
SQL Quotes

There are 407 quotes

"It's not just either or decisions; you can use Python and SQL together."
"SQL has been around for nearly 50 years, it has a strong community of supporters."
"SQL is considered to be quite an easy language to learn."
"You should learn SQL because all of the interviews I got related to data science had a SQL question."
"Distinct is going to be another command we can use."
"When we're talking about non-structured data, these are often classified as NoSQL, meaning not only SQL."
"Even if it's a stored procedure with output parameters, you can still use SP_help_text."
"SP_depends is really useful to view the dependencies of the stored procedure."
"Deleting a table may affect the stored procedure, so be cautious."
"SP_depends can also be used with other database objects like tables."
"Now that we know how to get some basic data back using queries, how can you filter the data?"
"DBMS languages like SQL provide a structured and efficient way to query databases."
"Querying selectively: Fetching specific data with precision."
"Cloud SQL offers HA capabilities out of the box."
"With all of our tables set up, we'll now be able to write the SQL queries necessary to create views of the database that will in turn allow us to build the dashboards Ben needs."
"One cool feature you can do in SQL is join two different tables that have different data sets."
"We're only going to get the titles back, and Inception, Forrest Gump, and Toy Story are going to be the three movies that contain Leonardo DiCaprio or Tom Hanks."
"We can use DBT to have those custom models so that by the time the data is inside the destination, we can run DBT on top of that data and then write custom models."
"We're going to create two different tables and then use a join to create one."
"We're still writing exactly what we wrote in Filmore ratings but we've only been using the macro."
"It allows you to have reusable queries throughout your whole DBT project essentially to just plug and play in and not have to rewrite the same thing every single time."
"Gingas are essentially what allow you to create conditionals or add control structures to your SQL queries."
"Integrate gingas with macros to really use the full power of macros and gingas together."
"It could really 10x your SQL queries and your custom models from within DBT."
"The select command is going to be a frequently used command by everybody who uses SQL."
"Aggregate functions in SQL allow us to do computations on top of a single column through every single row of a table."
"We are going to use Google BigQuery to write SQL queries and analyze information on my own expenses data from 2023."
"This will allow us to get all of the CRUD functionality we need without having to write any of the SQL."
"You can provide an implementation of a driver for a SQL database without shipping a data source."
"SQL or SQUEL is the language that we use to work with these relational database management systems."
"So we've got all these databases that are prefixed with SQL or SQL."
"So, joining a table with itself is pretty much the same as joining a table with another table."
"To recap, be aware of the implicit join syntax, but write all of your joins using the explicit syntax."
"We can see in it that SQL is the highest."
"SQL is truly the bread and butter of data analysis."
"Let's say there's a scenario where I want to look at jobs but I only want to look at jobs where a skill is available, this is where inner join is going to come in."
"Being able to create, transform, and analyze databases with precision using SQL is an essential skill for the modern analyst."
"Overall, this should give you a good introduction to SQL."
"You just made it through a basic query in SQL. Congratulations!"
"Whatever variety of SQL you use, you'll find it to be a very important tool in your work as a security analyst."
"With SQL, you're learning more and more to get exactly the data you need with one single query."
"You've already learned a lot about SQL queries and filters. Nice work!"
"...even if you don't know how to code, you can just write a SQL query to just look at the data underneath."
"Exploring more robust tools like SQL, Python, or R opens up a world of possibilities for Advanced Data manipulation, analysis, and visualization."
"SQL stands for structured query language and it's a powerful tool for extracting, querying, and manipulating data stored in databases."
"This line will create all of the tables and columns in PostgreSQL."
"So for those cases, where you need to add a little bit of extra information to tell SQL model and SQL alchemy underneath to tell it, hey, this does this thing with the database, then you can pass additional parameters and additional configurations."
"You can also change this. This is SQL at this point. So you could do aggregations, you can do WHERE clauses, you can do GROUP BYs. All of that's available to you."
"The 'where' clause in SQL allows you to filter rows based on specified conditions, reducing the data set accordingly."
"You can get very complex with your where Clauses, you could have dozens of different requirements."
"Just something to keep in mind: you can also write between for the Stop date."
