
Cryptocurrency Resilience Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Bitcoin will survive, crypto will survive without Tesla and Elon."
"Every time Bitcoin gets challenged, it puts up another shield and gets stronger."
"Bitcoin is not down and out. Bitcoin is up over a thousand percent since a year ago."
"Crypto has always returned from every crash it's ever had."
"You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube; it's out. You can't kill Bitcoin, and the more you try, the more popular you make it."
"Bitcoin always recovers, forms a new high, and that's because the fundamentals keep getting better and better."
"You can't stop Bitcoin, no matter what the constitution says, it is here to stay."
"Bitcoin's not dead at all. Don't fall for the FUD."
"Bitcoin is a wild ride, but there will be times where you get tested."
"Anyone who thinks that you can just unplug one box and then Bitcoin is done, please laugh in their face."
"I think it is a very high certainty that bitcoin survives and thrives."
"Crypto is impossible to destroy. Evolve or die."
"The Ethereum user base remains strong despite the ongoing bear sentiment."
"Bitcoin's been canceled hundreds of times... and it's still not going anywhere."
"Crypto's never going to die, it's just not... We have for Pete's sakes, we've got El Salvador using it as legal tender, we've got BlackRock investing into Bitcoin mining."
"Bitcoin doesn't have to succeed, it only has to survive."
"Is this the end of crypto? Not a chance. We are definitely going to see continued resilience in this space."
"Bitcoin is the honey badger and it literally doesn't care what anybody thinks."
"Nobody's gonna ban Bitcoin, all right? There's a two trillion dollar asset class in crypto that's not gonna go away."
"Hold bitcoin through an 85 drawdown and you're a warrior. Hold bitcoin through a bull market phase and you're a warrior."
"Crypto goes down but it gets up again, are you ever gonna keep it down?"
"Bitcoin will make it through it. So far, bitcoin has not done anything that it hasn't done in prior bear markets."
"Bitcoin is a platform, anti-fragile but scalable, serving as a store of value."
"You can't kill Bitcoin, and it's here to stay."
"When Bitcoin drops, what you see is the exact opposite of what you see in other markets. You see those convicted people lean in more."
"The more you try to suppress bitcoin, the more obvious the need for bitcoin becomes."
"Bitcoin is strong, it will get past the media FUD."
"Bitcoin survived without an ETF, it doesn't really need it."
"For some reason Bitcoin and crypto always survive."
"The more you try to kill Bitcoin, the more popular you make it."
"The only way to kill Bitcoin is to destroy the idea of it in each one of our heads."
"Every day that Bitcoin stays alive, the stronger the network gets."
"bitcoin will come back and we'll come back stronger and it's one of those assets and networks that will never go away as more and more countries and companies and people embrace and adopt it"
"I am not going to Bitcoin's funeral because Bitcoin is going to live and it's going to rally."
"SEC can destroy altcoins or shitcoins; SEC cannot destroy Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin doesn't need Elon; Elon Musk doesn't impact bitcoin over the long term."
"Bitcoin build strong hands in strong stomachs."
"Bitcoin is strong. Collectively if we stay together we stay strong we take advantage dollar cost average and we huddle we know that's the right way to do it."
"Crypto is going to continue to succeed regardless of what Elon Musk does. Short term, this is going to be a blip in the radar."
"Crypto is not going away. Crypto is here to stay."
"Bitcoin will rise from the ashes and come back, it's going to."