
Friendly Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"I'll see you guys soon, take care, bye for now."
"Henchman: Friendly demon with a complicated morality."
"He's just like, 'What's up, Tobin?' It's awesome."
"Well, guys, this has been awesome and I loved talking to you guys."
"I'm Frosty the Snowman, and you must be my special friend for life."
"It's always really friendly staff here at West Midlands Safari Park."
"Take care guys and I'll catch you guys later."
"Enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you guys again."
"You guys have a fantastic day. See you on the flippity flop."
"We're all new, we're all friendly here, right?"
"What a spot, and it's still family-run, they're extremely friendly."
"She has an uncomplicated, friendly nature."
"...considerably more civilian friendly than a lot of the stuff that's being produced by Google."
"family friendly family friendly family friendly yes small family friendly"
"You look like fun to me. You look a little like somebody I know."
"It was just like having a conversation with friends."
"But for as friendly and not-so-evil as he is, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s - as far as we’re concerned - the smartest inventor in the ‘Despicable Me’ franchise."
"Whale sharks are naturally friendly to the extent that they'll actually swim with people and even take them for a ride if those people are fortunate enough."
"The Atlantic spotted dolphin is known for approaching boats, surfing the waves, and engaging in acrobatic displays which showcase their friendly disposition."
"The workers here are very friendly."
"Imagine if this vampire was just so friendly and let you live."
"My old boss was magnanimously friendly after he found out I started my own company."
"A color can be friendly, but I think this is a very friendly looking book."
"Puppycorn: He really is just a big puppy, and is just as friendly and loving as one too."
"I think commentating, like you said, it should be that welcoming, familiar voice that kind of brings you in like here, it's a friend."
"He usually was a chatty kind of person he could talk forever about anything while smiling like a kid."
"The whole situation in Colombia was really friendly for me because people, these are such good and friendly people in Colombia. This is one of the friendliest places on planet Earth."
"Guys, keep it friendly in the comments, please."
"When you understand the universe is friendly, it's there's something better, that's the law."
"It's all about creating like a nice friendly environment."
"Is it a scary dragon?" "No, Danny. It is a super friendly dragon."
"It's all about the high fives. Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Rick."
"The locals around here are the most friendly people we've ever encountered on the road."
"A lot of stories make sex to be this really big Ultra passionate sort of thing while Scott Pilgrim really just showed it that sometimes it can be casual and friendly."
"I live in a small town in Canada. Very Canadian-friendly people, lots of small talk."
"Hacks come with real friendly faces."
"...their stuff is going to be more friendly to deeper skin tones which is fantastic..."
"It's a very friendly, supportive group."
"...people are so friendly, so well dressed, it's a beautiful city."
"I just rolled down my window and tried to put my friendliest face on."
"Would you like me to call the Big Friendly Giant? You'll like him very much."
"This is about light. This is a perfume you wear when you go and meet your partner's parents for the first time. It's so friendly."
"Being friendly is the one who gets the best part of the reward."
"What are you doing? Want to play? Yep. She's not a mean dog. She's a very friendly dog."
"The owner is super friendly and welcoming."
"This is genuinely one of the nicest, most friendliest cities I've been to."
"Thank you Mercedes-Benz Schwartz I told you he was friendly didn't I oh you know what not I think about it hippie and he's got to take advantage of you know what I mean."
"This one is so comfortable and what I love about it is that if you have a larger cup size, this is so friendly for larger cups."
"The bartenders are really friendly and engaging."
"Very friendly guy, very helpful. And I'm sure there will be a couple of demos coming up soon. If there are, do yourself a favor, get down there and go try out a Hobie. I'm telling you, you will not regret making that decision."
"He was a nice ghost. He would just appear, and he only woke me that one time to warn us."
"Every time I do a top 10 list of my favorite countries, Iran is always in there and for good reason. The people are just so incredibly friendly and hospitable."
"She's the type that doesn't meet strangers either."
"I'm Nick, we'll see you then everybody, peace out."
"Suddenly I heard panting then saw a dog walking from where the door was. It was a great looking solid English Staffordshire Bull Terrier and friendly as hell."
"It's awesome to meet you too, Megan."
"Hey, I'm Reed," he introduced himself with an easy smile."
"Enjoy your day, see you tomorrow."
