
Calming Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"Do some sort of a mathematical trick like this. It sort of instantly calms."
"This one in particular is very, very... interesting because I wouldn't say it's calming, but it does kind of... bring things down."
"Many people love hearing and watching rainfall as it brings a rhythmic sense of calm."
"They just feel like calmed by you, like maybe if they're struggling with anxiety or something else."
"Okay, breathe, relax. Like, you can't make the situation any better but you can sure make it worse."
"Your brain thinks you're calm when you're eating, so if you feel anxious, chew a piece of gum."
"It just feels a lot more relaxing and calming to me."
"Just need a couple of minutes, I need to calm myself."
"This art is just so soothing and calming to look at."
"By April something will come about that will calm all of this down."
"Deep breath, deep breath, deep breath. Everything's gonna be okay."
"It's said that their aromas are able to soothe others with a calming spirit and even bring some plants back to life."
"She calms herself down by reminding herself that she spent 2 weeks writing that letter."
"Decluttering is one of those things that can be very therapeutic and very calming."
"My dad is laughing on the phone, which calmed me down and made it all seem less serious."
"It's kind of calming, it's kind of just like you can have a little clarity."
"Your presence is deeply healing, calming, and it grows something within them."
"The eloquence of Bursby's speech is enough to calm them down."
"I feel like a bedroom needs a more calming color."
"This is just a straight-up calming unscented final layer."
"It's a pendant that helps with soothing the nerves."
"This really, really calms and soothes."
"But these two together have been so good for my skin, so soothing, calming, healing, et cetera."
"It's going to help really to calm irritation."
"She just has this calming, soothing effect."
"Understanding, 'Oh, this is because of this,' is calming."
"A space that just feels inviting and welcoming yet calming and sophisticated."
"There's something so calming about watching them, they're so good together."
"You have your own behavior too that's calming, so it's nice to know that you have people like that."
"Your next relationship will be very calming, inspirational, and loyal."
"There's something about it to calm the psyche down over years and years of turmoil."
"You have a calming, peaceful energy, you make people feel relaxed and at ease."
"Let's all take a deep breath, you know that's a good idea."
"Big deep breath, then we're gonna cool it down."
"You may make people feel comfortable and calm."
"They feel like you make them feel at peace and relaxed and calm, and they like that about you."
"Memory helps in the calming, regulating process."
"The atmosphere is very calming and relaxing."
"She has a very calming presence about her that decreases all the pressure of situations."
"I think it's very calming, it's like a Zen exercise."
"He's so imposing that she calms down immediately with the biggest of smiles and the most polite voice ever."
"It's a wearable virtual hug that helps calm and regulate your nervous system."
"...they are so calming and relaxing."
"When I come home, I want it to be just really quiet and I want everything to feel calming."
"I'm obsessed with lo-fi. I think it's the most calming, serene thing ever."
"I didn't know what to do, so I just approached her and told her to calm down."
"Literally it's like what I listen to to calm down."
"Just like pouring the icing over a fancy cake, quite therapeutic."
"Those two tools will help people calm quickly."
"Blue releases oxytocin, so it's like having a little cuddle. It's quite good for people who get quite nervous or struggle with communication because it keeps everyone quite calm."
"Jonathan, just calm down and let's play this game."
"When I play music all those all that stuff goes away so I feel calm no anxiety uh it's a good thing music is a good thing."
"This creativity feeds my spirit and it really calms my mind."
"'Breathe,' a single word whispered."
"It feels very grounding and calming."
"Nothing like nature to calm you down."
"He's very calming, he's very grounding, he's actually my rock."
"People say that you have a very relaxing presence."
"Ordered a space that is ordered and calming he can put things back in their place at the end of the day and that helps wind him down to sleep."
"Paul's music calms them down and helps them express themselves again."
"It's calming and soothing at the same time as grabbing."
"My acoustic vagal nerve stimulation model is all about using prosodic sounds and through that feedback, calming the body."
"...this is so beautiful and every time I smell it, it like almost calms me."
"It's a nice neutral base, a nice soothing, calming space."
"...reliably calms my skin down every single time..."
"Squeeze tight, feel that compression. It's good for the internal organs, it's also just very calming and comforting."
"It's so calming, it smells like an actual perfume, it's so good, it's so, so good."
