
Book Series Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"If you want to feel like a winter vibe, this is definitely the series to pick up."
"I loved every single book in this series. It's just so fresh for me in the fantasy genre."
"I'm always looking for good new fantasy series to get into."
"Chapter 11's gonna be big. Two character Focus chapters. Excited for that!"
"Favorite first book in a series? I'd have to go with Lady Midnight because this is fantastic."
"It quickly became one of my favorite books in any series that I've ever read because it's just such a good conclusion."
"This one's really, really good and there are two more in the series so you won't be satisfied with just this one."
"Harry Potter became the best-selling book series in history."
"This just sounds like the first book to an incredible new series."
"I love these books, I read this one, I need to read these two."
"It’s a solid bookend, and, even if you DON’T continue the series, it’s satisfying."
"This is where the book series really kicks up into high gear."
"I make it a trilogy is it like frodo taking the ring I only intended it to be this little small book but now it's like a full-size book."
"The trail series is wonderful and I think it's the best in the genre currently running today."
"The most hauntingly beautiful book of the series."
"Any book that includes Archer, I will be reading it absolutely."
"Mine was Dear Dumb Diary. I never heard anyone else talking about it at my school, but I thought that was such a good series."
"It's brutal, it's bloody, I loved the first one so much."
"I love Leigh Bardugo as we know, I'm a huge fan of the Six of Crows series, literally one of my all-time favorite series."
"Tropes subverted throughout this entire series."
"I'm caught up on the Stormlight Archives, everyone. She did it!"
"The books of Babel series by Josiah Bancroft combine so many interesting elements."
"The mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson has one of the most twisty and tourney plots."
"The city of stairs series by Robert Jackson Bennett is a brilliant and underrated fantasy series out there."
"It's a very cute recent series that started publishing. I have the first three volumes of this."
"Just a perfect two-book series that I highly recommend checking out."
"It's been an absolute pleasure to weave this beautiful story across books with heroes we invest in."
"But I'm just gonna read my way through the Heroes of Olympus and you'll get to see every single major reaction that I have."
"This series is just everything. It's just so good, you just have to read it."
"From Blood and Ash: Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Love, love this series."
"Obsessed with Ember. That series was so good."
"I want to finish the 'Folk of Air' trilogy before the next book comes out."
"I've decided to just focus entirely on Inner City after Book Two."
"It's not gonna change. This is NK Jemisin's newest release and the first novel of a new urban fantasy trilogy."
"Inexpensive things can look expensive when you pick them, especially if they're made of natural fabrics like wool, cotton, or linen."
"I'm already so in love with it. I mean, because this is the fifth book to a series, there's so much that's happened, the narrative just basically starts with a bang."
"I planned a rough outline of the four entire books... and then I started writing it."
"Far and away my most beloved Science Fiction series."
"Longtail had just come back to ThunderClan after leaving to join RiverClan for moons. The books intend him rejoining ThunderClan as a show of his loyalty."
"Brace yourselves everyone for Stormlight Five because it is the end of a major sequence."
"I just absolutely need to continue on with book two..."
"Another thing y'all should be ready for is this book is the first in an intended trilogy."
"There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about this book, this series, this character."
"Each book blew my mind multiple times, it also broke my heart multiple times, and was just truly one of my favorite reading experiences ever."
"I intend there to be five books in that series."
"For all intents and purposes, Percy Jackson is the title character of his own book series."
"The story really starts with the second book. That's when it starts to hook you."
"I need to get book eight which will kind of sum up and tie the ideas together."
"If you liked Howl's Reach, you're gonna love Angels of Death."
"Will there be a chapter three? Probably, right?"
"It's funny how we're all over the Harry Potter spectrum. Chamber of Secrets is probably my favorite of the entire franchise."
"I think it's four books total so I only have one more to go and I'm genuinely sad about it because I just love these characters."
"I just love this series by Liz Tom Ford."
"A Song of Ice and Fire is not in my top 10 favorite books, favorite series of all time. It's in my top five, it's maybe in my top three."
"I love both of those men and both of those book series."
"I liked 11 to 13 so I don't know if you if you read that, uh, Dylan Pages 11.15 or the books."
"City of Stairs... Honestly one of my favorite series of all time. Incredibly underrated in my opinion."
"The Stormlight Archive is one of my favorite series of all time so very easy for me just to say just go read it it's it's really good."
"How do you feel about Chewy being killed by a moon in the New Jedi Order books? I thought it was an epic way for him to go out."
"Four incredible books...four incredible sequels...this is like a Love Fest for books that are incredible."
"I really enjoy theft of swords, and I want to continue the series eventually."
"Codex Alera is a six book Epic Fantasy and it is so good."
"I'm having a good time with this and I'm looking forward to book four."
"And these were my 10 favorite fantasy book slash series of all time let me know down below what are yours if you were surprised or not and also recommendations just I cannot wait to see what you think."
