
Breathing Exercise Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Deep breathing lowers blood pressure all day long."
"Allow each inhale to become a little deeper and each exhale a little longer."
"Can you slow down your exhale, lengthen it, pause at the bottom?"
"Take a big inhale through the nose and then out the mouth, let it go."
"Think of how many people are breathing in together here in this moment all over the world. And then a long exhale. Again, breathing out with people all over the world, connecting to the big picture."
"Breathing consciously, present in and out, feeling the air fill your chest and exhaling slowly out your nose."
"Reminder to take the deepest breath you've taken all day. Everyone do it with me inhale exhale that felt good."
"Take a deep breath in and let everything go."
"Wherever you are take a deep breath in and smile. And then exhale, gently release."
"Welcome to salty spa where you can breathe in and breathe out."
"Take a breath now, take another. Fill air in your lungs."
"Take a deep inhale and exhale, sigh it out."
"Just breathe, just breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth. It's gonna be okay, just breathe."
"Breathe in for ten seconds, breathe out for ten seconds."
"A breathing exercise that I really like where you breathe in for a count of four, hold for three, and exhale for six or eight."
"A nice deep breath in through the nose, out through the mouth."
"Give me one more big deep breath, exhale."
"Let's take a releasing breath. Inhale and let it go."
"Breathing full, long inhalations. And slow, long exhalations."
"We're going to take three deep breaths here big breath in through your nose and out through your mouth."
"Inhale, reach for the sky. All the way up you go. Exhale, palms come together and down at your heart space."
"Inhale scoop up some air, reach for the ceiling or the sky wherever you may be, and then exhale, release all the air out."
"Inhale to 90, exhale to go over, flex, separate and lower, and come down, a little circle one more inhale exhale over, flex, separate and lower, and then you're gonna come down and as you come down I want you to see if you can keep the movement going."
"Just breathe inhale deep through your nose and then slow breaths out."
"Let the chest melt towards the mat, take a deep breath in, a deep breath out."
"Breathe in, exhale to your right, inhale lift back up, exhale to your left, back to center."
"We'll see if we can keep a nice steady rhythm for our breath."
"Breathe in, hold at the top, as you exhale, inhale try and lift a little bit higher."
"Take a deep breath. Inhale deeply to your nose, and exhale deeply through your mouth."
"Notice the breath from the beginning through the middle to the end."
"I want you to just take 30 seconds and breathe with me, okay?"
"Breathe. Inhale, feel your body expand. Exhale, let your body soften."
"Focus on the breath in this position."
"Deep breath in through the nose, out through the mouth."
"Close your eyes, and we'll take a nice big deep inhale through the nose, and then out the mouth exhale, just let it all go."
"So take a deep inhale through your nose here and gently exhale."
"Take one more deep inhale all the way into your belly and gently exhale with a smile on your face."
"As you exhale, draw the breath out."
"Take a deep breath, exhale, one more time."
"Inhale, fill in with love. Exhale, commit to care, to radical self-love."
"Let's start with a cleansing breath; breathe in through your nose, big open mouth exhale."
"Take your left hand to your heart, your right hand to your belly, stand up tall, let your shoulders relax down the back, take a deep breath in, and a long breath out."
"Make this breath as big and awesome as it can be for you."
"Only need a few minutes of mindful breathing."
"Send the breath into your lower back, feel that expansion."
"Really enjoy it, bring that breath in, running through your spine."
"Inhale through the nose, and a big sigh exhale out the mouth, really clearing things out."
"Lengthen and deepen your breath, and turn on the breath that feels best for you right now."
"Get that breath moving in the nose and out the nose."
"Reconnect to your breath, fill up completely as you inhale, let go, release some tension, some stress as you exhale."
"The whole thing about the physiological sigh is that you're creating a long exhale. That's what really relaxes us."
"We're going to begin our practice with a breathing exercise called your three-part breath. We're really going to think about bringing as much oxygen throughout our entire body, including towards our little baby in the belly there."
"Gently exhale, take a few deep breaths, keeping your eyes closed, breathing normally and noticing any change, any effect of the breathing exercise."
"Use your breath to breathe in through the nose and breathe out through the nose."
"Repeat this four-seven-eight breathing pattern three to four times."
"Deepen into your breathing and begin to attune your focus solely on the breath."
"Take a big inhale right here, lifting up, stretch up through your spine, and as you exhale, lean forward into your stretch."
"Breathe in for five, hold for four, let it go for five."
"Take a deep breath right now, in through the nose, out through the mouth."
"We're gonna really think about trying to expand the ribcage as big as humanly possible."
"Expel all the air that you can, then swallow and allow yourself to inhale."
"We're going to finish with one nice big deep slow breath."
"Catch your breath, long deep breath in, long deep breath out."
"Take a nice long inhale and deeply release that exhale."
"Take a full cycle of breath in and all the way out as you close your eyes."
"Let's take a moment to breathe in and out."
"Let's take one deep breath in together, reach it up."
"Take a deep breath in, lengthen out through the spine, exhale, twist."
"Take a deep breath, good, awesome you guys."
"Take a deep breath in and out, let it go, give it a little shake out."
"Begin to breathe with purpose, a deliberate breath in and out, slow and unhurried."
"As you exhale, focus on lengthening your spine, deepening that twist, creating more area from your mid-back all the way up through the shoulder."
"Take a big breath in, stay, breathe out."
"Just gently starting to slow down the inhale and slow down the exhale."