"If you want to work as a data analyst in healthcare, you will be expected to know the basics of SQL."
"My favorite functions in all of SQL are window functions. Now we're not going to get into window functions today, they are a little bit more advanced, but I love window functions."
"If you're doing some form of aggregation and you want to filter down by the aggregation, you actually have to put that in something known as a having clause."
"The best data scientist is not someone who can accurately write SQL code, but knowing what is a high level query to ask."
"Azure SQL managed instance provides near 100% compatibility with on-premises Microsoft SQL Server instances while providing automated updates, backup, and maintenance tasks, making it the correct answer."
"You can run a SQL query on an import semantic model as long as you have it in Fabric. This is amazing."
"ORMs will make your life a lot easier, they will make your development a lot faster, and they will make your development generally speaking a lot better because you're going to make a lot less of these sort of silly mistakes of writing your SQL statement wrong."
"Let's write a SQL query where we take these employees and we're going to join this on the salaries table."
"So, essentially, by utilizing tools such as SQLAlchemy, that's going to help us actually take our class and convert that into SQL code."
"SQL is your bread and butter, the linkin park to your naruto amv. Rest in peace chester, but in all seriousness, it is a classic way of working with data."
"SQL is really really really important in the tech world honestly like data science involves a lot of sql."
"It doesn't matter if you're doing group by in SQL, a pivot table, sum ifs, or Dax, the concept is the same: unique list, aggregate calculation."
"Group by does two simple things: it will take a column and extract a unique list of items and then based on that unique list of items we can say hey look at the sales column and make aggregate calculations like total sales or standard deviation."
"So, Power BI is something - honestly, I haven't worked on Power BI on real time basis but then the projects that I made didn't include much data but then YES, SQL queries is easier than Python."
"We're going to create some functions, include some SQL statements in these functions to create a script so we can go from all of this code that we've written here to just a single line of code."
"Spark SQL is a Spark module that facilitates querying structured and semi-structured data using SQL commands."
"Azure Data Studio: Lightweight editor that can run on-demand SQL queries."
"If I'm in Warehouse or lake house SQL endpoint mode I could use three-part naming conventions I can read the data on there I don't need a shortcut I can't write to the data because only a Spark engine."
"So, JOINs can be really useful for combining information from different tables into a single result."
"Anytime you have a situation like that, you can use something called a JOIN."
"We can take rows from one table, combine them with rows from another table. And it gives us information."
"So, something as simple as getting the names of all the branch managers and what branches they manage is really, really easy if we just use JOINs."
"Let’s learn SQL which is one of the most popular languages for not only jobs, but just for developers in general."
"One of the core tenets of interacting with the database management system and using SQL is writing these little queries."
"Transforming data in BigQuery can be done through SQL or using Google Cloud Data Prep for a visual approach."
"In addition to selecting records by using a WHERE filter, we can also select which columns we want to fetch."
"With SQL, you can complete just about any calculation you want during your analysis."
"SQL statements need to end in a semicolon. It's how we tell SQL that the statement is done."
"Select is a keyword that allows us to fetch information from existing tables."
"SQL stands for structured query language. It's a language that allows us to communicate with our database and make changes."
"Where statement becomes critical because it allows us to specify what rows we want to specifically affect from our queries."
"So this is where you can really learn a lot about SQL itself because, well, we're using JavaScript to generate that SQL."
"DBT lets you as the user just use SQL predominantly... you can write your transformations here... that allows you then to spread that work and democratize your data."
"In order to fully utilize SQL Map, it's important to have a solid foundation in SQL, databases, and web/software development."
"As you can see, you can access all this data with SQL."
"Inner join will going to create the inner join between these two tables and only the matching records will come."
"Now that we have this native spatial types, we can actually use spatial operators to crack open those geometries or to ask questions from it at the sequel level, which is really cool."
"Hello and welcome to Python and SQL, two great languages that go Greek together."
"BigQuery has a rich SQL language that extends some of the things you can do."
"If you can't fix the SQL by fixing the periphery, then you might need to step in and help the optimizer by forcing a plan you want to use."
"These expressions are delegable to SQL Azure or SQL Server."
