
Platonic Relationships Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"They're very confused and they're very hurt, and still have feelings for you, even if it's just platonic."
"Men only interact, deal, and talk to you for sexual reasons. There's no such thing as a platonic relationship between men and women."
"If those male friends said no I wouldn't smash you genuine friendship on both ends nobody wants the other one."
"Toto and Yuji have one of the absolute best platonic male friendships in all of anime."
"You can have friends who are of the opposite gender who don't actually want to be intimate with you."
"Your soulmate in this life might not be a romantic relationship. It might be a platonic relationship!"
"I love any movie that can depict the love of two men for one another without sexualizing it."
"The only real difference between an extremely close platonic relationship and a romantic relationship is what the people involved choose to call it. Best friends are not something that should ever be prefixed with the word 'just.'"
"Hope you leave encouraged and motivated to continue through this season."
"Strong platonic male-female friendships are pretty rare in games."
"Honestly, not everything needs to be seen as romantically."
"Platonic love can be just as strong if not stronger than romantic love."
"The portrayal of friendship between Roux and Jules was very sweet and fulfilling even when there was no romantic aspect."
"I loved seeing friendships that can be just as fulfilling as romantic relationships."
"We need to put more importance into platonic relationships."
"Soul mates are not always a sexual thing. Soul mates come into your life to teach you something."
"Some of my most wonderful relationships are with friends I've shared beds with and not even thought twice about it because we're just friends."
"Just because I'm not physically attracted to them doesn't mean they have nothing to offer."
"Guys and girls can absolutely be friends if there's no attraction from both sides."
"We don't have any romantic desire for each other."
"The idea that just because somebody doesn't have romantic or sexual desires for other people doesn't mean they can't form platonic friendships is a very silly idea."
"I think it is within the realm of possibility that a man and a woman can have a platonic relationship."
"Romantic relationships, yes, but in platonic relationships so rarely do we talk about things like grace and endurance and forgiveness and repentance."
"You can just have conversations with the opposite sex without being interested in them. It's like, why? Where has that gone?"
"It is possible for two queer girlies to be best friends without being in love."
"Not every friend you have needs to be a boyfriend."
"It's very possible for men to be strictly friends with women."
"Friendships are important too; it doesn't have to be sexual."
"Girls make every social situation better, even if no one's trying to smash. Honestly, sometimes that makes it even better because now the priority is just fun."
"Not all relationships have to be romantic; people can have strong, beautiful, valuable friendships."
"Guys and girls can be friends if they actually are friends."
"Can guys and girls be friends? Yes, if they don't find each other attractive."
"Love is not just about romantic love, let me say that."
"It's really nice when you see in books where characters... it's basically her best friend and that's so nice to see, especially in a young adult story."
"Making every male or female interaction a romantic one, more male female friendships please."
"You can have connection without having romance."
"I think you could have platonic friends."
"You can absolutely hang out with a woman and not have it be sexual."
"It doesn't have to be romantic love; it can be platonic love or family love."
"I don't have any emotional energy to invest in something. I'm so happy with just good people around me that's platonic."
"A guy and a girl can just be friends. Indeed, why not?"
"I think that having women in your life not sexually can help you in many ways."
"It's really nice to have platonic friends who take care of you."
"It is 100% fully possible for a man and a woman to have a friendship that is platonic."
"Having a friend that's platonic that you can always count on and depend on might be more valuable than having a lover."
"I really like Rebecca and Ted's relationship, that was a really good friendship."
"Pure friendship exists between guys and girls."
"You can have a very solid relationship with a girl that's platonic, but it has to be built on a solid foundation of honesty and transparency."
"It makes me really happy to see platonic friendships in that way."
"You can enjoy a person of another gender's existence without having a crush."
"I just want to prove that out there, men and women, they can be platonic."
"Guys and girls can just be friends as long as they have a mutual understanding that we're just friends."
"I am very satisfied with the friendships and platonic partnerships in my life."
"Can men and women just be friends?"
"This is not necessarily a romantic partnership; you can find your twin flame or your soulmate in every kind of environment."
"I do feel that this is an incredible month to make new platonic connections."