
Celestial Event Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"It's like heaven is coming down. It's amazing."
"Let this Celestial event not only be a spectacle for the eyes but also a catalyst for heart transformation and spiritual Revival."
"The April 8th, 2024 Eclipse viewed through this lens becomes an invitation to introspection in spiritual Readiness, a call to align our Lives with the will and purposes of God."
"Solar eclipse, that's a very powerful energy vibrational upgrade then."
"What they're looking at is essentially a supermassive black hole destroying a star."
"Our Solar Eclipse is aligned with the North Node in Aries."
"Apophis is heading our way. It's no surprise to NASA or to prophecy watchers. As we get closer to that event, it's more important than ever that we warn the world of the things that are coming."
"God's about to work in your life, the solar clip's going to be beautiful."
"Wow, some people were like, 'Wow, what's that? Is that a missile incoming? No, that's the Moon.'"
"Venus becoming visible and reborn is a rare event, tapping into ancient astrology."
"When I tell you there's a comet here and it's time to go look at it, drop everything and make sure you get a chance to see this comet."
"We've officially reached the solstice into the world."
"This is the rare once every 20 years meeting of Jupiter and Saturn... It represents a new beginning."
"The conjunction in Aquarius signals the beginning of a new airy age."
"Christopher Columbus... reported seeing a giant ball of fire falling from the sky."
"The Full Moon takes place when the Moon is opposite to the Sun."
"The celestial event coming up eclipses all the other stories."
"For anyone in the path of totality on Monday, the total solar eclipse is going to be an incredible experience."
"It's such a great Celestial event, like once in a lifetime, come on, this is a big thing, it's a big thing you want to see."
"The next eclipse won't happen across the US for another 20 years, so this really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a lot of people."
"Mark Twain was born on November 30th, 1835, just two weeks after Halley's Comet was visible on Earth."
"The moon is crossing the sun... it's not going to happen again until 2044."
"Solar eclipse in Aries on April 8th conjoins Chiron and Mercury retrograde."
"Venus conjuncting Pluto... this deep, intense aspect."
"A million stars rose in the east to herald her arrival."
"It's the celestial Easter egg hunt, essentially."
"The moon eclipsing the Sun and spreading darkness over the world."
"Halley's Comet... visits us every 75 years, so some will manage to see it twice in their lifetime."
"The longest solar eclipse... the sun will go dark for 7 minutes and 29 seconds."
"The whole firmament, over all the United States, being then for hours in fiery commotion! No celestial phenomenon has ever occurred in this country since its first settlement which was viewed with such intense admiration."
"The morning sky becomes the canvas for a celestial ballet as Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars will all align in a captivating display."
"Brace for this total eclipse of the sun, offering a rare opportunity for observation and study amidst the celestial marvel."
"Tell your children it is soon; the earth has now eclipsed the moon."
"A huge star that flared up in the dark sky, impulsively sending shafts of light to the Earth."
"Our reunion was tagged the celestial reunion the very moment stars got us baptized."
"It got super dark, we were like the darkest spot that it's going to be in like 144 years."
"It's the second eclipse I've seen, second time I've been in totality."
"As the sun and moon aligned in the sky, they illuminated each other's shine."
"A family's peaceful existence in a secluded farmstead is disrupted when a celestial body drastically alters their mundane lives."
"A total eclipse occurs when the moon casts a shadow on the Earth that passes between the Earth and Sun."
"A total solar eclipse is otherworldly."
"So Ganymede over there on the right is actually going to get eaten up by Jupiter's shadow, and I want to see if I can record that event."
"In broad daylight, the sun just disappears, completely covered by the moon."
"Oh look, it's a shooting star. Make a wish."
"Celestial events like solar eclipses, when the sky darkens and the sun's corona becomes visible, observers may witness not only the breathtaking beauty of the natural phenomenon but also peculiar sightings of unidentified flying objects."
"Bai appears before him to remind Hun that the celestial incense has been extinguished and to recommend that they surrender."
"For centuries, solar eclipses have fascinated people, stirring feelings of wonder, fear, and curiosity."
"The Blood Moon is rising sooner than we thought."
"Starfall happens, a beautiful festival that commemorates the migration of these spirits that look like falling stars."
"An eclipse is just like a totally amazing experience, and you really want to be able to spend the time watching it."
"Venus will rise one hour 50 minutes before the sun, which is quite remarkable."
"When three rings appear in the sky, a red creature will arrive to free the island from danger."
"I'm Haley's Comet, the most famous comet in the galaxy, about every 75 years I'm in the Earth's vicinity."
"The day of unity will be in exactly one month when the tide is at its lowest and the moon obscures the sun."
"We had a total solar eclipse this past week."
"I've been consumed by this feeling ever since that day, the day the star fell."
"Tonight, of three full moons, only once every six years, three full moons mean a very, very wonderful thing."
"The Sun will come from the West at the end of time."
"When the moon slipped in front of the sun, the little hairs on the back of my neck stood on end."
"The moon will rise full there every 18 years six months."
"When the red star of Regulus appears in the gaze of the Sphinx just before dawn, it'll be at that time when a new knowledge will be born unto humanity."
"And then, of course, we see the Milky Way core returning to the night sky."
"These are a rare celestial event that people can actually experience the effects of."
"Follow the moon in the sun, it's an eclipse, a solar eclipse."
"Wait for the arrival of the early morning of June 7th, a strange red moon will shroud the entire world."
"We've got a blood moon rising over the clouds in the distance."
"The sun crosses the celestial equator on the 20th, bringing us the first equinox of the year, where day and night have almost equal length all around the world."
"This once in a lifetime celestial event... feels like a communal experience."
"The Quadrantids can produce up to 120 meteors an hour."
"A solar eclipse is a phenomenon where the moon entirely or partially covers the sun, possible only during the new moon."
"The coolest part is where the moon completely blocks the sun."
"There's a rare alignment today up there in the sky between Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Saturn."
"All eclipses are important, but this one is supercharged."
"A rare conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will take place on the winter solstice, creating what some are calling a Christmas star."
"This is the biggest week of August with that full moon in Pisces."
"The Earth, the Sun, and the Moon are going to be aligned."
"The blood moon and the blood sun converged, obscuring all under a scarlet haze."
"The solar eclipse of April 8th, 2024, is a clarion call from heaven to awaken our spirits."
"It's really cool. It's so weird and different seeing the Sun basically turned into Pac-Man."