
Routing Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"The routing for this game is really interesting."
"Routing in this game is super fun because it's so open."
"Routing defines the paths that network traffic takes from a VM instance to other destinations."
"So it's not a multi-track preset that won't contain routing but a selected tracks can retain the routing."
"Declarative routing... it doesn't replace it, it just makes it better."
"This is a new concept for us, no router that I know of does anything like this."
"Wave relay is able to intelligently route information where it needs to go when it needs to go there."
"But the bottom line is with EIGRP, we've got our successor route, that's the preferred route."
"An addition is a router of gradient; whatever gradient comes from above it just gets routed equally to all the elements that participate in that addition."
"React routing also comes with inbuilt modules, and that particular module needs to be imported."
"HA Proxy: routing traffic like a boss."
"Now that we've had a look at how to make a GET route, let's have a look at making a POST route."
"I'd have route tables, UDR, user-defined routing in all of these."
"404 not found page - that's going to handle all of our routing."
"You have your own routing engine now at your disposal to desktop and you can do, routing if you wish to based on that."
"Load balancer will exactly balance the load, apart from that, using load balancer you can also do path-based routing, host-based routing, different kinds of routing mechanisms."
"The 'app-routing.module.ts' file defines the routing configuration for the Angular application, enabling navigation between different components."
"An NSSA area still doesn't allow redistributed routes like a stub area, but it does allow redistribution from the local area."
"I want to go directly to R3 and that's what we can do with dmvpn."
"So that's our first bit of routing done. So we're now going to embolden ourselves and we're going to add in our T API again just using HTTP, not HTTPS."
"When it comes to routing in the joinery there's really only 3 things you have to worry about."
"With weight, the higher value is preferred over lower values and the default values are either zero for all the routes that have been learned from remote peers or 32,768 for all local injected routes."
"Local preference is the strongest of the standardized attributes."
"Using local preference is the strongest standardized way which is going to work across all the vendor implementations."
"The origin code simply indicates to the rest of the BGP domain how a certain router injected the route into the BGP domain."
"Step number 13: Modify transit gateways route tables."
"Anycast is simply advertising the same IP address space out multiple routers."
"So what's the value of doing this granular percentage-based routing that Istio lets you do? You can scale and you can release new versions and rollback quickly just through the magic of Kubernetes delete YAML. So that's pretty neat."
"An important concept of mixing consoles is buses. A bus is a signal path that allows you to route an incoming signal to another destination."
"Network Address Translation is a method of remapping one IP space into another during transit across a routing device."
"Next week we're going to be doing virtual or logical switching and logical routing so that should be where we get into the really cool stuff."
"The Switch component stops the process of going through all routes as soon as it finds a match."
"Dynamic routing is one of the most fun and cool things we can do with this router."
"It's amazing, it's intoxicating the way that this makes you think about routing and using your rack."
"Routing: love it or hate it, it's a necessary part of web development."
"BGP is the de facto inter-domain routing protocol that's used in the internet today."
"The most important attribute of that path is the AS path attribute."
"An ISP's policy understandably is to only route traffic that has either a source or a destination in one of the customer networks of that ISP."
"Policy considerations really dominate in inter-domain routing."
"It's interesting to note though that for inter-domain routing and BGP, policy considerations clearly dominate over performance."
"It's a little jarring actually after studying routing algorithms to see that at the inter-domain level how policy rather than path cost so dominates the discussion."
"Routing traffic intelligently ensures a balanced and responsive network."
"...you can actually play with this to make it work okay so that's how NAT path is working it's using both IP address of two network routing."
"Stacks are absolutely incredible for mixing and mix routing and bus compression."
"Obviously, when we advertise an external route into the ACI fabric via whichever protocol, that is redistributed into multi-protocol BGP at the leaf."
"Reflection can automate the process of mapping route handlers for grouped endpoints."
"Here's the routing on the driver's side."
"You can just call useRouter or use whatever store you created within the script setup or the setup function, and it would just work."
"If you're managing a layer 3 network, or routed network, you also have to be aware of routing loops."
"This MIDI routing is useful. It's not just useful for routing keyboards, it's useful for routing any kind of MIDI you're sending."
"We want to create a route that gets one by id."
"The deep and rich file-based routing system that SvelteKit brings you is a major part of this whole workshop."
"You can specify which routes you want active, i.e., which of the nodes within this mesh can be used as an exit point."
"We've got a cloud environment, we want to be able to route things within it, that's what transit gateway is all about."
"That's the beauty of new routing."
"So that's how routing works and how Lightning network node operators make money."
"This is the skeleton of the controller that has all of the routes handled for our users REST API."
