
Telescope Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"This telescope is as good as those more expensive ones."
"We're ready to turn this telescope up to 11. It really is time. It's fantastic."
"ZTF took its first image of the sky, an event astronomers referred to as 'first light.'"
"The Leviathan was the first telescope that showed the spiral structure of galaxies."
"Finding things that we didn't expect or that we can't understand is the most fascinating aspect of this telescope."
"When we get new images from the James Webb Space Telescope, we don't say, 'well these images are new so we're going to go back and use the old Hubble images as well.'"
"Euclid is the first purpose-built telescope that's going to study the structure of the universe by looking for these distortions of Galaxy shapes using dark matter."
"You could do a 9-meter telescope, which would be the most powerful telescope that humanity has ever launched."
"The James Webb telescope has already made plenty of discoveries by observing the universe at infrared wavelength."
"James Webb lets us see things no other telescope has ever shown before."
"Galileo Galilei was the first person on record to point his telescope Skyward."
"It's around 100 times more powerful than the Hubble Space Telescope."
"The James Webb telescope is the largest and most technically advanced telescope we've ever built."
"...astronomers are using the telescope to look for life on thousands of newly discovered planets."
"Folks, I've got a nearly 1400 millimeter focal length on the telescope that I use. That is a whale of a telephoto lens. Zooming in, I've already done it. The bottom of the hull is blocked."
"It will be the first telescope to take pictures of other Earth-like planets."
"It's going to be absolutely revolutionary this telescope."
"The Nancy Grace Roman Telescope, capable of distinguishing between the light of a star and its planets by a factor of 100 million."
"The Bible is like a telescope. If a man looks through his telescope, he sees worlds beyond."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is like a magnifying glass."
"The first telescope with a reasonable chance of detecting another Earth."
"On July 1st 2023 the European Space Agency launched a new Space Telescope named euklid."
"Suddenly you could see what provided you had a big enough telescope so in some sense a big telescope is the key to really answer one of our biggest problems."
"This large infrared telescope is 100 times more powerful than the Hubble telescope."
"If you go to the Moon, you can build an incredible telescope and allow you to see the universe with a level of precision we've never done before."
"The homemade telescope that Clyde Tombaugh used to make detailed drawings of Jupiter and Mars. He built it in 1927. He was 20, and those drawings got him the job at Lowell Observatory in 1929 where Tombaugh would discover Pluto the next year."
"We're very excited about...opening a brand new telescope in Chile...on top of a beautiful mountain top high above the clouds and very very dry region."
"We're gonna be imaging the entire night sky every three nights...building it for 10 years...one of the largest telescopes...to be working on the ground."
"One cool fact they learned that I did not know about Pyrex is that that type of glass is used to make telescopes."
"An 8-inch mid-Cassegrain on this kind of mount is very versatile. It's a do-it-all telescope, it's a jack of all trades and just very easy to recommend."
"If I were getting started in this hobby today and had a thousand dollars to spend, I would get an eight-inch Dobsonian and save the rest of my money."
"...showing people Saturn through a telescope is the most mystical experience..."
"This is the key thing, because the bigger your telescope, the smaller the objects you can see and the more detail you can resolve."
"It would take more than a little telescope to spoil the intrinsic beauty."
"It's not a holiday you need, it's a telescope."
"And through this huge telescope, we can also peek into the past."
"The telescope I always recommend that people get is an eight-inch dobsonian reflector. It costs about four hundred dollars."
"To the degree that modern astronomy is effective, it owes its effectiveness to the invention of the reflector telescope."
"Do I recommend it? Heck yeah! This is a great little telescope."
"The telescope's ability to open up our universe had only just begun."
"There's a new space telescope in town that will map the geometry of the Dark Universe."
"He built his own telescope, like many amateur astronomers. This was what he did, you know, may he may have started in grade school but certainly by high school he was very much into it."
"The James Webb Telescope... might show us more about the universe than we've ever had access to before."
"The telescope is, of course, the central tool that allows us to unravel the secrets of the universe."
"The Redcat 51, being super sexy, super beautiful, super red, and really, really good looking, completely surpassed everything."
"The giant Magellan telescope... is going to mimic twenty-four point three meters across."
"The next generation Space Telescope is also going to be bigger, better."
"An eight-inch mid-cassegrain is the quintessential all-purpose telescope."
"What kind of telescope would a society that's a million years more advanced have?"
"The James Webb Space Telescope may have just brought us one step closer to a revolutionary discovery."
"The Einstein Telescope could be operational."
"The High Definition Space Telescope could be operational by 2040."
"Never point a normal telescope or binoculars directly at the Sun."
"That's going to look incredible through a telescope."
"The Roman Space Telescope will be an indispensable part of space science during the next decade and beyond."
"The mirrors for the Webb telescope are this lightweight beryllium with gold on top."
