
Coldness Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"That's colder than a mother-in-law's kiss right there."
"If you've ever noticed moments like this and it could be with you or it could be with somebody else if you ever notice those moments where somebody seems this person seems extremely cold and heartless you might be dealing with a covert narcissist."
"And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."
"The foundation is generally seen as cold and uncompassionate, holding the virtues of secrecy and global protection above all else."
"This town is so cold that their name literally translates to 'pole of cold.'"
"They say revenge is a dish best served cold."
"Death was all around, blowing through the cold like an icy wind."
"That was cold. That's cold-blooded."
"You're going to catch a cold from the ice inside your soul."
"My heart goes cold, my blood goes cold."
"Man is the only predator that preys on other predators. Damn, bro, that's cold."
"No warmth could warm him, no wintry weather chill him."
"You know that I love you," said the other mother coldly. "I don't want your love," said Coraline.
"I won't pay you money, I pay you in quirks. That's kind of cold though."
"I'm the ice queen, so maybe I should make it a bit cold."
"Everyone commented that Pamela Smart looked like a statue. Her coldness was very striking. Creepy."
"For five minutes he was silent then he raised his face once more and spoke with a cold composure of despair," said Holmes.
"Look at this thing, it looks like a big stick of ice and it does. It's the coldest thing around."
"Only you guys knew how cold it is in here... ninja mode is in full effect today."
"That was funny, that was cold but it was funny."
"Cold man sitting on money taller than Gary height."
"I am not cold, I am a girl of ice, of darkness."
"She is so cold she's literally the best one out of like everybody."
"He goes very cold, very very cold."
"Her manner was cold, her silver eyes veiled."
"It's absolutely cold. It's numbingly cold."
"That's cold, Martha, that's cold."
"Tell the ones who care enough that I finally left this place that's been so cold."
"It's always cold, it's really old, and I have had a lot of weird experiences for years."
"It was a world that lay frozen under a dim dead sun."
"She said freezingly enough to match the temperature, 'You can see I'm not armed.'"
"I've never been so cold indoors before."
"The moon was a cold place but I liked it, that way."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold, right?"
"Some few persons even got a fragment of the looking glass in their hearts and this was very terrible for their hearts became cold like a lump of ice."
"The kiss was colder than ice, it went quite through to his heart."
"And so Kai passed through the long winter's night, and by day he slept at the feet of the Snow Queen."
"I'm too cold for the body chill, I'm hypothermia."
"I never thought you'd be the kind of person to throw a child out in 10° F weather."
"Crowder was described as a man of ice and stone and ink and steel, no warmth to his blood, and a heart to pump not feel human emotion."
"There's a horrible empty coldness about the whole thing; it's a masterpiece."
"About the middle of October, 1840, there occurred, however, a day of remarkable chilliness."
"External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him."
"It's so cold it keeps the bad people out."
"Revenge is a dish best eaten cold."
"You're as cold as ice, you're willing to sacrifice my love."
"Our steel is cold, our vengeance colder."
"Even though she treats me coldly, it's a sign of inner fire."
"I know it's cold outside, there's no kind of atmosphere, we're all alone more or less."
"Separated from God... it's like a metal piece... it will become totally cold because it is separated from the source of its heat."
"It's so cold outside that the ghost that haunted the house froze to death."
"Her beauty was chilling, otherworldly."
"It was very smooth, had a very smooth texture to it, was obviously made out of metal, it was very solid, and it was very cold, ice-cold."
"In its darkest areas, space is freezing cold, minus 454 degrees Fahrenheit."
"There is never any warmth where the dead do not rest."
"I realign foes, burners and blindfolds, my mind cold, heart is a glacier."
"The gnarled parapets jagged upwards like a bony hand of icy indifference."
"It broke the silence when it hissed; it was a sound so cold and alien that it froze my blood in my veins."
"It's as cold as a snowman's butt cheek."
"My wife said I was cold. Ex-wife. We're not separated; she divorced me and is married to a big-shot lawyer in Chicago."
"Remember, revenge is a dish best served cold."
"No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty."
"He felt a coldness emanate from whatever this thing was."
"A desolate place without any trace, it's only the cold wind I feel."
"It's a very beautiful but very cold British morning."
"I didn't feel any kind of animosity, it was a sensation very cold but it was peaceful, it was tranquil."
"It's like a buildup of power, it's very cold in the church now, very cold indeed."
"And I, the last man, the last man. I'm cold, cold... but is it you, Alice? Is it you?"
"From Russia with love, but not much heat."
"Looking into his eyes, it was very cold, almost inhuman."
"I think it looks very wintry, cold, and Christmasy."
"She's the real thing, but she co-hearted like Greenland, Church Girl moving like a queen pen."
"How all the clocks stopped in the world, and sunshine pinched me it was so cold."
"I felt cold all over, the cold tingling of total fear."
"His body was cold through the thin quilt, but I crushed myself against him eagerly."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold in Klingon."
"The sun sets, the air is cold, no parka does it wear, the kitten it is losing hold, and still nobody cares."
"They can be very unemotional so everything can feel calculated and cold."
"The frost is physically attached to him, showing his cold nature exterior and interior."
"It may look ordinary, but it's cold and frosty to the touch."
"Why do you think Louch lied to Suzaku's questions, making himself seem so cold?"
"I felt extremely cold and an inexplicable feeling washed over me."
"The cold," Gared said with iron certainty. "Nothing burns like the cold."
"The universe looks darker and darker and becomes colder and colder."
"Oh, it's a cold day in Alabama today."
"It is still winter, and we are far from the sea. Here the world is cold until the sun spring, and we may yet have snow again."
"He may not have been the best Star Wars villain of all time, but he was one of the first and still one of the coldest, most intimidating figures in the Empire."
"Arctic ambient follows a pretty simple but effective logic: things that are cold move slower."
"It's freaking cold though, I had to put my gloves on this morning."
"The world in fact is dark, almost black, motionless and cold."
"The desert was suddenly very still, the stars were small and sharp in the clear sky, the air was cold."
"The night's harbor a chill as cold as the grave."
"That was a very cold, very obvious face, that was just amazing."
"We serve beer as cold as your ex-girlfriend's heart."
"It starts out warm and comforting... then it started to get cooler and cooler because it's ice cold."
"You'll find neither laughter nor kindness nor warmth in this house. We are as empty as a moonless night."
"Consider getting comfortable, for the air grows colder."
"What color are their eyes?" he asked her. "Blue, as bright as blue stars, and as cold."
"Revenge, as they say, is a dish best served cold."
"My brain kinda like the arctic region, only difference is I'm colder."
"You're ruthless as am I. You are cold as am I. And you also possess the will to kill, just as I."
"I have never felt so cold, so vulnerable."
"'Phones don't work with me,' she clarified, her voice was cold and unyielding."
"She's constantly searching for her husband who abandoned her centuries ago, and she leaves a trail freezing cold behind her."
"Revenge is a dish that's served cold."
"It's important to really get that these are people who have a reptilian coldness to them."
"That's Angela's MO, she kills with kindness and then with an icy cold heart."
"The universe is mostly space, and that space is cold, very cold, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything to see."
"As cold as it may be where they took this photo, it's leaving a real warm place in my heart."
"Outer space, it's big and it's cold."
"The world is a cold place, it can be."
"All we want is warm hot weather, and then we get like a little snippet of coldness, and even though we might be like, 'Yeah, I don't want that,' there's a real beauty to it."