
Last-minute Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"With only nine seconds left on the clock she recalls a special and very complicated tactic taught by her father."
"Established titles makes a great last-minute gift idea."
"We were just about to give up, and at the last moment..."
"These gifts are super last minute, they're often the most meaningful ones too."
"last minute cat again not going to hurt not really going to help too much either"
"So much of this show literally feels like it was rushed together at the last minute."
"Would it be a cosplay project if you weren't working on it up until the very last second?"
"These make a great last-minute gift."
"God said go. God literally said go. I pulled this together perfectly at the last hour, y'all. So thankful to Him."
"Thank you, y'all. I hope my mom doesn't see this but her birthday dinner is in an hour and I forgot to get her a gift. Let's go do that."
"Last-minute stuff is always the best stuff."
"I remember being in school or before an exam and everyone would pile up outside of the classroom or in the hallway, just couldn't drown out people trying to memorize last-minute stuff."
"I changed my outfit you guys I was planning on wearing this like lace long dress for the longest time like I've had this outfit planned in my head for so long but then I last minute found this really cute little set."
"I thought I've always been in the no Veil club and I just wanted a few accessories in my hair but very last minute I'm questioning my decision."
"Last minute, X has decided to run for Griffin."
"It wasn't until the day of, just like, 'Hey, I did it. I need your help.'"
"It's just like a little last minute but it's all in good fun."
"If anybody has any questions, literally, any last-minute questions, this would be the time."
"...20 last minute great gift ideas."
"This flight was so last minute, we literally booked it two days before we left."
"I just got myself an interview last minute, I was so [ __ ] excited."
"...so three weeks ago this wasn't even an idea and two weeks ago we hadn't booked anything so yeah pretty pretty last minute."
"We may have forgotten about Father's Day, but we still found everything we need."
"Last minute install. I haven't even left."
"...really quick pattern. I was envisioning it could be a good last-minute gift idea if you needed that."
"Make everything work, that's what I did at the last minute."
"Tobin Heath with the equalizer in added time has snatched a crucial point for the leaders."
"Armenia came through at the very end the very end and saved it."
"It's my last chance to find great gifts, so I'm headed to Kohl's last-minute gift sale, the very best place to find everything for everyone left on my list."
"It's always impressive isn't it when lots of things just seem to come alive at the last few seconds?"
"Literally waited till the last possible minute so that I could do this vid. Round of Applause."
"The buzzer beater everybody at the very last second."
"Don't pack ahead of time. You gotta pack last minute, that's when you get it done in 20 minutes, you know what I'm saying?"
"We were literally last minute. We got y'all."
"You watch 99 percent of the game like a spectator, then with seconds left, the coach calls you over: 'Get in there and win this game for us!'"
"I hear the crowd counting down four, three, two, I turn and I throw up a prayer, switch at the buzzer, 39 feet, after the game. Wow!"
"Turbo pulls out an amazing comeback in the last frame."
"It always comes down to the wire for some reason."
"I am a massive procrastinator when it comes to packing, and I will always leave it to the last minute."
"Middlesbrough have stolen the game at the death."
"You could catch three in the last 15 minutes and it could make all the difference in the world."
"We are the people that show up 10 minutes before a place closes."
"This would be great if somebody's looking for a last-minute gift for somebody."
"It's two days before Christmas Eve, people are running around trying to get their last-minute gifts."
"I'm going to allow myself grace to not beat myself up about the fact that I'm last minute doing this."
"It makes a wonderful last-minute gift."
"An unbelievable development at the last instant."
"It was one of the craziest wins on Friday night where a goal was scored with 0.01 seconds on the clock."
"There's a moment of magic left in this game here in the 90th minute."
"Anything can happen here at the last minute."
"Some people turned up when the doors were closing, but I rated it."
"This is a great last minute gift idea."
"The Red Wings just scored with 3 seconds to go, you have got to be kidding."
"Jordan Eberle ties the game with just 5.4 seconds remaining."
"One of the axioms of fieldwork is that you always find the best stuff on the last day."
"Absolute heartbreak for herb kerbler as he gives up the lead at the last moment to Jackson storm."
"These are perfect for last minute gifts, let me tell you because you can crank these out in about an hour or less."
"If your exam is tomorrow, this is the video to watch just to quickly get an idea of what you need."
"In the 11th Hour, that man got a hold of a group of people that did more in one hour than what everybody else had done for the whole day."
"We just made it, oh my god we made it."
"This is by far the easiest method, so anybody here last minute cramming, this is where you want to be."
"They've nicked it, it would seem, right at the end."
"That's a solid hustle, Green overtook Yellow literally in the last second."
"Fortunately, they managed to save themselves at the very last minute."
"Late goals FC, they've done it for years now."
"You are joking me, we got it one second to go."
"He's notorious for making a last-lap charge."
"It's an amazing win, a late late goal by Kevin Foley, a winning point by David Beggy."
"Someone here is coming in for a last-minute save."
"These make amazing last-minute gifts."
"If they're looking for a last-minute gift for a dad who does love fantasy football, look no further."
"It's a really nice gift to give, especially if you're last minute Christmas shopping."
"Sometimes you just need a last minute, easy, comfortable option."
"Perfect if you've not got a Halloween look planned and you need something last-minute."