"Sugar, calm down, relax, I promise you it's going to be okay."
"Tuning into his voice will help quiet what's raging inside of you."
"He has a calming voice that puts the listeners at ease. Wow, amazing."
"You gonna be all right. Just calm down."
"There is something unbelievably calming about dogs to my soul."
"Music has a particularly calming effect on the broken mind."
"This calms my skin down when even water irritates my skin. It's incredible."
"Coffee seems to do with most people, if you look nervous, he'll say something just to calm you down."
"You're so calming and reassuring."
"And these pads in particular are very calming and soothing on the skin."
"His voice is like many Waters which removes worry and anxiety."
"I feel like my skin is already starting to soak that in and already the redness is kind of calming down so that is so nice."
"There's just something calming about the Tennessee mountains at dawn."
"Lavender, it's supposed to have a calming effect. Ralph sprays it on me every night."
"He squeezed his eyes closed, forced himself to take a deep calming breath, and let it out slowly."
"Swimming however is amazing for dylan. Swimming calms him down no end."
"Spirits also seem like they're kind of like calming down whatever is attached to these dolls."
"You're kind of freaking yourself out a little bit. So, I think you need to take a step back and calm down."
"It's actually kind of is soothing, it's like white noise I feel like."
"...overall a very calming experience."
"This is one of my favorite songs. It's very, very calming in the first part and then in the second part, it switches to super fun and super upbeat."
"It's scientific fact that it calms people down, it brings our heart rates down."
"Calm down man whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa."
"Humming is the quickest way of down-regulating your nervous system and calming yourself down."
"...just has this calming effect and smooth is a good word for that..."
"Lavender oil is universally pleasant, it has a wonderful smell, it's very calming to your spirit psychologically."
"There's something so calming about baking."
"That's a sweet little gift idea for someone that might need a bit of calming in their pocket."
"I think chanting of a mantra can induce you to calming the mind, and meditation is calming the mind, at least to start with."
"Movement is also one of the sensory systems in a really powerful system to help children calm and to organize."
"Everyone's gonna get stuff, okay? Okay? Calm down, Jessica, calm down."
"That's why into the pedophilia stuff goes like this, make calm things down a bit."
"Oh my god, everybody, everybody, settle down!"
"That's right, Mr. Noodle! Taking a deep breath is a great way to calm down."
"Calm down, calm down, don't get excited yet."
"Well, my voice must be very calming."
"It just never fails to calm down my skin."
"Swinging motions and spinning motions and rocking motions are incredibly calming to a child's central nervous system."
"There's something quite relaxing about it."
"I feel like Tom Hanks has the most calming voice."
"I admire her passion for makeup; her videos are very calming for me."
"Makeup, for a lot of people, is calming, it's good for mental health."
"It's like a stress release for me. Some people find it quite stressful, but I actually find it very calming."
"Settle down right there two miscues in the inning."
"As I said, I love their calming cream, and this mask is also a beautiful one."
"My videos give a calming presence and a source of comfort for people."
"I always get lots of lovely comments from people saying about my videos are calming and help them to feel calm or help them sleep actually which I really love those comments."
"There's just something nice about a single cylinder that it's just a little bit more of a calming ride."
"I'd say that probably my movie would be Notting Hill. I love Notting Hill, it's always sort of my go-to film if I need something to just calm me down and, you know, make me a bit happier."
"It's a very calming if that makes sense. There's nothing that really jumps out. It's just very fresh though so if you're wearing the fragrance and the notes are hitting you it'll wake you up but it won't like totally Clash if that makes sense."
"All of his videos are just super super relaxing."
"Fear down approach: calming the source and convincing him he will be properly and humanely treated."
"...just very calming and soothing."
"...just such a calming thing to do either first thing in the morning or last thing at night."
"He was kind of that calming voice... he was kind of my rock in that situation."
"The first few words that I think of about Leah's home is just soothing and calming."
"There's something invigorating about it, but there's something also very calming about it."
"Movement helps busy kids slow down and settle down so they are able to listen to you, to be able to interact with you."
"Believe it or not this is actually very calming and satisfying when you're doing it."
"It's not just moisture, there's something that is really calming inflammation on the skin."
"You have a way of making other people feel calm."
"It's such a beautiful aroma; it's so calming yet motivating."
"Darling, please calm down. I want to get you home so you can heal and rest."
