
Eeriness Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Having the enemy team be completely silent, it's just a really eerie feeling in a battlefield game."
"And as always, their intro served a creepy vibe that prepares you for a deep brooding atmospheric owl..."
"It reflects how we process the world in such a deeply eerie way."
"I just get like goosebumps thinking how eerie that is."
"An inanimate object at times can be much creepier than any living creature."
"Crashbox creeped me out... it was very creepy."
"I saw the strangest thing standing about 40 feet from me was a man in a tuxedo and top hat leaning up against the fence and staring at me with the creepiest smile."
"The possible existence of extraterrestrial beings is a concept that's both fascinating and slightly creepy."
"Just utterly dark, lots of masked figures, particularly this one was on one of the pillars, just totally demonic."
"This thing can mimic both humanoid voices and animal sounds it's heard, which is creepy."
"Needless to say, we were officially creeped out."
"It's a cool quirk, it's creepy, it's weird, but it has a lot of applications and uses."
"Nothing in the Dismal depths of the Mariana Trench is quite as ghoulish, terrifying, or straight up freakish as the fanfin sea devil."
"Yeah, it just adds to like the eeriness and maybe the panic she felt right."
"That’s it. It’s short. Sweet. Full of creepy moments."
"Describing something terrifying that you've seen as almost human has got to be one of the creepiest ways to describe anything."
"Eerie quiet seemed to permeate every single space in the forest."
"There's an eerie feeling you get when you see a town be so empty and lifeless."
"Look at this place, dude, it's creepy."
"There's nothing quite as creepy as the stuff you find in an abandoned house."
"It felt like something out of a horror movie."
"It was an extremely foggy morning, far beyond my imagination. The forest itself was calm, eerily so."
"This movie is the living definition of uncanny valley."
"This here is freaky, like just like them."
"It made them even more unsettling, quietly wandering the corridors, never quite looking where they were going. Their attention was focused on something you just couldn't see."
"The woods were eerily silent, even the nighttime noises."
"Sometimes the spookiest things can be human beings."
"This remains probably the creepiest thing that's ever happened to me."
"The ghostly way the figure moved made it all the more disturbing."
"No yellow tapes in there, but this place is kind of creepy."
"The night was unusually still in the state park, the kind of stillness that makes your skin crawl."
"It was like the forest was reshaping itself around me."
"The creepiest house that I ever lived in had an amazingly open floor plan."
"The whispering Echoes of the past" - Making the hair at the back of my neck prickle.
"The forest was unnaturally still."
"It literally looks like an apocalyptic area. It's very creepy especially when it's dead silent and all you can hear is the wind whistling through the abandoned buildings."
"It's like I'm in some strange ghost town."
"It's like being on mars or something. It's just so... it's beautiful and kind of eerie at the same time."
"This damn place just always gave out the most creepiest of vibes."
"There were stark white trees, stripped of their branches, bark shredded like tissue paper, rigid and tall in the clearing."
"We did it: too much pastel build, which also became just a tiny little bit creepy but wonderful, so wonderful."
"I mean it's run the whole gamut of just off-kilter to weirdly eerie to strange but beautiful all the way up now to outright horrifying."
"It's kind of scary. It is pretty creepy."
"Just because of how bad it ends, it makes it even more creepy."
"That room right there is the creepiest room in this house."
"Quietness is so eerie; that kind of stuff tends to work better for me than jump scares."
"It just stood there, but not like any other snowmen; there was nothing welcoming about it."
"It's filmed well, the design of the pencil is incredibly eerie."
"The woods were as quiet as a graveyard, quieter."
"...it feels grounded but just creepy enough to have stuck out in my brain all these years later."
"It's like a childhood nightmare, some familiar place all abandoned and empty."
"A palpable sense of wrongness saturates the Gloom spires; shadows flicker and move in unnatural directions."
"It's one of the most beautiful and eerie sights you can imagine."
"Like time seemed to pass differently there or the people there gave you the creeps?"
"There is something about symmetry though, I do think symmetry can be a little eerie in itself."
"The road itself was extremely dark and completely silent, located right in the middle of a large patch of woods."
"Nearest of all was the graveyard, where deformed trees tossed insane branches."
"There's nothing like the laughter of a baby unless it's 1 AM and you're home alone."
"Forget the lighting, Portal without GLaDOS is so much creepier."
"It was beautiful, sure, but it was also a bit eerie being so far away from civilization."
"The laughter and the crying merged together; it was truly eerie."
"It was completely silent in the woods; no crickets, no animals, nothing."
