
Nomadic Lifestyle Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Pan Am is a nomad, and her questline centers around her road family as they all learn to love and accept each other."
"It's a theme that runs in many of his works. We can all relate to the idea of home, many of us are moving around constantly from one environment to another."
"Expect to be changing vehicles over the course of your time living as a nomad... really normal and typical."
"In this way, One Piece shows us the value of movement and flexibility, and the unique power of the pirate and the nomad."
"We nomads choose who to make our family. A choice forges strong bonds and a higher duty that stands solid as an old oak."
"He liked women and they liked him too, but he never stayed in one place long enough to form a lasting relationship."
"Being fairly nomadic... maybe someday I'll find that place that takes my breath away."
"This is just part of being an RV owner, especially if you're going to be a full-time nomad."
"Literally just the other day, I realized that I have been living as a nomad for almost a full year."
"You can't stay in one part of the desert forever so you move to these places and that we may have to in the next thousand years become a more nomadic civilization adapting ourselves building mulberry-like harbors that are like giant floating docks."
"Nomads are the future. This is going to become, whether the government likes it or not, a way of life for many, many more of us."
"Homeless Pimp is looking at the same Moon as us, he's alive and well, he's just setting around the country on different projects."
"A good reliable van that will not let you down... that's the foundation of your whole nomadic life."
"Western Mongolia's Kazakhs are one of the world's few remaining nomadic civilizations."
"Is there anything more appealing to a person of nomadic sensibilities than a set of wheels, an open road, and no fixed plans?"
"Army ants do not build their own permanent nests; instead, they create colonies that migrate from one place to another."
"It's more than 10 years of full-time van life, living on the road, being nomadic."
"We're Kevin and Taylor and for the last 12 months we've been converting this Sprinter van into our perfect home on wheels."
"By the end of this video, I don't want you to make the same mistakes that I've been making if you're planning on living a nomadic lifestyle."
"My favorite part about being on the road and traveling is obviously it's a tiny home but you have the biggest yard of anybody."
"Living on the road is difficult because I'm in the process of essentially buying a new home, which is a home on wheels."
"Our goal is to share with you what it's like to live as a nomad."
"I don't think people understand how difficult it is not to really live in one place."
"We finally have a home. We've literally been nomads, we've been [ __ ] gypsies for the past 18 months."
"It rarely goes into the depths of what it's really like, you know, to have to live that nomadic lifestyle. It's the flavor without a lot of the real substance, without a lot to really sink your teeth into."
"It's about your living systems, what is it like to live full time in a vehicle as your house for months and months, that turns into years and years."
"Being a quote-unquote modern Nomad is becoming the answer for more and more people because of races and prices but also because of our changing climate."
"The Death Guard never left garrisons, simply moving from war zone to war zone leaving ruin in their wake."
"I enjoy being a nomad. I enjoy being on the road."
"I've pretty much been 100% nomadic, so it'll be nice to have a place to rest."
"My family was like a drop of water in a vast river, never remaining in one location for long."
"I have no local connection anywhere because all my family are travelers; I was born in a caravan, traveling around, home-schooled."
"We've been moving to a new city every year."
"I love being a nomad. I love bopping around."
"I'm a nomad, AKA I have location freedom."
"When you live in a van, home is wherever you park it."
"The overall design feel of the Tortuga Travel Backpack is definitely digital nomad full-time traveler with durable, rugged vibes but a sleek design."
"I really believe that the nomad's life is kind of a treasure."
"We've been living full time on the road for the past two years with our dog Orlando."
"This is our home on wheels, this is our future, this means traveling indefinitely."
"We've now been living nomadically full time for 10 years and we are living our perfect life."
"Carried his possessions... and adopted the lifestyle of the road."
"Endlessly walking the earth and improving his fighting skill is the life of Ryu, the Japanese martial artist without a home."
"I'm a nomad. I consider myself to be a nomad, and I get antsy after being in a spot for too long."
"I've been living on the road for six years in an RV, traveling by myself with my dog."
"I'm a bit of a nomad... I've spent the last 20 years traveling quite a bit."
"I learned so much about how to be a nomad and I learned so much about other seasonal gigs I can go to after this."
"How can we build the foundation of a new nomadic community if we are always rushing?"
"Being a nomad isn't about a choice of a vehicle, it's about an attitude of your heart and your mind that you love to travel."
"I'm really grateful for van life."
"Being a nomad is the right and proper way for a human to live."
"We've always been like a nomadic people... it's just in the last couple centuries that we've settled down."
"The archaeological record points to the fact that Paleolithic people moved from place to place to campsites that were known to them and used over many generations."
"18 months ago I left my career of seven years in the British army with one aim to become a van life Nomad."
"The album's name itself, meaning 'Journey', reflected the nomadic spirit of both the music and Mitchell's life at the time."
"That's the 100% key to having a safe place to sleep: use it for a night and don't come back there for at least a week."
"The domestication of the horse would have given nomadic groups more mobility, allowing them to go greater distances."
"Nomads do not wander randomly; they have a strong sense of territoriality."
"There seems to be a distinctive social and economic niche for nomadic people within a sedentary society."
"Now I'm back where we begun, the horses and Caravans, vagabonds and thieves."
"We wanted our life to be more portable and the ability to travel and move around with our home."
"The Huns lived simply, true warrior lifestyle."
"It's freedom from rent, freedom from a mortgage, and you can adventure around on your wheels."
"We are a full-time modern nomadic family of five that have traveled to the northernmost limits of Norway, the thermal springs of southern Spain, and have taken on the famous North Coast 500 in the highlands of Scotland, all in our self-converted camper."
"The great thing about this life is that you could do work on your van anywhere you want."
"Van life is just a catch-all term, at least in my opinion, for anybody living this nomadic lifestyle."
"What would be an influence in my past that would make me say, 'Wow, that's what I want,' when I finally saw this lifestyle being portrayed on YouTube by other nomads?"
"They've evolved, they sure have. This is a giant leap forward, but you know, it makes living full-time as a nomad a comfortable way to do it and affordable."
"It's been pretty much our home for two years."
"It gradually dawned on me that I really didn't need a home. I could live out of my car and backpack."
"I'm kind of homeless, but in a good way; I'm what's called location independent."
"Majority of my life I was moving, man."
"Pastoralists must move from one pasture to another during the year to provide for their herds."
"Moleskine is a brand that identifies a family of nomadic objects, notebooks, diaries, bags, tools for writing and reading, designed for modern people on the go."
"We wake up every day in the same bed, we cook our meals in the same kitchen... and if you really like a place, you can extend your stay; if you don't, you can move on."
"For our community, for nomads in general, to go and make a lot of money in a short period of time and maybe even a long-term period of time, together the two jobs work together so very well."
"We left our home in the US and we have been traveling full-time for a little over six months now."
"What if I just didn't live anywhere and I just lived everywhere?"
"There's nothing like just camping wherever you want, and not having anywhere to be."
"We travel full-time, so we're always in different places."
"What makes it a special lifestyle is that we can be mobile and travel and explore."
"For the last nine years, I have been living in my car and traveling on and off."
"If you can't sleep well, you can't live well in a car. That good night's sleep is one of the most essential things of all."
"I prefer a life on the road driving around the country."
"I absolutely love life on the road and honestly, after the last year and a half, I can't imagine my life any other way."
"This is my van, it's a GMC Savannah 2500 an '06, and I've been living in it full time for about seven months."
"I'm going into my fifth year of living on the road full-time."
"I live full-time on the road nomadically, and this is my 10th year."