
Seamless Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The plot development flowed seamlessly from arc to arc."
"Animating loops: from start to finish, creating seamless motion."
"It just gave me the most seamless bronze look."
"Gives you that sort of seamless feel which certainly is appreciated."
"Everything looks so natural and beautiful, you can build it up, everything blends like a dream."
"It makes a natural makeup look seamless, it's wonderful."
"It just becomes so one with the skin."
"When you have a dam, it is your frosting and so it seamlessly blends in when you go to cover the cake."
"It can just hit the ground running and just go from the first frame all the way to the credits."
"Wow, that was smooth, that was smooth."
"The slickness of this process, they were doing a great job when the show was opening back at the start of the year, but now they do it with such speed and such skill and with such minimal interference to your enjoyment of the production that you barely notice them at all."
"For something to loop, the very beginning and the very end have to be exactly the same, so that you never know when the clip restarts."
"Here's a setup that doesn't even look like a setup. It looks like it literally belongs in this room."
"This has actually been an incredibly seamless experience till now."
"His leadership was seamless. At no point did I feel unheard or not acknowledged."
"It works very very well and it's very seamless."
"I thought the acting was really good. All of it like flowed together so seamlessly and it was very enjoyable."
"We really want to do is give the users a pleasant seamless experience."
"That's actually seamless too. I'm a little jealous of it."
"...a really seamless integration."
"The goal is to never be able to tell that these were two separate pieces."
"It was a seamless, effortless experience working together."
"...seamless and authentic and utterly immersive."
"Everything felt seamless and everything blended together."
"Starting off right at the beginning here we have the first of many seamless little Transitions."
"The entire thing on the DVR, everything just feels like it is completely integrated."
"Everything is seamless the way that they've actually done everything all the Landscaping all the detailing has been done extremely well."
"It's really astonishing how you can go from a ballistic, adrenaline-fueled driving experience with explosive acceleration and tight cornering to a modest, conservative, nonchalant driving experience in such a seamless way."
"The great thing about Tesla is that they make everything very seamless."
"They get a completely seamless experience, which is what we want for our users."
"I love it when the transitions are seamless like this."
"The experience should be really seamless."
"...just looks better people will be like less suspicious like that thing low key looks like it's supposed to be here that yeah like the ra just fell down somehow or something exactly."
"This system is so seamless, it's so easy."
"Sounds seamless to me, very impressive."
"it's going to look like it was always there"
"It stops all the crap all the messing with technology before you ride, it just does it seamlessly."
"It all works like there’s so many of these moments that are just like from panel to panel image to image page turn they just fit."
"But oh my gosh, it looks really seamless on the skin, and again did not disrupt anything."
"That flight was so seamless, it was beyond my expectations."
"But Season 1 flowed into Season 2 seamlessly without missing a beat, while adding more layers fueling the central mystery of who killed Laura Palmer."
"It's going to blend seamlessly with it, it's going to look great."
"The fact that this is seamless, it has that added tailored structure, it's knit from the top down in one piece, it all just takes it takes all the boxes for me."
"It's a perfect seamless blend of the classic pop song."
"...because he was quite funny with me we liked him a lot just so you're wondering he was telling me I'm doing a wonderful job I said I'm available next weekend too but he said I'm only doing this once seamless experience"
"...makes learning that much more fun and seamless."
"The listening experience can get a lot more seamless."
"It is almost completely seamless. Like I said, about 99% of the time in my experience, it connects seamlessly."
"They do one thing very well and that's create just a seamless experience."
"I feel like everything just came together so seamlessly."
"It's like, put it on, it's like blending in perfectly to the skin, the whole thing, the whole fantasy."
"Blend is so seamless you would think you've been working with loads of different shades and taking lots of time to get that kind of effect."
"And you can see that you will be able to see no visible change from light to dark. There will be no lines that separate at all. It's like a non-stop dark to light."
"...I felt like this once I applied it blend it into my skin very seamlessly and it just looks like my skin."
"So this is a repeat print and the reason why is because if I simply copy and paste this and then I drag it to match the other side, you can see that it's seamless."
"So this works really well because this is a full repeat print. You're not going to see any seams or any edges in this garment."
"It's all about creating an experience for a user that enables them to get really seamlessly onboarded."
"Check out that blend too, just so seamless between colors."
"It gives the users of Salesforce and also the customers of the businesses that use Salesforce a real seamless experience from start to end."
"We have everything blended and looking seamless."
"We're going to use a Raglan increase to make our sweater which means that there will be no seam, there will be no pieces to sew together."
"And then so as you can see this is an almost invisible join here."
"Our seals are much, much stronger as each part blends together without gaps in the flow."
"The process feels very seamless for your clients."
"It's so seamless from top to bottom."
"It feels like it belongs in the car just like any other unit."
"That's the sort of experience, the most frictionless experience we want to bring about."
"I just think it makes everything look so much more seamless."
"It's just amazing the way the continuous variable transmission interacts with the engine is seamless."
"You can't even tell... it just looks like that's how it's supposed to sit."
"There's no wrinkles, it is flawless. You cannot tell where the paper ends and where the wood begins."
"You cannot tell where the napkin ends; it's stunning."
"It does give that soft radiance to the skin; it looks very seamless."
"It's just such a more seamless experience, and that's the experience that you want your customers to have."
"The seamless transition of the thing is just phenomenal."
"When they intersect, you shouldn't see any seam at all; that's why we call it seamless."
"The transitions in between each song... you don't even register that it's gone into the next song right away, which is so beyond cool to me."
"The whole goal of this is to provide that seamless operation experience."
"The transformation looks seamless."
"It's worked in a continual round, so there is no visible seam at all."
"That way, it will eliminate any visible seams in the hat; there will be no seam."
"It benefits the end user because it is a seamless experience."
"It's really streamlined in terms of how the power moves around; it all feels pretty seamless."
"It gives you such a seamless sound when you can actually have that flexibility."
"Now these clouds now move from left to right, and they move seamlessly."
"I'm so excited, these are definitely the best seamless leggings that Buff Bunny has done."
"And if you look through here, it's just completely seamless and the walk through is completely seamless."
"The biggest praise I can give it is that I gave my dad a 20-minute car ride and he didn't even realize I was using it the entire time."
"It's completely seamless to the user; they'll never know what's all the steps that actually went into making this happen."
"Enable seamless experiences that our customers can go from one device to the next to get things done effortlessly."
"One of these days everything will work out and it will work out seamlessly."
"It just melds everything in, makes everything look so seamless and skin-like."
"It feels like that fun zippy feeling just constantly."
"It looks so seamless underneath the eyes."
"The lightweight seamless is one of my top favorite seamless that Gym Shark does."
"This doesn't look powdery on the skin at all, you can pile on all these products and they just melt right into the skin."
"It's the most beautiful seamless glow, it looks like it's just coming from within your skin."