"It was pretty creepy getting here after humans entered the apocalypse."
"Definitely one of the most interesting and creepiest experiences of my life."
"It's like it was completely silent, which is incredibly eerie."
"It was beautiful because it was funny but also very creepy and unsettling."
"It watches," he added suddenly. "The house, it watches every move you make."
"In the middle of nowhere is where you're going to find some downright strange and creepy things."
"It was the eeriest atmosphere I have ever experienced."
"It's all about the contrast, you might call it creepy and comfy in some ways."
"It's got such a good mix of creepy and comfy."
"It is really eerie at points, but I feel like the creep factor comes more from this weird sense of dread that dreams seem to have."
"A ghostly stillness descended over the country."
"There is nothing creepier than a place that's been abandoned."
"Holy dude, this place looks like something straight out of a horror movie."
"The only sound was the wind, a desolate, eerie wail like a mournful banshee."
"The simplicity for me is what makes it creepy."
"The humming adds a level of creepiness and a sort of folklorish feel to this story."
"The little Hangletons all agreed that the old house was creepy."
"Everything looked distorted, small, and interestingly, we could not hear the seagull or the noise of the sea, everything was silent."
"The Fountains are dusty in the graveyard of dreams; the hinges are rusty and swing with tiny screams."
"The faces on the heart trees make for wonderfully chilling imagery."
"It's so creepy but it's so well written at the same time."
"There's just something extra creepy about Joey's death mask that sets it apart from the other death masks."
"That's the thing about horror that I love, is that there are all these creepy things going on."
"I heard a faint eerie sound that sounded almost like the sound of voices singing."
"It's all very eerily quiet with nobody around at all."
"The red eyes of the weirwoods seemed to follow her as she came."
"The bass tones lend it monstrous strength and the way it glides between pitches gives it an organic, almost animal quality that I find deliciously unnerving."
"This might be the creepiest place we've been, honestly."
"Look how creepy that is, though, for real. I would never want to walk inside of there, just saying."
"The lack of people combined with the gloom of the early evening felt sinister, ominous."
"She let out a long sigh of relief, then proceeded to tell me one of the creepiest stories I have ever heard."
"As soon as we turn around and start to head back, the entire forest seemed dramatically quieter."
"The scenery is beautiful and at the same time very haunting."
"The woods could get really creepy in the fall."
"The woods once a sanctuary of natural beauty had become tainted by an eerie presence that we could neither comprehend nor escape."
"There's a special kind of eeriness when you're aware of the sun setting."
"Stumbling on the abandoned village gave me the creeps. A man doesn't get the creeps readily when spending months at a time trudging alone across the barren lands."
"The place was creepy in the day; in the dark, it was a whole new level of frightening."
"Reading about demons, this book is very good, very creepy."
"That right there is creepy, let me know what you think."
"It's beautiful, but it is extremely creepy."
"Suddenly the tranquility is shattered by an otherworldly sound, a chilling moan that cuts through the air like a knife."
"The serene beauty of the Alaskan wilderness was both captivating and eerie."
"It gave me rather an eerie feeling in the silent, lonely woods to see for the first time the unmistakable proofs that I was in the home of the mighty lord of the wilderness."
"It was like something, like you know that feeling of somebody like whispers in your ears."
"The video was just too creepy, too defined, it was just too many things to ignore."
"The basement is by far the creepiest part of the hotel."
"We trust this is the only such delay we can expect," Lilith said, voice like the night wind playing among tombstones.
"I tend to agree, when it's fully immersive like this, it gets pretty creepy."
"It's creepy to think that for all those years I spent in that school, there was a strange person living just below my feet."
"It seemed like there was something else, a howl, something that didn't quite sound like it was part of the wind."
"It's the fact that not a bird, not a cicada, not a single creature, not a sound could be heard around us."
"This man we met was awesome; it was great, it was creepy."
"That is like the creepiest one so far."
"Some things never change and they are just as chilling as ever."
"I had thought that the street was eerie enough in the broad daylight, but now, veiled in darkness and with the absence of street lights, it was terrifying."
"Some things never change, and they're just as chilling as ever."
"The eeriness of the abandonment, the lack of people in a place where people should be."
"The silence of a snowy forest in the dead of night, hundreds of kilometers away from anything, is pretty spooky."
"He was legitimately kind of creepy in this movie."
"Just something spooky about this man."
"It's haunting but beautiful at the same time and just really well done."
"It's creepy, there's a lot of like sensory things that happen in this that are just so eerie."