"Take ten deep breaths, I recommend breathing in the nose and out the mouth, a great way to focus your energy."
"Breathe in, drop your belly. Breathe out, round your spine."
"Breathing in through your nose really filling up, and then an open mouth exhale audibly letting go."
"Breathe in through your nose, and out through your nose."
"Take a deep breath and exhale deeply through your mouth."
"Focus on sending your breath down deep into your lower belly so that you feel your abdomen expand when you inhale and soften back down when you exhale."
"Invite a nice deep breath through the nose, feel the rib cage expanding, and as you softly exhale through the lips, rib cage gently releasing down."
"Notice the sensation of the breath, the rising expanding qualities as you breathe in, grounding cooling as you breathe out."
"Start to notice your breath, take a few deep breaths in through your nose, you can let them out your mouth."
"Feel the breath flowing in and out as we take this circle."
"Take an inhalation to reach the arms straight out in front, as you exhale bending the knees slowly squatting down."
"Take a deep breath guys, in and out."
"Let's take one deep breath in together, and all the way out, maybe out through the mouth."
"I love the one with the cold shower and the breathing."
"Focus on that breathing, breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth."
"Nice deep inhale in through the nose, closing that mouth and counting to two; slow exhale, purse those lips for four."
"As you breathe in, fill up your belly, let your belly expand between your legs."
"Starting to connect with your breathing, deep breath in, and deep breath out."
"Before we move, let's land with a really big and intentional inhale and exhale."
"We're going to take five breaths here."
"Deep breath in, deep breath out, beautiful."
"Keep breathing, relax the shoulders down."
"Breath of joy, a really nice breathing practice to waken and energize your whole body."
"Inhaling for four, holding for two, and exhaling for the count of eight."
"Imagine a single stream of air coming in through your nose, expanding out your rib cage and settling in your lungs."
"Inhale from the nose, feeling the ribcage pressing outward, expanding against your hands."
"Take a deep breath in, exhale out, go deeper."
"Breathe in through your nose, just pause at the top, and then let it go through your mouth."
"As we began, let's take a deep breath together, breathe in through your nose, fill up your belly, your ribs, your lungs, hold at the top, release through your mouth."
"Breath in the good. Breath out the bad."
"We're going to begin our morning routine with the breath of joy."
"Just march in place, give me an inhale up, everybody exhale."
"Inflate the body with breath, then exhale all the way, letting the eyes drift closed."
"Kapalabhati breath is really good for digestion, also helps to warm up the body, it creates energy in the body too, so it's good for happiness."
"Breathe it in and breathe it out, all your worry."
"Begin to find a natural rhythm to your breath; even inhales, nice and smooth exhales."
"Breathe this in, and exhale through your mouth."
"Close your eyes, form a smile, inhale deeply to your nose, and exhale through your mouth."
"Take three even deep breaths, breath out, breath in, find your rhythm."
"We'll take a full breath in here through the nose, and exhale through your mouth."
"Big inhale, reach it up, pull it down to your heart center, behind the head, open the chest."
"Hook your thumbs together and take a round of Kapalabhati, shining skull breath, active exhalations, and passive inhalations, pumping the air in, detoxifying, oxygenating the brain, purifying."
"Inhale oxygen and energy into the body, exhale any stress or tension."
"Take a big deep breath in and out, and that is your TRX Pilates workout, great job everybody."
"Breathe in, hold, breathe out, in control."
"If you need to just lay there for a second and breathe, that's okay."
"Breathe out the stress, that's what I think about doing when I take my deep breaths."
"On your inhale, fill your low abdomen first, then into your ribcage, and then into your chest."
"Press into the earth and breathe, and stay for one more breath longer than you want to."
"Your final breath in lifts arms to the sky, and your final breath out lowers hands to belly and chin to chest."
"Exhale fully through your mouth and just take a second to connect with your breath."
"Let's start by taking a deep breath in through our nose, calming down our nervous system as you exhale."
"Oh, you gotta breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe. Let it go and let it be, be, be."
"Let's take a few breaths together here. Exhale, clear the system."
"Take a few long deep breaths, bring one hand over your heart, one hand over your belly."
"Breathe, focus on the breath, quiet the mind, brings you fully into the present moment."
"Relax and take a deep breath through your nose, and out through your mouth."
"As you breathe, feel your stomach expand on the inhale, your chest rises, and as you exhale, feel everything empty."
"Let's take one deep cleansing inhale in through the nose, slow and steady, just like the rhythm of the earth."
"Just to take a moment to recenter, focusing on your breath."
"Take a nice deep breath in, tuck your chin, and let's roll through the spine."
"Just keep that focus on your breath, keeping you calm."
"Alternate nostril breathing is great for relieving stress and anxiety."
"Breathe for me, there you go. So in through the nose, out through the nose."
"Every time you inhale, you say to yourself breathing in, every time you exhale you say to yourself breathing out, keeps you centered, focused, and quiet."
"Try to breathe in to the count of five and out to the count of twelve."
"Take deep breaths, breathe in deeply, hold it for a few seconds, and then breathe out slowly."
"This is a great breathing exercise to have in your toolbox whenever you feel anxious or stressed."
"Take some nice long deep breaths here together to get in tune with our body."
"Take a full inhale through your nose, then exhale out through the nose."
"The 15-second breath... take twice as long to breathe out as you breathe in, it produces an automatic relaxation response in your body."