
Prose Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Take this video as permission to be a little garish, a little gorgeous with your prose if that's what it calls for."
"Documentary as brightly prosaic as it is darkly poetic."
"...part of education should be improving the quality of one's prose..."
"The Quran is an amazingly eloquent and masterful fusion of poetry and prose."
"The prose is perfect, perfectly pitched for the story that it is telling."
"Every writer I ever knew started out as a poet, and it was usually he changed to prose after he found out he couldn't handle poetry."
"His prose, oh my goodness, he's my favorite in terms of prose as well."
"Purple is not only highly colored prose. It is the world written up, intensified and made pleasurably palpable."
"The events that marked them will not be easily accommodate in the deliberately prosaic world of serious prose fiction."
"The prose is a heady, intoxicating brew of poetry, biology, genetics, anatomy, chemistry, physics, topology, neurology, zoology, hallucinations, dreams, memories, and parasites."
"Metaphor, metonymy, and synecdoche – these are the tools of poetry and prose."
"The strength of his prose has just such power... writing was a salvation and necessity, giving testimony... a supreme act of courage."
"Ted Williams has been regarded as one of the best writers of prose and Builders of Worlds around."
"...prose is the lifeblood on which your story thrives in the mind of the reader and therefore to underestimate its value is to ignore the very soul of the medium in which a writer works."
"I just tried to quilt it all together in order to just make the best sentences possible like at the end of the day it's just all about the how compelling can I make this prose and just trying to put that beauty and darkness side by side."
"When people just say prose that doesn't really come without assumption, you know you get novels but a novel can still contain like a huge number of different formats."
"Is there character in prose? Is there character in shot composition? Is there character in sound?"
"Every single sentence in Blood Meridian sings, and it's this gorgeous contrast between the beauty of the prose and the absolute barbarism of the subject matter that makes this book so damn good."
"This chapter was perfect. The cadence, the rhythm of the prose was so beautiful."
"When God speaks in prose he is communicating his thoughts from his mind to your mind, but when he is poetic, he is communicating his feelings from his heart to yours."
"Prose is words in their best order, whereas poetry is the best words in the best order."
"If you like a writer who is a master at the written word and you are a prose snob, and you read your prose with your pinky in the air, this series is that series."
"When you read Cather, you enter into the world, and the rhythm of her prose becomes the rhythm in which you live for that moment."
"The Gettysburg Address and first inaugural a second inaugural they're all beautiful pieces of prose."
"Dolores Claiborne...just stunning prose in this book."
"Poetry is like the song of the self and prose writing is social by definition, you know? It's about other people."
"He was a masterful writer. He had a way of taking all these ideas and writing about them in a kind of compelling prose that captured people's attention."
"It's probably the most beautiful paragraph that I've read in a genre book even based just on the prose alone."
"Anything by Le Guin, not necessarily because of the structure or what she's talking about, but just the beautiful prose."
"If you love beautiful prose but you don't need a ton of plot development, this is going to be your jam. You're going to be right at home. You're going to love it."
"To me, if you love beautiful prose but you don't need a ton of plot development, this is going to be your jam. You're going to be right at home. You're going to love it."
"I still got his amazing prose and his amazing character work."
"Second, the nature of the text, initially, in Israel 66 chapters, only six chapters actually the prophet is employing standard prose."
"His Pros is incredible and look guys like I said I'll make the jokes and be like when's the winner is never coming out but you know what the second that it has a release date I'm taking a day off work to read it."
"If you're a fan of prose, I think that he has extremely subtle yet intentional prose that accomplishes things so well."
"The prose has these recurring Snippets almost like music."
"It was difficult to read... extremely flowery prose."
"She writes some of the most gorgeous prose that I've read in a long time."
"This author just has a really gorgeous way of writing and I really do love the writing in this."
"The prose really functions as a kind of prayer prayers are full of repetition in fact prayer itself is a repetition"
"Septology takes a fairly well-trodden trope of exploring a character's interiority through stream of consciousness prose, but he manages to make it feel completely fresh."
"Her writing, I mean no sentence, no word is wasted in her prose."
"She has gorgeous prose, she has the ability to write very creepy, unsettling, disturbing atmosphere that you just sink into and feel uncomfortable along with these characters."
"She had a unique gift for that sort of just easy breezy prose."
"One of those books where you just fall into it and you fall into the world and the rich prose."
"I think Sarah MacLean writes beautifully, she has really luscious prose with gorgeous descriptions."
"The man's ability to craft artful and efficient prose is bar none."
"It's also just excellently written; it has very good prose."
"Books that are written in prose are just a lot more digestible."
"I think that the only form of prose that is going to last is the essay."
"My prose is probably going to outlive my films."
"The cleaner, more concise, more interesting your prose, the better off you are."
"The prose very quickly becomes less purple and just like picks up this narrative cadence that is really interesting."
"The prose here is brilliantly sumptuous and baroque and lush."
"I think you have quite a gift; your witty prose delivers a sophisticated humor packed with plenty of ghoulish giggles."
"The best literary prose tends to be the short story."
"It's just like the prose is perfect, everything's perfect, it just flows."
"The writer knows exactly what she's doing because she is controlling and expressing through ravishing prose."
"It's just something that sucks you in, it is such a gorgeous writing style."
"The prose is so lovely, the themes and the thoughts are so sensitively explored."
"The beauty of the book isn't its language, it's the prose is exquisite."
"Classic style is that prose is a window onto the world."
"But from a critical standpoint, especially when it comes to the prose and the pacing and the tonality, pacing is weak at certain points, but the tone, especially with the writing prose, I really liked it."
"Prose conveys information which is essential, but it's not the same as poetry."
"These writers of the Restoration period are generally considered as the true creators of modern English prose."
"The most characteristic genre of this period was poetry, it was not wanting in prose literature."
"The prose writings which were made available in the Romantic period were quite different from that the 18th century prose writings."
"If you're looking for something that is just beautiful in its prose... I think you need to pick this up."
"There is nothing more perfect in the realm of prose than the story of Ruth."
"On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous... it was really beautiful."
"Told in rich, lush prose, this propulsive and beautiful novel will stay with me for a long time."
"I think it has lyrical passages of breathtaking beauty."
"I've heard fantastic things about the writing; I hear the prose in this is just beautiful and enveloping and just lovely."
"I loved the prose, I loved the humor, the sass."
"The prose is very floral, really really beautiful and poetic."