"Oracle is designed on the principle of SQL first and because of that we strive to do SQL better than anyone else."
"SQL Analytics provides SQL users the ability to write queries in a familiar syntax and explore their organization's Delta Lake."
"SQL is good to use... it's built into Databricks, it's very performant, and it gives you a lot of really easy-to-use functionality."
"SQL bindings are a great way to quickly create APIs on SQL databases."
"SQL bindings on Azure Functions do support managed identity authentication to Azure SQL database."
"Amazon Athena is an interactive querying service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL."
"Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) allows interaction with application data from relational databases without writing SQL queries."
"Link is a very unique feature... it allows you to use these very basic building blocks to express SQL queries, which is like an amazing thing."
"Queries in SQL analytics often see ten times, hundred times, even thousand times performance improvements."
"SaveChanges() starts a transaction, does whatever SQL is necessary to issue that to the database and then commits the transaction."
"SQL is a language that lets data analysts communicate with a database."
"I have a really irrational love for SQL."
"SQL is a declarative language that you use for querying data."
"In a declarative language like SQL, you describe what you want."
"One of the really big advantages of declarative languages like SQL is they can be really powerful."
"SQL allows us to manage data in a relational database, essentially."
"You can select it, run it, and now you look at that, everything is in a nice table format."
"Now we know how to take a SQL query and convert it to a query plan."
"If you keep it simple, then these SQL pipelines are as readable for me as code."
"SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and it's an object-relational mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL."
"You can represent SQL as code and then transform it to SQL statements."
"It's effectively just a TypeScript wrapper around SQL, which I love."
"It makes it super clean and easy to go ahead and write type-safe SQL."
"It's just SQL in a lightweight TypeScript wrapper that just works."
"SQL is great. It's powerful, it's accessible, it's easy to learn, it's been around for four decades. I think SQL will outlive all of us."
"For query expressions, almost universally we're using SQL (Structured Query Language)."
"Union, Union All, Intersection, and Minus are the four popular set operators in SQL."
"Dynamic SQL is very powerful; you can do some really awesome stuff here."
"The common table expression provides the significant advantage of being able to reference itself, thereby creating a recursive CTE."
"SQL, the structured query language, it's a great way to systematize the building of your spatial applications."
"As a data scientist, you are always dealing with data, you are retrieving data from some data tables, and for which you need to use structured query language."
"Time series analysis using SQL can be pretty much customizable for any dataset."
"SQL queries are pretty good to do analysis before plotting it or using it in Python or other programs."
"Common table expressions are a pretty neat way to do code reuse."
"With SQL, we can calculate moving averages, typically used in stock trading."
"Every database has its own sort of little version of SQL; Postgres uses Postgres SQL."
"Whenever you have a query you want to run, you can get the explained plan for it."
"SQL is the top of the table by a long shot. You need to know SQL; otherwise, no data job is doable without it."
"Using the IN keyword can save you a few key strokes, especially if you have a long list of acceptable values that you would like to check for in the WHERE clause."
"The LIKE keyword is very useful because it allows us to do partial searches."
"If I want to instruct the database to return the results in a specific order, then I can use something called an ORDER BY statement."
"An inner join is going to return rows that are the same in both columns from both tables."
"An inner join is only going to bring over the rows that have the same values in both columns that we're tying on."
"A left join is going to take everything from the left table even if there's no match in the join."
"SQL is one of the crucial aspects with writing basic queries."
"If you have a job or want a job as a C# developer, having SQL skills is going to be a big bonus."
"Azure Data Studio is a cross-platform, open-source editor for SQL Server and the rest of the Azure data platform."
"I'm going to show you how you can create a Power Apps form app that connects to your SQL database in just literally five minutes."
"I'm happy to show you how you can link dropdowns to get data from another SQL source."
"This is another advantage of a declarative query language like SQL."
"SQL servers has the best query optimizer; it's phenomenal."
"SQL or sequel is a database specific language stands for structured query language."
"Group by is another one of our key phrases in SQL that's going to let us group data."
"Suppose we want to get like a top one list and we just want the most popular language."
"I like to help people understand how to get the most out of their SQL servers."
