits, an entire new structure for the baby goats."
"Katernix Quail cannot free range they cannot be just out in the open because they have no natural defenses."
"Best ever, no health issues. Never found one single lamb in lamb this season that didn't make it. Not a single one."
"We're just very blessed and very lucky to be able to raise these animals."
"It's always important to start out with good animals."
"Who doesn't want to raise bison? Awesome animals."
"If we removed antibiotics in livestock, you would see that the whole feedlot system... would have to be made a lot more humane."
"I always want to be able to give my birds the most amount of room and space to grow and be birds as I can."
"Jacob's care leads to the prosperity of laan's flocks, drawing a parallel with Hermes who is seen as a protector of pastors."
"They make excellent mothers and probably one of the more parasite resistant of the goat breeds."
"We have a working farm, we have lots of critters here on the farm."
"Keeping them all alive is the trick; piglets are pretty weak when they're first born."
"Our chickens are Bremers, they're very big... so we need to make sure they've got enough room in their coop."
"These little guys are doing wonderful; they're growing like crazy."
"Critters and crops, that's cute because it has the animals and has gardening all tied together."
"Riding horses is a big part of the job; it's how cowboys got around before cars and it allows us to herd cattle without scaring them."
"I feel like we finally cracked the code for raising birds, at least with these guys."
"The way to have healthy plants is to put animals on the land because the poop and the pee from animals is what makes the soil healthy."
"We have about 60 something chickens here on the ranch, and it's a miscellaneous of birds inside of here."
"Back in the Iron Age, the people here were baking bread, feeding their animals, or perhaps brewing beer."
"If you treat that Holstein cow right, she's going to treat you right."
"Start with the commercial breeds like the New Zealand White and the Californian."
"The plants are lush and growing well, this is just a very functional and great way of keeping the animals."
"The more gas your animals release, the more you pay."
"You got to remember the cow works for you; you don't work for the cow."
"I'm very, very proud of these birds."
"No one believes you can have this many animals on this much land and improve rangeland conditions."
"The thought of raising an animal in peace and happiness from pasture to plate is something you don't learn living in a big city like L.A."
"Keeping the puppies warm is probably the number one thing that you need to focus on for the first two weeks of their lives."
"The biggest challenge about owning bison is working them."
"We're trying to create a good cow-calf herd operation and raise these awesome animals."
"They're just very hardy, easy to keep animals."
"We farm 600 acres of land and we have about a thousand little piglets in the barn at all times."
"Nellie's teats are nice and wide and full of milk, so she should get a lot of milk out of that awesome udder in a hurry."
"The fluidity of animal husbandry and keeping, caring for biology in your own home, it's gonna be a perpetual change."
"You definitely want to keep a close eye on your dairy cows, especially if they are a high producing breed after they calve, because they can get milk fever."
"I'm very happy with the system, I'm very happy with the goats that we have."
"Just love taking a cow that you can tell has potential and good blood and turning her around."
"These buff Orpingtons will sit on a nest of eggs and actually hatch them out."
"I think drovers will be around as long as there are cattle, people who understand animals and like working with animals."
"We have a 13-acre property, so we have some space for some animals, and the wife wanted goats."
"Calf sharing is where you share the amount of milk with the calf."
"Ben the farmer was overjoyed to discover that his horse was expecting."
"The best way to raise these animals would be to have multiple pastures and to rotate them consistently."
"None of those things actually contribute to the Health and Longevity of a goat; they're just fun to look at."
"Let them eat what they have access to already, that comes down to good pastures, good fences."
"That's what this is all about, it's about putting in the work that we need to put in, in order to have safe and healthy calves as well as safe and healthy moms."
"You actually get better queen acceptance if you don't have attendants in the queen cage when you introduce her."
"Chickens are raised according to an industrial model with feeding troughs and drinking water, ensuring cleanliness, proper temperature, and humidity help the chickens grow strongly."
"I live up here in Michigan. I raise horses, I also raise cattle, but for the last couple of years, specifically this past year, I have switched from the cattle and the horse industry to running sled dogs."
"In my opinion, yes, they absolutely do grow faster when kept together."
"Now we can hatch them, do our genetic tests, and know exactly what we have."
"Are you first and foremost an independent family farmer that is working with your animals? That is probably the most important piece of the financial picture."
"This is the kind of life that I really dream about, to feed animals."
"Pastoralists must move from one pasture to another during the year to provide for their herds."
"Sometimes the cows have to kind of help us stay afloat, and sometimes the horses pull their weight just fine."
"We love raising animals and gardens and spending lots of time outdoors here in the foothills of the Ozarks."
"We've built this genetic up, we're on our about fourth generation of these Hogs."
"We've been raising goats for the last 13 years, but about a year ago we became interested in the world of showing goats."
"1500 baby ball pythons last season says we are."
"Do your cows rest from milking at some time? Yeah, cows rest for about two months before they give birth again."
"The idea is certainly working; this year Mr. Darwin hasn't lost a single lamb."
"Healthy animals produce healthy offspring."
"Our calf crop percent this year was 92%, which I mean anything over 90 I'm pretty happy with."
"The saliva acts as a hormone to make the grass grow faster and better."
"Treat them well, and they'll treat you well too."
"There are no simple answers; there's just too many factors surrounding the selective breeding of these animals."
"Being the eternal optimist that I am, I'm looking at the bright side of this kidding season."
"Controlled environment for optimal productions is to increase the production of these animals."
"It's the only time I have patience in my life when I'm dealing with the animals, but you just can't rush this."
"They're always clean, very clean, this is amazing."
"To domesticate an animal means, through directed selection over more than ten generations, to bring out a special species that does not exist in nature."
"We love chickens and gardens and raising animals and spending time outdoors here in the foothills of the Ozarks."
"Sheep get a little boat ride out to smaller islands where they spend the whole summer."
"Our cows are raised on grass the way Mother Nature intended."
"The biggest thing to remember with baby chicks is they are extremely fragile."
"Now I think the most appealing part of Idaho Pasture Pigs is that when they are completely mature, they're not nearly as big as a standard hog."
"I think they're gonna love it here and I can't wait to see how well this pasture area does over the next year, two, and three years after we have the chickens and the goats out here."
"We do raise very few quail. We have button quail, which are pretty much pets."
"If you want an easy livestock, small is always going to be easier than larger."
"I really enjoyed raising these pigs."