
Cosmic Alignment Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"This alignment breaks old patterns and allows for resolutions to long-standing issues."
"The universe is aligning these stars for you."
"Trust your instincts and trust that the universe is conspiring for you."
"Feeling that cosmic flow, even feeling synchronistic, being in the right place at the right time and things just magically happening."
"The universe is aligning the energies to bring a special someone into your life."
"The universe is conspiring on your behalf right now, drawing you to the light and bringing you the magic and miracles that are your birthright."
"108 is a magical number, perfectly aligned with cosmic phenomena."
"Full moon surrender to the divine, trusting that the universe is bringing you what you are manifesting."
"Prime time romantically, cosmically supported to fall in love and have fun."
"Follow the correspondences of the energy each day to lock into the synchronicity of the cosmos."
"Magic isn't for abuse; it's about aligning with the cosmos."
"You're not alone; it's like the universe is on your side."
"As you release these constraints, you embark on a transformative journey of understanding and aligning with the cosmic dance."
"Be hopeful, have faith, the stars are aligning for this growth."
"Spirit, the universe, and the way that my planets are aligned... hinting at the idea of me preparing for some really radical changes, some really radical shifts. It all felt positive, it all felt motivating, and I am so here for it."
"THIS SOLAR ECLIPSE is a NORTH NODE eclipse, representing new beginnings."
"The time will come when the destiny of you and the whole universe will overlap."
"Eclipses are like cosmic tuning forks, aligning us back to our fate, our journey, our path, our purpose."
"There's an opening with the Neptune and Pisces now as all of these energetics and themes square the galactic center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius."
"The stars and the planets are not doing anything to us, it's about synchronicities and as above so below."
"Trust the universe at this time. Trust the Divine energy here."
"The universe is actually delivering what you truly desire in your heart."
"It's a soul connection, instant love at first sight for you and this person. The stars are aligning for you to meet this person."
"Endless opportunities ahead, be open to what the universe has in store for you."
"I have never seen so many aspects come together to predict so many things all at the same time."
"Whatever we discuss, right you can actually connect it with the nakshatras."
"Trust your intuition on this, the universe is lining things up behind your back."
"We may as well align it with the evolutionary Essence in the cosmos, which is Christ."
"Everything just kind of works out when the stars align."
"In conclusion, imagine a world intricately laced geometrically with structures and buildings designed to resonate harmoniously with the cosmos."
"Your prayers have been heard and the universe is aligning to close Old doors while opening new ones, ushering in life-changing blessings."
"The universe is conspiring with bringing you two together."
"If you want something, Virgo, and you tell the universe you want it, and you're ready for it, the universe conspires to bring it towards you."
"New opportunities and abundance await; the universe is aligning in your favor."
"The stars are aligning to bring you and this person back together should you wish to."
"Success building upon success, tangible recognition from the universe."
"The universe is always working for you, never against you."
"Luck is on your side now, Gemini. This is a kiss from Venus, the cosmic lovers, right? Venus and Mars met up that day. Okay, so this could be you had a meeting, okay, someone here where you're very passionate."
"You're favored by the universe, it's that kind of feeling."
"The universe is looking out for me."
"I feel like that was the universe giving me a hug."
"They're losing this battle because the universe is on your side."
"2024 brings four eclipses, three of which fall on the Aries-Libra axis and one that falls on the Pisces-Virgo axis."
"Seeing the light of Guan felt like a nudge from the universe."
"Everything is going to be all right. The universe is conspiring in your favor."
"It was like the cosmos were saying, 'Here you go, now shut up.'"
"The universe wanted us to be on the diet."
"The universe is always sending you signs."
"Complete help from the universe... everything is divinely orchestrated."
"It's serendipitous, the stars aligned in some way today."
"As the stars start to unline, I hope you take it as a sign that you'll be okay."
"The universe wants to bring you a person that will actually be on the same vibe with you."
"These are the moments we live for, where stars and planets align."
"Guided by our ancestors, planets, all the lines as we hold space for the age of the mighty 'I'."
"It's no mistake that we all come together at the same time; the universe and the stars lined up the way it was supposed to."
"Venus is meeting Mars in your sign, the cosmic lovers are meeting up, and this might be a time when you're feeling very passionate about something."
"Whatever impulses you're following are very strongly supported by the universe."
"The alignment of the earth, the moon, the sun, and the galaxy is one straight line."
"The echoes from the silence remind them, the twinkle in their eyes was the stars in alignment."
"The minute that you lock it in, mountains move for you, like the cosmos realign, like it happens that fast."
"You are tapping into your Cosmic blueprint, ready to fulfill your destiny and be all that you can be."
"We should all be in the business of aligning ourselves with the cosmos."
"Mount Celestia, also known as the Seven Heavens, is the lawful good aligned plane of the cosmos."
"The universe has your back because more than anything, the universe wants you to fulfill your mission, to align with your purpose."
"Become aligned with the universe, baby."
"Heaven and Earth are in perfect alignment for your victory."
"We can feel it when we're in alignment with our Soul's purpose and when we're on the path that is in alignment with the energies of the cosmos."
"It is possible to live from the marrow of your marrow, the place within where the cosmos dance, the stars align, and authenticity reigns supreme."
"If this relationship is meant to happen, the universe will conspire and make it happen."
"The universe is definitely making everything right when it comes to your love life."
"The stars and the planets are aligning for you to be very successful and abundant."