"Log Parser's magic is the ability to allow us to use SQL to query all of these data types."
"When you write your code, it's going to be clear where the SQL is being executed, where the IO happens."
"Here's where you're making a SQL statement. Here's where it's executing. Here's where the results are."
"Even though SQL is from 1974, it's certainly not a dead language. There's updates for it all the time."
"The like operator is how we're going to use for basic string matching in SQL."
"The percent sign is one or more character, including empty strings, and the underscore is match exactly one character."
"Nested queries are a way for us to embed one query or multiple queries inside of another query."
"CTEs are what make SQL Turing complete."
"The first time that you use this and someone wants to run a crappy query, you can just go let them hammer the AG secondary."
"Everything about your app, all the tables, the data, everything, all the structure is contained within that SQL database."
"SQL is powerful because it comes with other features right out of the box."
"Once you start to speak and read SQL as a human can you start to express some pretty powerful queries relatively succinctly."
"This sequels thing is really fancy and really nice if you want to do custom SQL that's beyond anything that you can do inside of your normal SQL queries."
"It's essentially just like writing out raw SQL, but the nice thing is we have really good type safety across all of this."
"Here again we have with this SQL language the ability to express fairly succinctly even though it's a lot of new features today all at once."
"Every SQL database engine works in roughly the same way."
"The query plan is mutable and can be tweaked as it's running based on the progress of the query, thus the query can be dynamically self-tuning."
"This is how Entity Framework will read the expressions that you write and then based on that it will generate an SQL query."
"You need to have a pretty deep understanding of SQL if you're going to become a data engineer."
"Eloquent makes it easier to do database queries rather than write out SQL."
"By the time you're done, you will become a sequel expert."
"We really want when you work with SQLAlchemy, you feel like you're working with SQL."
"It's as powerful as SQL and exploring large data sets."
"Quick SQL allows us to create SQL very quickly."
"We want to create a cursor object that lets us interact with the database using SQL commands."
"SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is used for relational databases."
"Do it in SQL, and if you can't do it in SQL, do it in PL/SQL."
"Who needs Management Studio when you have this great console-based interface, and you're just making files for your SQL input, running them, seeing text files of the SQL output?"
"Learn how to run queries like SQL because a lot of data is usually housed in a data warehouse and a database."
"What we want to do now is take these column names, put them into an array, and then use the Jinja functionality of dbt to iterate through this and compile our SQL for us."
"IMS is the only nonrelational database that you can access using SQL."
"Snowflake combines a completely new SQL query engine with an innovative architecture natively designed for the cloud."
"Hive is the data warehouse software that facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets using SQL."
"You can do all kinds of crazy, really cool stuff with minimal amounts of programming if you learn a little bit of SQL and a little bit of Visual Basic."
"If you do speak SQL, you can connect to all your internal databases and visualize them."
"Imagine what it would be if as a whole community, we had a consistent way of writing SQL."
"Ciao friends and welcome to a new SQL BI video about DAX."
"One of the great powers of SQL is its declarative nature; you tell the database the result you want, and it figures out the best way to get it."
"SQL is the programming language used to access databases of any kind."
"SQL is an extremely useful thing to know if you want to use data to drive business results."
"If you write in the query an outer join, then we've got to honor that."
"If you've got a very complicated data model and you need to join on like six columns between the two tables but the additional columns are not actually that selective, please create those join extended statistics on both sides of the join."
"SQL Saturdays are a great opportunity for you to get free training."
"You can power BI, he knows how to talk SQL."
"You can easily make six figures a year with a solid SQL skill set."
"I highly recommend you learn SQL as one of the first things that you learn to become a data analyst."
"I personally love this section the most because I liked learning how Python could interact with SQL and how those two could work together."
"Output is a statement you can use in SQL Server that captures the output of what you inserted."
"Hello everyone and welcome to another SQL query training tutorial."
"The SQL Server team is going all in on Jupyter notebooks with support for SQL and PowerShell."
"SQL is not a dead language; it's not static. Every so often, there's a new specification where they add in new features and functionalities to the basic language."
"The core of querying data is the select statement and it retrieves data from tables."
"SQL, or structured query language, with which you can query databases and store your actual data."