
Series Completion Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Playing through an entire series from the beginning is an incredibly fulfilling experience."
"At least all ten seasons are in there for Friends, may all be out of whack, but at least they're there."
"I am perfectly okay with Fleabag having only two seasons and you should too."
"I am so hyped for House of the Dragon but I'm even more excited for the show to complete its entire run before George Martin finishes damn sixth book."
"Hope you enjoyed the series as much as I love making it."
"Congratulations, Nick, this series has been an absolute adventure."
"The story of 'I Hate Fairyland' was intended to be a one and done mini-series."
"Thank you guys so much for watching we could not be more happy with this series and with how the ship came out."
"This was my best party ever. I'm glad you had fun, Lucy."
"Thank you so much for following this series. I really, really appreciate all the enthusiasm."
"It's been a goal of mine since the earliest days of the channel to make a video for every game in the Sonic series."
"I want to finish the 'Folk of Air' trilogy before the next book comes out."
"Let's see if we can finish this series out on a bang. I'm excited."
"This book was honestly one of the most satisfying third novels in a series I have read in a while."
"I'm not talking about finishing night six or custom night or whatever I'm talking about finishing night five. Listen, I get FNAF one is hard, trust me that game can be a pain but dude at least finish your let's play series."
"That was the complete Infinity Saga program."
"Congratulations, you absolutely killed this series. This kind of writing is amazing."
"And with that, we completed the Lost Island series."
"Thanks for the amazing support on this series I'm glad you liked it so much we complete it will we complete the story anyway"
"The day has finally come, the finale of TG. Can you believe I've been doing reviews for this series for four years?"
"We could find no record of a nice eSakai light novel series having reached conclusion."
"What a great series so far, just one more, gotta stick this landing."
"If you've made it all the way through this series, thank you for being here. I truly appreciate all the love."
"This has been the best series that I've ever done."
"Thank you all for tagging along with me as I conquered through the entire Monument Mythos Series."
"The Dark Tower 7: 'At that point, I was still riding off the high of finishing the Dark Tower series.'"
"I feel like completing a series just feels so good but I'm looking forward to it I'm really intrigued to see where the series is going to go and like what's going to happen next because I I don't really know I don't really know where it's going to go."
"I was so beyond excited that I finally completed the series as it is such a great series I highly recommend it just a great Supernatural shown in series done by the same Creator as Hunter Hunter so yeah"
"Finishing a series that has been with you for so long is such a weird feeling. Good, but weird."
"I've been holding out for the entire series."
"I'm very glad that I got to experience the rest of the series, and it came in this box set is very enjoyable as well."
"From the bottom of my heart, thank you for following us along on the whole Potter's house series."
"I think you guys would all rather us finish the series in my lifetime."
"We just finished normal people the show, and I loved it."
"I'm really hoping that I get some new season ones because I don't have the full series yet."
"I'm so happy with how this whole series has gone."
"Trust that the important facts will all be made clear upon finishing the series."
"Thank you so much to everyone who stuck around for the entirety of Arc 5."
"I have absolutely fallen in love with and I just don't know what I'm going to do with myself now that I've completed the series."
"At the end of the series, we're gonna have a pretty insane collection."
"Thank you for joining us, thank you for reading along, thank you for doing this series with us."
"It's good for my mental health that the series is over."
"I've been dying to finish it because I need to know what happens."
"Thank you for all the work that you've done in this series, it's almost to a close, so thank you for coming with us."
"I'm currently making my way through the entire Shadow Demon Saga because I'm working on the final book."
"These spines look absolutely amazing, can't wait to get volume three and volume seven then this series will be complete."
"This provided an enjoyable bit of closure to a series that has felt incomplete for a very long time."
"Hope you guys have thoroughly enjoyed this series and learned something new."
"I finally finished watching all of Half-Life VR; good series."