
Journey's End Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"It's a staging post, a holy house, and it's the end of this particular pilgrimage journey."
"Yeah, we needed to reach the end of our journey. Thank you. Don't mention it, partner. Travel buddies are supposed to look out for one another."
"Are you done saying hello?" "And now at the end of your long journey, you go to reunite with one who is dear."
"I started getting emotional, well I was very emotional because I was just really wanted to just get home you know what I'm saying but more importantly I was a purely in a complete accepting moment as I surprisingly was coming to."
"This journey's end once the dust has settled, then you will understand."
"This is like 'Alien' all over again, but finally our long journey came to an end."
"It's always nice when you feel like you're heading towards the end."
"End of a journey with a great outcome."
"Donna Noble in 'Journey's End' - nothing as heartbreaking as Donna shaking her head."
"We have gone about as far as we can go."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the end of the road's finally in sight, so please buckle up as we cross the finish line."
"The end of a path no one knew they were walking."
"It's hard to believe that all of this is coming to an end. It's been an absolutely amazing journey."
"The aches and pains of the long journey melt away."
"Home is an end to Glory, a stopping point when the tale is done."
"Off this disco train on the track, this boat on the water, and this dirigible in the air, until next time, my friends, this one's in the bag."
"This whole journey for me is coming to a close, and I could not be more grateful."
"This is the end of this journey, but the beginning of many more."
"They knew that they were drawing near to the end of their journey, and that it might be a very horrible end."
"What a way to finish this incredible journey."
"Here he lies where he longed to be; Home is the sailor, home from the sea, And the hunter home from the hill."
"For tonight, at last, his journey had ended. For tonight, at last, the future could wait. At least until tomorrow," the narrative concluded.
"The end of our journey will be to arrive at where we started and to know the place for the first time."
"I felt like I had a little piece of heaven in Galacia, which is fitting for my last night on the Camino."
"You have reached your destination, you are home."
"We're at the end of the road up here, literally."
"At the end of the journey, the pilots bring the plane down on a precise strip of pavement."
"The creature congratulates them for their performance and maturation throughout this journey."
"We've come to the end of the road, the end of the path of destruction."
"And so our journey has come to an end, but yours continues on. Grab hold of your dreams and make them come true."
"Well, we're at the end of the yellow brick road, so to speak."
"You're coming to the end of this journey, this long road, this period of night."
"We reached the final destination of our tour of Cuba, we crossed almost the entire length of the country from Viñales to the City of Santiago of Cuba."
"And so I came to the end of my ventures and found happiness and peace."
"The ride is almost over, folks. The journey is almost over."
"Our epic transcontinental road trip is coming close to an end."
"Our long voyage ended, the well-known scene about us, the dome of the state house fading in the western sky, the lights of the city starting into sight as the darkness came on."
"And there you have it, our incredible time sailing Malta has come to an end."
"This adventure is over, thank you so much for joining us, we love you guys, and we'll see you in the next one."
"This is quite literally the end of the line, guys. You literally can't go further."
"Your journey is over. You are home here, in cycle 99."
"We will meet at this journey's end, once the dust has settled."
"Relief washed over me as I saw the sign indicating the end of Clinton Road."
"And with that, our cruise adventure has come to an end, truly a magical adventure."
"And a quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over."
"It's like you're going to get to the end of the road or the end of this journey and you're going to meet this one which could just be an epiphany."
"Seriously, the sunlight's coming up, it's like a really good time to end your trip."
"This is it. The end of the road. No, this is only the beginning."
"After four years of blood, sweat, and tears, the Starling Red series is finally ending."
"It has been a long road, but the Enterprise D's time has finally come."
"I'm honestly proud and happy that I can say that I saw this journey through to the end."
"You're at the end of a long and arduous journey, you're not going backwards, you're only moving forward."
"You're getting ready to receive something a lot of you are coming to an end of a long journey."