
Collaborative Work Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"So, everybody gets to make a draft there. Yeah, makes sense. Sure."
"We're on the job full-time to help you, working with the state, the counties, the nonprofit community, and many others. We're all in this fight together."
"You guys are crushing it, and I'm so excited for our ongoing coverage of SN 8 and 9."
"One of my favorite parts of the entire process honestly was getting to work with folks on our amazing internal concept art team."
"I feel like everything I do is so collaborative with you guys."
"It's been an absolute blast, I love doing this stuff, we'll be back again."
"We did it all for free, because we want to work with these artists and build something in the future."
"Real life was great working with Alexander because he's a very visual guy. We'd be looking over here and he go well what about if we go over there and look from there, and I mean he was fearless."
"I look forward to hopefully getting you back on the show again in the future where we can delve deeper into those future experiments absolutely."
"As far as voiceover heroes, it's like I'm in awe of the people that I get to meet and work with all the time."
"Unfortunately not, you have to do it with the team."
"Support from patrons allows me to hire folks to assist with research writing editing and everything else."
"There doesn't seem to be any ill-will towards those involved working on the other version of Toy Story 3."
"The work that goes into Shadowlands is truly collaborative."
"The work that goes into Shadowlands is as much yours as it is ours."
"Patriotism is knowing this country is great, but working together to make it even greater."
"He was always destined, even when I was acting, we were working together on that thing."
"She had this amazing vision and I wrote it and recorded it all down and we have a work to do from God and you're part of it." - Kevin
"Do not quit and just put as much time as you can into it because I promise it will pay off."
"Sometimes ideas start in different places but you can always meld them into one great thing."
"I'm really proud of the work that we did on the van."
"What bike is this... put together with my [__] two hands... mostly Paul's."
"If all of you are working together then you can't survive together."
"Working with James was amazing, he's very kind, he's very passionate, and he's a lot of fun."
"Anytime you can get an extra pair of hands, it is a very good thing."
"Sometimes having a team working hand in hand opens you to new perspectives."
"There is still work to do here but I do feel like it's work you're going to be completing together."
"It's really important that people work in a team."
"Enjoy it as much as possible because it is so much fun working with y'all."
"I'm relieved I'm doing it with people that I'm inspired by." - Maya
"I'm really glad that audiences are responding to this movie. Being able to do this again with Don and Gwyneth is a great pleasure." - Robert
"We're gonna team up and work on the exhaust manifolds and building some fake axles."
"I love creating things, I like imagining, I like production too. There's so much to love about being on set and working with people."
"Every project that I've done, every friend of mine has been in in some way shape or form because I needed them."
"You need to review someone else's project and someone has to review your projects. It's not just about reviewing, but it's the learning process."
"Working altogether with wakana and Marin was fun."
"I love this cast and crew... one of my absolute favorite groups that I've been a part of."
"I always say I'm looking forward to creating history because I feel like when we work together that's exactly what we can make."
"It's my pleasure to be here, so today I'm going to share the research I've been doing with my very talented colleagues and students."
"He's a phenomenal talent, I'm very lucky to work with him."
"We were the only cast of all the incarnations that the whole cast got on."
"I'm so excited to see what we create for the team."
"Filmmaking is always a collaboration, and you're always sacrificing some of your vision in order to collaborate."
"It feels like a team thing, yeah, if you're using a character whose story you developed."
"It's such a joy to be up there doing it and filming it, and we have such a good time working on it together."
"Now you can be more creative in Word, more analytical in Excel, more expressive in PowerPoint and more productive in Outlook, and even more collaborative in Teams."
"Chemistry is so important in partner work because you have to trust each other."
"They want to work hard together with you, maybe for some great fortune."
"It's such a blessing when you get to work with guys who both know and understand the process."
"This is a relationship of reciprocity, a partnership, a union of souls that is here to do work together from an open-hearted energy."