"It's instantly calming, it's got those beta glucans in, those oat extracts in that calms the skin."
"It is definitely very calming to them."
"It has a really great calming and soothing benefit."
"My pet brings such a calming presence to my home."
"The videos are very calming and make you think about life."
"It's somewhat calming, at the same time as creepy. It's almost more calming than creepy."
"You will calm down this person's mind."
"His voice is so relaxing on the videos, like the most soothing person to watch."
"Just find someone nice and comfortable to relax, and then we're just gonna have a nice, relaxing, calming little moment."
"This thing provides a calming experience just the way it is."
"My manner is relaxing, helps to calm people during this path's anxious moment."
"You're quite a calming character, so I feel that I like chilling with you."
"I just find it really calming and really therapeutic."
"When I sit down and do crafts like this, it's just so calming."
"The light bustling of the river is calming."
"With the addition of lavender, it does add this calming, soothing effect with that hit of romance from the rose, from the vanilla and sandalwood."
"My voice is calming, and that people who have anxiety are helped by watching my videos."
"It's powdery and elegant from the iris, and the lavender provides this aromatic calming feel."
"It's such a nice calming comforting vibe in the house."
"This is going to be a pretty relaxing video, so for those of you that are dealing with a lot of stress in your life, this is going to be a really great one to help you just mellow out, relax, just be in your body for a little bit."
"I like the way you speak; it's quite relaxing."
"It's very calming, it's pretty much pear and vanilla, and it has some lavender essences in it."
"Starting to wind things down, bring the feet together, the arms alongside the body."
"God speaks peace and the storm has to still."
"That will settle the nerves, absolutely nice."
"I hope you found this informative, interesting, and above all, relaxing."
"It's just a scent that I think instantly can smell and it's so calming."
"It's really a very calming down vehicle."
"Equal breathing is going to right away calm the nervous system."
"I really need to calm my mind because I was scared shitless and still am."
"People really enjoy being in your presence; you either calm them down or they find you very funny or very inspiring."
"I helped them take deep breaths, use their words, and work together."
"His tone always calmed her, or maybe it was just his personality."
"It's light and airy, the finish is neutral, so it feels quite calming."
"Calm down, Henry, calm down. Deep breaths, deep breaths. You're safe, Henry, you are safe."
"Take a deep breath, Mirabelle, take a deep breath."
"No voice but that which on Galilee's lake said to the storm, 'Be still,' can ever lay the troubled waters of a human heart."
"I think tie-dyeing affects my mood; it's very relaxing and almost meditative for me."
"His voice is so soothing on your ears."
"I hope you found this informative, and of course, I hope you found it relaxing."
"David Attenborough just has the most soothing voice."
"Our videos apparently help people with their general levels of anxiety and stress."
"Okay, calm down, take a deep breath."
"It's so therapeutic, almost like I genuinely find it so relaxing."
"It's really fun and like fun to just look at and just relax; it really calms me down."
"It's really a lovely action to do when you're doing it, it just feels sort of calming."
"She's just like such a soothing spiritual sister."
"Calm down little monkey, take a deep breath."
"She's very good at just calming the whole situation down, and she's funny."
"She hummed a tune to Annie which calmed her to some degree."
"I find it to be very calming and lovely."
"The smell of it's so calming, it just really feels very luxurious."
"I just love slimes! They calm me down a lot, I'm constantly touching them, they're so pleasant."
"Alantoin is a gorgeous, calming, and soothing ingredient."
"You have a soothing way about you; the way that you speak, you soothe people."
"It's clinically proven to calm signs of sensitivity, redness, uneven tone, rough texture for a visibly even-toned complexion."
"I hope that you think this video is very relaxing."
"The cooling white tea powder helps to calm the scalp and strengthen hair follicles."
"I adore it as an ingredient, it'll help calm any breakouts that you've got, take down any redness and sensitivity in the skin."
"I reckon it's very calming and therapeutic to hear this rain right now."
"It's so calming and peaceful and eye-opening and grounding."
"An entirely unnecessary gesture, but it calms me."
"It's probably one of the most relaxing scents in the world."
"I feel like it calms my skin, which I have really kind of red reactive skin, and it nourishes it really nicely."
"I really feel like this has calmed my skin down and it just feels so flipping amazing."