"You can group them in a directory whose name is wrapped in parentheses, which does not affect the URL path name of the routes inside of them."
"To create a dynamic route, we need to create a file with the square bracket."
"My framework has the option to assert routing configurations in ASP.NET Core applications."
"Dial peer usually helps to route the calls."
"Using this lines inside the dial peer you could create a dial peer that will help you to route your calls properly."
"You can do policy-based routing to specify which traffic to go where."
"You can trust that the mileage is accurate and the routing is going to be good for commercial vehicles."
"It can intelligently route traffic to the most available and healthy targets."
"The routing mesh will ensure no matter which port 8080 from all hosts inside that swarm cluster, it will always be mapped to a host that is actually running the task."
"Add Vue Router for the single-page application if you want."
"We are going to create a CRUD application like show, read, edit, so we require a route to route the pages."
"The first and most important thing that needs to be considered is how are you going to do the RF signal routing."
"Network layers are responsible for sending IP datagrams and perform host addressing as well as packet routing."
"Let's start with the routing in AdonisJS because this is very important."
"Nginx itself has powerful routing and proxy capabilities that will tremendously benefit you as an administrator."
"The function of routing is to examine a packet's destination and determine the best path to take."
"The fundamental question is which routing protocol should you use."
"Routing in Razor Pages is pretty straightforward as compared to MVC routing."
"IPv6 allows the use of static routing and it supports specific dynamic routing protocols that are variations of the IPv4 routing protocols modified or redesigned to support IPv6."
"With client-side routing, we can now route to a specific named element on a page."
"The browser router kicks in, takes in place, and then reads the URL and decides which component it has to serve."
"Switch would restrict a routing to the first match."
"Routers can determine the best path available to transfer the data from the source to the destination."
"Routing is included in the framework by using Next Router."
"We can chain the different HTTP methods that we want to provide for this same route."
"Automatic routes... you put a .vue file underneath pages and it will automatically add it to your routes."
"Routing is probably one of the biggest changes, and I actually really enjoyed the way that routing is done in Next.js 13."
"The Festool router OF 1010 REBQ is a precision woodworking tool designed for a wide range of routing applications."
"Next.js has a built-in system for routes or pages in your application that basically makes your whole application run around this."
"Providing visual insight into specified impedance as well as getting details such as resistance, time delay, length, and much more during your routing process."
"Dynamic routes when you don't know what you want your route to be ahead of time."
"Zero fee routing is basically a service that enables you to get inbound channels to your lightning node without any fees on the channels."
"You can route anything to anywhere, and it's insanely powerful and awesome to have."
"What this section here deals with is how those bends are dealt with through routing."
"This notation indicates that you are using a catch-all route which allows you to capture multiple URL segments."
"We publish messages to exchanges, these messages are routed to queues."
"Reaper has plenty of routing options to give you the flexibility that you need."
"It provides a declarative way to handle routing, allowing us to create single-page applications with multiple views or pages."
"That's how we can set up Dynamic routes in Next.js."
"Camel implements integration patterns such as splitting messages into smaller fragments, implementing content-based routing."
"A router is used to manage traffic, control the flow of data packets, and then send them to the right destination."
"Make sure you do have your routing add-in turned on before you create the R points and the C points."
"Once you're all done adding the connectors and creating the route using the routing add-in, the connectors are part of the route; it's a sub-assembly unto itself."
"This is called a dynamic route and that's where this dynamic route is very important when you are going to build a dynamic application."
"One of the most important elements of routing is to understand why a path is being chosen."
"We can do that by using the history API and react router provides us a way to do that."
"If you want your routers to route IPv6 traffic, you tell it in global configuration: I want you to be willing and able to run IPv6 unicast routing."
"A resolver is part of routing and what it does is it allows us to execute an asynchronous operation and have the routing wait for the completion of that asynchronous operation."
"We can actually subscribe to router events... it will just automatically appear anytime that there is a delay in moving through the route."
"It's working great actually, and as you can see, the ID is changing up here because we're routing it, and we're changing this ID with our router."
"You can now intelligently and dynamically route requests to different origins."
"Routing allows us to send the user to a different page depending on a particular event."
"This is how simply you can use or add the routing using this Next.js."
"We do have the ability to create routes for wires, cables, harnesses."
"We provide a global IP address which gets routed to the closest back-end service to where the user is located."
"Now we're going to work with routes."
"How to programmatically navigate to other routes? You have to use router module and you have to use navigate method."
"It's recommended to place high-speed tracks at the very first stages of routing to ensure that they are the minimum lengths and have no interruptions."
"Routing is awesome, but it takes a few things to kind of hook it up."
"Creating a container isn't enough; you need to route out to that container."