
Gift Appreciation Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The gifts are for today, literally yes they are."
"This is an early Christmas present for me." - Christian Harloff
"If someone gets you a present, someone thought of you. Jump for joy!"
"When you have dietary restrictions, a food item becomes the most exciting gift."
"This is probably the best gift I've ever gotten, are you kidding me?"
"I've got a shovel, in fact, Rocket just gave me a proper metal shovel as a gift."
"Any gift that you decide to give will be amazing and I'm sure the person will absolutely love it."
"This is the best gift I've ever had in my whole life."
"My friend Rachel got me a goldy face mask, this is amazing!"
"Thank you Julia, I'm gonna feel like a little mini barista at home."
"I think my dad is going to really like the lawnmower 4.0 I got him because with its built-in led keeping those hard to reach delicates groomed and tidy have never been easier."
"I actually cried when I unwrapped this crystal."
"The greatest gift that everyone gave me over the weekend... was that genuinely everyone loved the pony."
"Thank you so much, Connor, for sending the tea. Oh my gosh, Connor pulled through with the tea!"
"That bow is way too good and I want that. So you know what, that's mine. Thank you, wife, you gave me a wedding gift and I appreciate you."
"This top isn't, I'm not a very emotional person but not gonna lie the fact that she made something for me is just like so touching to me."
"When your best friend gets you coated diamonique earrings... another $40, but almost worth it."
"Can you imagine getting any one of these knives on the table as a gift from somebody? Homerun!"
"I love that mug, my favorite thing ever – unexpected gifts mean the world."
"Thank you so much, Ann, for thinking of me and taking the time to send it to me. So excited to have it here!"
"You should be grateful for this Christmas gift."
"It's a birthday gift, I'd be mad if you weren't using it, so I'm glad you're having fun with it. You deserve it."
"I feel like these are the kind of gifts that just everyone loves to receive."
"This is just such a lovely gift. I think this is amazing."
"Look at how freaking cute they got us mugs from their Hometown."
"It's like just on its own, that is one great gift."
"Don't let go of this gift, this is one of your most beautiful gifts."
"If someone presented me with a homemade card with flowers from their garden that they had pressed, I would be absolutely thrilled."
"Thank you so much for this amazing gift, I appreciate it."
"This is a little wax warmer that my friend Lindsay got for me... I think she got it from Target."
"It's like a gift, like it's like freaking awesome man."
"Thank you for the thoughtful gift. I'm so happy you're here with me now."
"Whoever bought some sent me that care package thank you so much that made my whole day i was kind of like in a funk and like it'd be little stuff like that it just really brightens me up i appreciate it thank you."
"This my friends is an Oculus okay it's the meta Quest 3 and I am literally I got this for Christmas and it's the best gift my wife has ever got me."
"Thank you so much to Atana for sending me this dreamy pair of shoes I'm so excited to wear these."
"Thanks, my wife will really appreciate that."
"Let's carry on. Am I the jerk for throwing away the expensive whiskey my brother got me for my 40th?"
"Thank you very much Scrooge, it's exactly what I wanted."
"Thank you so much. This whole package again was so thoughtful I enjoyed it so much and appreciate it so much thank you so much to Samantha and also Allan you guys are amazing."
"Thanks, grandma, for the Starbucks gift card. We love you."
"When you're given a gift, you're supposed to use it."
"Thank you so much for all the gifts. Patience, Christian, and Baby George appreciate your love."
"I'd love to receive anything like this."
"Gift motivates the presence of community because gift goes to work when gift is seen."
"This is so cute, thank you Susan so much for sending me all this stuff."
"Every life that's given to us is a gift."
"Hi Cole, thanks for the flowers. They're beautiful. That was very sweet of you."
"I think I'm going to cry. Thanks, Mom."
"Thank you to everyone that has sent us gifts, we truly appreciate your support."
"Thank you so much, Daddy, you're welcome."
"Thank you for the beautiful gift; I absolutely love it."
"This hat right here, this one that's the one you're talking about, yeah, that is actually a gift from the good people over at Cigar City Brewery."
"I'm literally happy over here with my early Christmas gifts."
"I learned some time ago to never look a gift horse in the mouth."
"It still means all the world because Russell gave it to me," I say stoutly about the ring.
"I never would have thought that I would like this, I actually didn't buy it for myself, it was a gift given to me."
"I'm so glad I was able to give it to you."
"My favorite part about Christmas is watching my parents and my sister open their presents."
"The fact that he spent his hard-earned money on that object to give to you is all that matters."
"I love you, I'm glad you like it."
"Thank you for the gifts, they're super thoughtful. I enjoyed myself with them."
"I'm gonna give it another shot because again this was a gift to me, and we're gonna play around with it until I get some at least maybe one or hopefully two good-looking shots."
"I love my present; it was a very good surprise too. Thank you for keeping it a secret."
"I'm so happy with what I got for Christmas."
"Thank you so much for sending these our way."
"I am so excited for this moment right here because this was a gift."
"Thank you very much for the birthday bag; that was beautiful. I love the fabric."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for thinking of me and sending me that fun-filled package. I loved it so much, but not as much as I love you."
"Thank you so much for my Amazon gift card."
"I was genuinely very thankful for the gift and thought it was lovely."
"I'm so thrilled with this because she knows how much I love red."
"Oh my God, Daddy, that's exactly what I wanted. Oh my God, thank you, thank you!"
"Appreciation is back and supported by something that someone gave you."
"Trust me when I say this is a gift that everybody will appreciate."
"Oh, that's good, oh that is such a good gift, thank you so much."
"I love the [__] out of my gift already."
"Thank you for my gifts, I really like them."
"The slip pillowcases are by far one of my favorite things that I've gotten as a gift."
"The greatest gift anyone could ever give me will always be a book."
"We appreciate that gift; there's not too many people that give gifts nowadays."
"I'm gonna share with you the very thoughtful gifts that I have got this Christmas."
"Thank you to my parents for all the wonderful gifts, I love everything so much."
"Opens birthday card, pretends not to notice money while reading."
"Thank you very much for coming today," the Queen said with a warm smile. "We will be honored by any gifts you have brought us on this momentous occasion."
"Thank you very much, they're amazing, we love them."
"Thank you very much for these, they're really, really beautiful."
"I'm so grateful for everyone who got me gifts this year."
"This is so pretty, I think she is going to love this sweater."
"I'm very humbled by that; it's just a really great gift, so thank you."
"Thank you, I'm gonna love this. Yeah, it's a 10 out of 10."
"The candle was sent to me as a Christmas gift, and I was blown away by the fragrance; it is absolutely stunning."
"Not bad, do you like your gift? I like it, very fun activity, you did a good job."