
Life-altering Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Whatever decision you make really changes the course of your life."
"That's not only life-altering but potentially generational wealth if you control that."
"I feel like there's a need to take a leap of faith... it's going to change your life plain and simple."
"A single sentence could mean the difference between someone living or dying, or someone being paralyzed and not paralyzed."
"It's a life changer, it's something that really shifts your perspective."
"Someone could be offering you an opportunity to make a massive change in your life."
"It's just completely mind-blowing, it's just life-changing."
"It was a game changer for me. It was a shift in my thinking forever."
"Breastfeeding completely changes your body and your life."
"One simple decision can literally change your life forever."
"Just one extra diamond might just change your life."
"This was life-changing, truly world's first."
"The lives of these kids would never remain the same. He just changed their destinies like that."
"May I have some time to think it over? This is a life-altering decision after all."
"Adjustments are required; it's going to be quite life-changing."
"There was one incident that changed our lives forever."
"We had to make a decision that would change our lives forever."
"It was life-changing. It basically changed the entire direction of my life."
"It can be life-altering and confusing and isolating."
"If you decide to make a change it could be life altering in a really, really good way."
"Blurring the lines between reality and nightmare forever changing the course of my life."
"Whatever this is, this fated experience is something that's going to massively alter your perspective and it's meant to."
"It's a catastrophic event. It changes your life forever."
"You never know when your life is going to be altered, good or bad, but when it happens, you're going to be different, you're going to change."
"'Most people had an inkling of the hurt, but no one really knew how life-altering it was unless they'd been through it.'"
"...I must be obvious this morning... all ten commandments begin with 'you shall not'... when God says remember... it is life-altering to forget."
"By doing it those 90 seconds, it's life-altering."
"This is life-changing, soul-changing fear."
"That's where I had a life not life-changing. My wife for now almost 40 years had asked, 'Will you, who had her child on the first day of the war, consider doing something else?' It was the hardest decision of my life."
"Secrets, lies, and a hidden truth unfolded, leading to a decision that would forever change the course of my life."
"Knowing I altered one person's life for the better is the most important thing in my life."
"This one decision completely changed her finances."
"This journey could ultimately change their lives forever."
"It changed my day-to-day life. I had no idea about this, like I learned it and like my life has never been the same since."
"My life was never the same again."
"When you can just let go and accept that you need to change... it made all the difference and it did completely change my life."
"That fateful morning was the beginning of a mysterious and dark story; it changed their lives forever."
"She met a man that would change the course of her family, that would change the course of the rest of the life of her family and her friends and everyone that knew her."
"It still boggles my mind how one moment in time, one chance encounter, can alter the path of your life forever."
"It probably would actually be like a life-changing experience."
"I'm about to change my life for good, so I'm kind of nervous."
"In one moment, in the blinking of an eye, bam, your life has changed forever."
"I'm about to make an important decision that will change my entire life."
"From this moment on, my life will depend on every word I speak."
"It took one phone call, and your life changes."
"I stumbled upon something that would change my life forever."
"That book changed my life, absolutely fundamentally in every way."
"Everything all at once, never been done before, spectacular, amazing, life-changing, phenomenal."
"To learn of the secret pin code does in truth entail that your life will not ever be the same."
"May this be the day that you stumble into a place that would change the entire trajectory of your entire life."
"One decision could change someone's life."
"It was life-changing, changed my entire life."
"This is going to change your life forever."
"Winning a major changes anybody's life."
"That kind of my here and change my life."
"It was the biggest decision I've made in my life."
"This changes the trajectory of my whole entire life right now."
"I absolutely could not resist and my life changed."
"I'm not going to play games, it's genuinely life-changing."
"We never looked back. It changed our lives."
"I really wanted to change my life. I just knew that this was going to change my life."
"That could change people's lives."
"This is gonna make a life-changing impact for somebody."
"On a personal level, the choices we make can have a significant impact on someone's life, altering their trajectory in unexpected ways."
"If you pull the trigger, your life is never ever going to be the same."
"That one day everything changed, life changed completely for us."
"One decision can literally change your life."
"I could actually do this; this could really change my life."
"I want to come to Texas. I'm coming into a good bit of money soon. I've had it. The living on the road, the shows, the drinking. I'm ready to leave the band. I've gotta get out. It's all killing me, and I know it."
"It only takes one decision in a split second and your life is changed forever."
"All it takes is one person to say yes, and your life has changed forever."
"It's crazy, I think this is gonna change everyone's life."
"All it takes is a split second to change the whole trajectory of something, and you'll be on a whole different course of life that easy."
"This has been an extremely life-changing experience."
"The one mindset that changed my life."
"Everything my whole complete life changed overnight."
"Once we had a child, you instantly change."
"Life will not be the same; there is really no return to the way things used to be after this big explosion."
"This enzyme therapy is changing his body, and as he said, it's changing his life."
"Your life's about ready to be changed."
"It's like your Earth is shattered the moment you realize that they're not dead."
"This particular thing has the power and the ability to literally change people's lives."
"Life-changing. It's life-changing."
"This was a life-changing experience for you; this was monumental."
"That night changed me; it shattered the boundaries of my perception and made me acutely aware of the vast unknown that lies just beyond our grasp."
"This is that month when I say it's a life-changing month, it is a life-changing month."
"I had to do something to dramatically change the course of my life."
"That one yes could change your life."
"That event changed my life forever."
"You had a profound effect on somebody, you changed somebody's life."
"Whoever's going through this, their life will never be the same again."
"Go out of your comfort zone... and if you do, I promise that it will change your life forever."
"It's gonna be a life-changing invitation."
"It's going to be life-changing, but in a good way."
"Something very life-changing is happening."
"You are about to tap into the energies that are going to bring you the opportunities which are going to change your life literally."
"Do not ignore this idea on the 30th of December whatsoever because this idea, in a ridiculously short period of time, is actually going to change your life."
"This big change is about to take over your life."
"Do not ignore this whatsoever because this is literally going to change your life."
"One simple action can change your entire life."
"Do not ignore those things, they will probably change your life."
"Whatever that's coming in for you that's fated for you, it's gonna change your life."
"You will know exactly what change this is actually going to bring into your life: massive change, huge change, and ultimate change."
"Some of you are making life-changing decisions these days."
"You're going to realize something so huge it's about to happen; you will realize and you will know then and then that your life is going to change."
"Expect powerful change, not only this is going to change your life but there's a big change in direction when it comes to your lifelong plans this year."
"You make a difference in the world, and one of y'all is about to win something that could change your life forever."
"You are going to have a life-changing experience... something is going to happen to you which is going to shake your world."
"This is a life-changing decision."