"See you there, see you next time, bye bye."
"Hi, I hope you guys are doing awesome. I hope you're doing amazing."
"Golden retrievers are known for their friendly and loyal nature, making them great family pets."
"I'll see you next Friday. Take care, bye-bye."
"Well hello there, guys and girls, it's lovely to have you back."
"See you guys next time, see ya, bye!"
"You're gregarious. What's that, girl? Well, you're, you know, friendly like."
"It's unbelievable, lots of friendly smiley faces."
"I'll see you guys in the next one and I hope to see you again."
"I wasn't afraid because this ghost was friendly; it was a happy ghost."
"Alright, see you the next one, ciao."
"I'm the ghost that's known as Casper; I want to be a friend to you."
"The ghosts that are here, I believe, are for want of a better word, benign. They visit, they liked the place, and so they keep popping back."
"They are very friendly lizards, they are usually pretty docile and easy to handle."
"It's very spring and summer friendly."
"She was the type of person that just wanted to be friends with everybody, very very active and outgoing."
"What is up, what is good, how you living, how you feeling, how you doing?"
"I love this place here; it's really chilled, really friendly."
"I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
"Alright guys, I'll see you soon. Bye!"
"Until the next time, guys, take it easy, and I'll see you soon. Cheers."
"What's up my dear Tomodashis? Ohayo gozaimasu!"
"Hummingbirds like spiders because they eat insects and spiders are their best friend."
"The mountie uniform is somehow super cool and very authoritative, and yet kind of friendly."
"Happy, friendly, warm, funny, wacky, gentle, and delightful."
"I feel like this is a good family friendly option if you're going on like a family vacation or you're going to be around your grandparents."
"The appeal of Northumberland for me is you have the countryside on your doorstep, the people are really friendly, just the way of life is very relaxed."
"I'm a free spirit and I'm very friendly and outgoing."
"She's got a really cute whinny; she always says hello to people."
"Y'all have a good one, take it easy."
"How is Toaster doing? He's here right now, actually, right down here, just vibing."
"Kilkenny is the friendliest, the funniest, the tastiest, and tidiest town in Ireland."
"...she was very animated, she was very friendly and kind."
"It's good to see you. Have a good day, and I'll talk to you soon."
"Be nice to one another, we shall see you next time. Tatty bye."
"They're just chill, charismatic, energetic people that are super friendly and extremely welcoming."
"Hey, it's me, your friendly neighborhood Spiderman!"
"This might be like the most friendly, peaceful town that we've visited."
"It's very informative, you don't get yelled at because we're very laid-back."
"He's very gregarious, he likes talking to people."
"Hey friends, it's Len here at 1A Auto."
"It kind of just feels like a friend giving you a summary of the book."
"I'm just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
"Why hello there, how are you today?"
"I hope y'all doing great, man. I hope y'all been doing okay."
"My name is Reese, I come in peace."
"So till next time, BYE BYE. Take care!!!"
"Looks like it's time for dinner, mate."
"Thank you so much for splashing by, I will see you next time, bye now."
"You guys all take care, have a great day, see you soon."
"Nice to meet you, nice to meet you Jamie."
"Hi everyone, I hope you're having a good day."
"Have a good weekend, take care guys."
"He was nothing but friendly and very calm."
"Morning neighbor, how you guys doing?"
"Cyan Blake was described by those that knew her as being a very loving and friendly and vibrant person."
"I feel like there's a very friendly spirit here, to be honest with you."
"We were really friendly with the neighbors, especially with the neighbor that lived directly above us."
"I'm a very people person, I definitely can get along with a lot of people."
"Hello, my name is Thomas. I hope you enjoyed this video with all my really useful friends."
"My name is William, but I usually go by Will. It's nice to meet you."
"I could pick up somehow some thought waves of a friendly nature; they were friendly."
"It's the friendliest crowd I think I've ever seen."
"I hope you're having a wonderful day as well."
"I like you, Jerry. You are jovial and, at times, amusing."
"We love y'all and we hope you have a good one, and we'll catch you on the next one. Bye, you guys."
"Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."
"Pokémon players by far are friendlier, more social, more engaged."
"I'm a nice person but I also have my guard up."
"Peace out, see you next time, take care."
"See you next time, ciao, bye bye."
"She just seems like such a laid-back chick."