
Space Adventure Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"This is the spiritual successor for me for Star Wars Galaxies..."
"Join your squadron, weave between asteroids, fly through Imperial dockyards."
"There's actually a pretty good TV show buried inside that garbage about a found family of affably jerky bounty hunters tooling around the solar system, stopping crimes, and trading quips."
"Shooting, looting, and RPG in space has never been this good."
"A new age of exploration is upon us... Space, there is a galaxy full of wonder waiting to be discovered."
"Advent Rising’s story is, in a nutshell, the interstellar conflict and space magic of Mass Effect merged with the colorful animated look and heart of a Pixar movie."
"I like the fact that it's not just a space adventure and firefights take a ship take the enterprise park it over a planet and then have the scenario play out and then give us a life lesson at the end and sweet Star Trek."
"The Argo will be modified with the Wave Motion Engine and the mission to save Earth will begin. And just in time. Earth only has 365 days, well, 364 now, until the radiation kills all remaining life on the planet."
"Skipper you hit the turbo thrusters and just avoid getting target locked by the tractor beam on The Lady Pike."
"The premise would be Lars and the Off-Colors accidentally receiving a distress call that sets off a chain reaction and results in them becoming intergalactic bounty hunters, fighting crime, bringing in criminals, and protecting the galaxy."
"This opening sequence, whoo! My mind as a kid, this is the whole concept of just flying around in space."
"Damon Henderson took on the mantle after it basically fell in his lap he was a senior mechanic on the Astro Mega Ship and was right there when Kai decided to blast off into space sweet deal."
"Space trucking, spice trucking, we're playing Elite Dangerous."
"Embark on an epic space adventure 25 years in the making."
"One of the pirates was on the shuttle, punching Freya!"
"The next trace of antimatter brought us back to another crashed freighter, taking my time to search through the salvage parts around the wreck."
"Whether you listen to it in the dub or the sub they're both fantastic one of the best no if not the best bounty hunter uh series ever and it's in [ __ ] space."
"I gathered my crew, took my ship, and went in search of answers."
"Starfield genuinely plays like Skyrim in space."
"Dude flies around in space fighting aliens with 80s Japanese glam rock while he pilots his mech with a guitar."
"The poseidon adventure in space—it's just wonderful."
"Protecting the spaceship launch... now that's really cool."
"The new paradigm of Star Citizen is you can go to all these planets, you can explore all the planets."
"Docking with the enemy vessel and boarding their ship. Love the no gravity, that's awesome, dude."
"They repair the Invictus and Hugo becomes the captain he goes out and generates the mega flare allowing them to be free."
"If I had Thargoid gear in the cargo hold, they would have probably blown me away."
"You better not be scared, Mars. You'll die if you're left behind."
"Cosmic Ghost Rider, he literally rides his flaming bike in space."
"It feels way more Star Wars, and kind of, you know, fun and sort of space cowboy-ish."
"In a space adventure, it's good to have range."
"Success! I've missed the nuclear missile thing whatever it is but that doesn't matter. I have now successfully extracted in my spaceship." - Jetpack Lunar Jet Man, 1983
"Make Beyond Good and Evil 2 your own space opera where you embody a space pirate captain and develop your legend."
"BG&E 2 is about making you feel like a space pirate captain, with gameplay defined by three key abilities: shooting, close combat, and flying."
"Jean-Luc Picard's new crew along with Soji are free to explore the Stars."
"All the more remarkable then that armed only with a low animal cunning, appallingly laundered underwear, and a great deal of lager they survived their 10-year sojourn in deep space."
"I've taken on ships with worse odds than this."
"He operated in lots of different modes, and whipping star is there's two novels and a couple of short stories in this future, and it's a galactic adventure."
"An American space capsule is swallowed up by a rogue spacecraft, running the risk of World War 3."
"Our story begins on the cargo spaceship Snark, the location far beyond Earth's vicinity space."
"Echoing the essence of both Power Rangers and Super Sentai while giving the concept its own fresh, intergalactic animated twist."
"Welcome to Starbound, where every star tells a story in a universe on the brink."
"The brilliant chief engineer Alf and science officer Brittany, led by the fearless Captain Charlie, are Kopai's last hope."
"It's the story of a cat who lives aboard a spaceship and we get to experience life from his point of view."
"It has the mystery, it has the intrigue, it has the action, it has the Space Marines, it has void battles."
"This is Marvel's flat-out comedy. It's as much comedy as it is space opera."
"Under a three-quarter moon, an angular white space fighter flew through a vast field of tumbling ghost ships."
"We're going to slingshot around the moon and hit it with a barrage of mag rail slugs."
"The galaxy is a dangerous place... I will teach you to protect yourself."
"Interstellar is a space epic following a group of humans who are trying to save the human race."
"Star Wars was about space cowboys, an action movie with sword fighting and starship battles."
"Buzz Lightyear to Star Command, come in Star Command."
"Going on an intergalactic space adventure doesn't sound too bad."
"Explore Saturn's rings and even take a trip through the asteroid belt; this is a once in a lifetime experience you'll not want to miss."
"Welcome to the sun, be careful, it's really hot out here, make sure you keep your space suit on for temperature regulation."
"The moon incredibly had disappeared; he was in space."
"Everybody out there on my spaceship."
"The universe, the infinite frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Swiftwind."
"Bob the dragon steered his spaceship through sparkling stars and around brightly colored planets."
"Well hello and welcome back once again to be myself and I, five parsecs from home."
"Seven Devils by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May is a bunch of gay people in space making bad decisions."
"You have defeated the alien army. Good job, space cadet!"
"I'm really excited to have finally gotten it because I've heard a lot of great things about Astro Lost in Space."
"Space Rangers never leave anybody behind."
"Yema embarked on its most remarkable adventure yet by being the first French watch in space."
"He stalks the galaxy, one man on a mission of cosmic vengeance."
"I'm the richest space pirate around."
"It's gonna be all about little moments that stain your intergalactic crew."
"On Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, pilot your own spinning star cruiser and save the galaxy from Sinister Emperor Zerg."
"Play as one of the infamous crew of the spaceship Bebop and hunt criminals in this action-packed and jazzy deck-building game."
"I loved it. I love the parts where they were in space and flying around."
"A lone astronaut must save the Earth from disaster."
"If you liked the space element of it, if you liked going to different planets and heart-wrenching storytelling, Saga's probably the way to go."