"I think of a 20-inch Obsession as a special occasion telescope."
"Using a 5mm eyepiece, this small telescope will give you some nice views of Jupiter and Saturn and also beautiful views of the Moon, of the Moon craters."
"If you want to find and study earth-like planets in big exoplanet systems, you're gonna need a bigger telescope."
"The gas giant, which is comparable to Jupiter, is named after the powerful system of telescopes that are located in Chile called NGTS."
"The Nancy Grace Roman telescope is due for launch in 2027."
"Fast is a gigantic telescope, 500 meter telescope, it was bigger than Arecibo."
"The primary mirror's job is to collect as much light as possible."
"Sometimes bigger is better, and so James Webb is going to be able to answer questions that no other telescope could."
"We don't know what dark matter is, but we use it as a telescope, which is kind of amazing."
"It's so hard to know what it is that you're looking at with even the mighty James Webb Space Telescope."
"If there's one thing that's the most useful thing you can ever attach to any telescope, it's a finder scope."
"It's amazing that we can capture these features on a distant planet with an amateur telescope."
"For $899, you get a telescope that does double duty for both imaging and observing."
"This could make a claim as being the ideal deep sky imaging telescope."
"The James Webb Telescope... is believed to be the very tool that can help us to peer back to the beginning of time and explore the evolution of the universe."
"The nine and a quarter is probably my favorite Schmidt Cassegrain of all time."
"For most people, the sweet spot is the C8."
"It was he who discovered Jupiter's four large moons with his newly perfected telescope."
"Some archaeologists and historians claim that the Nimrud lens is the world's first telescope."
"Galileo Galilei used the newly invented telescope to see far, to discover the Milky Way Cloud were actually stars."
"It's been a relatively well-used telescope in my collection."
"What can you see with a telescope like this? Well, quite a lot."
"Astronomy needs this telescope to tell us some of the kinds of things that I was talking about tonight, to really give us a new view of the universe."
"Getting your first telescope can be really, really exciting and it can literally open up a whole new world of astronomy for you."
"If you have got any kind of telescope, well have a look at the Pleiades and you'll be astonished at the richness of it and even a small telescope will give you a superb view of this magnificent cluster of suns."
"The images from the James Webb Space Telescope have been nothing short of spectacular."
"Few things in astronomy compare to seeing the planets Saturn through a telescope."
"This may be the best suitable telescope for getting people interested in astronomy."
"As far as observing individual stars go, I think the EV scope 2 does a very good job."
"People are just as fascinated by the telescope itself as they are about space."
"This focusing assembly can accept two-inch diameter diagonals and eyepieces."
"The telescope itself is the Orion EON 130 triplet apochromatic telescope at f/7 with a focal length of 910 millimeters; it's a wonderful telescope."
"It's only with this sort of incredibly deep image with the world's most powerful telescope that you're able to get back to the point where we can measure the distribution of galaxies."
"...the telescope had been pointing at the moon, which now looked so close as if I could touch it."
"It's a big telescope but it's fast, and it allows you to really dig into the nighttime sky."
"You can see the brand and Saturn and we're gonna try to see Saturn rings with this telescope, see how it looks."
"Definitely you get what you pay for; the 9600 definitely has more light gathering capacity and more zoom power."
"So overall, provided the telescope has not been mistreated in some way, I think a used six inch or eight inch Schmidt Cassegrain is your best overall buy in a used Meade telescope."
"To prevent immediate and irreparable damage, never point this telescope at or near the Sun."
"The whole telescope is made out of silicon carbide, the optics and structure, silicon carbide is a new high technology ceramic that has a low coefficient of expansion, is very stiff, and has several advantages."
"A planet or a galaxy that is very distant can be seen with what device? A telescope."
"The Hubble Space Telescope was recently used to research extrasolar planets that may exist."
"The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is the next NASA astrophysics flagship mission to follow the James Webb Space Telescope."
"James Webb is a Swiss army knife of infrared astronomical observing."
"James Webb is big enough and is an infrared telescope so that it can discover the first galaxies in the universe."
"The advantage of this telescope is that the Maksutov has a longer focal length."
"It's sort of space age, high-tech looking design; this doesn't look like any other telescope I've ever seen before."
"...going from an 8m telescope to a 30m telescope is an enormous gain of sensitivity."
"The coolest telescope literally is Origins."
"The magnification of a telescope is equal to the ratio of the focal length of the first lens divided by the focal length of the second lens."
"I own a few telescopes, and one of my favorites was an early scope that I bought, which was the Sky Watcher 130 PDS."
"The most spectacular discovery of all for this telescope came very early in its useful life."
"The long-awaited James Webb Space Telescope, slated for launch in 2018, represents the next generation of great space observatories."
"The larger you make your telescope, the better angular resolution you would have."