"Look out for a marquis for Marianne book two in the series also available now," the end.
"You need to write a third book in the series: Strange Fire, Authentic Fire, and then Secret Fire."
"This is literally my favorite book series of all time."
"This book was a strong conclusion if you love the first two book books you will love this one as well it's a series that is just again really different really unique."
"Of all the books that we talked about today, this is so good. I can't wait to pick up the next two books in the series because it's only a Trilogy."
"We've been reading this Temeraire series. Fantastic, even the last half, which is not very good, but like that book has a grittiness in what is going on."
"That's so exciting because we get to jump in to the Throne of Glass series which is right here."
"I think many of you will know by now that I'm a fan... I consider it a big priority for me to read the entire Last King of Osten Ard in 2024."
"I've heard such incredible things about this book series and I've actually had a lot of people in my comments saying I should definitely check it out."
"What is the title of the second book in the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer? It's New Moon."
"I love them if you guys have read the addicted callway sister series and haven't read the bad reputation duet what are you doing."
"I would definitely be picking up the second book in this series which is called vicious spirits."
"The Stormlight Archive is even an unfinished series and it is on spot number one."
"This is probably my favorite book out of the series and it is probably my favorite book couple."
"The second book is probably going to be your favorite and then the third book everything becomes so much bigger the stakes get really enormous."
"I feel like I could love the Blood and Ash series."
"Both Stephen and Ian have been writing more Malazan books outside of their two main sequences."
"But truly devious is a series that has truly impressed me through every single book I feel like each installment is like just as good as the last and I think it's very consistent."
"Next up on my list of all-time favorite series is the shadow game trilogy by amanda foodie."
"Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy: Truly outstanding emotional journey."
"Everybody who loves these books like the a court of thorn and Roses series and the second one is um the court of Miss and fury and everyone says like that's the best one it was very very good."
"I absolutely love this book series. It really is quite an interesting concept."
"There is so much potential whenever I read a book in the series."
"I think my number one favorite book series ever at least for romantics."
"If you read this book and don't love it I would say keep with the series."
"Falling kingdoms is the first book in the falling kingdoms series question mark."
"I can't wait to read the other two books in the series."
"You will immediately run to the store or pick up your Kindle or go to Amazon and you will buy Caliban War immediately because book one is probably the best book one of a science fiction series outside of your game that I have ever read."
"I absolutely adore Battlestar Galactica so when I watched that first season I loved it so much and that big cliffhanger ending, uh, I went out and I got Leviathan Wakes and I read it in like three days."
"Every generation has that one book series that they just really fall in love with, which is important because it inspires them to read the classics while at the same time cultivating the next wave of dreamers and writers."
"I could honestly gush and gush and gush about this series that wasn't perfect but hit me right in the feels and I think is so ambitious it feels so unique it is unlike anything I have ever read before I'm obsessed I am OB obsess with these books now."
"Throne of Glass is actually the first in a series of five to six books. I'm so excited I was really nervous that this was just going to be a Trilogy and there's so much groundwork and three books wasn't going to be enough."
"Each book in the series has a focused character whose backstory is explored."
"Remember how Words of Radiance snatched my soul, tore it to pieces, and left me in tears while burning my heart to a crisp? Well, I learned nothing from that and I proceeded to read Oathbringer. I'm something of a masochist so here we go again, baby."
"Oathbringer is the third set of trauma in the ongoing series of trauma hiding behind the attractive name of the Stormlight Archive. We've all been baited, we've all been fooled, and we're all addicted to the pain. Nice to see you here in this therapy session, Gancho."
"Okay, sure, and we learned that the Parshendi were the ones to send Szeth to kill Gavilar. Sick. Wait, was I supposed to know this already? This is news to me, but it feels like I should have known about this somehow."
"So, as the story goes on, though, I think Dalinar edges out on my favorite character. I remember, especially by the third book, which the third book in the series is my favorite book."
"This series was the first series that he sold over a million copies of. Really, it's the one that meant that he was here to stay as a New York Times bestselling author."
"It's hard to put down and I challenge you to finish book one and not immediately pick up book two or finish book two not immediately pick up book three or finish book three and be like, 'No, I want more.'"
"The Kingkiller Chronicle is just so good."
"There's only been like one book in the series I really just didn't like and that was path of daggers."
"I think it's one of those I would put on this list because yes there are other books in the universe but if you want to just read these three you can feel like you have a complete story."
"Go read Realm of the Elderlings. This is an amazing series."
"I'm not ready to find out the Assassin's fate watch me finish this and just immediately restart the farseer trilogy because I feel like that could definitely happen."
"I've had the best time reading this series over the last two weeks. Now that it's over, I'm like, 'What do I do now?'"
"If you love like a found family element, I would so recommend reading this whole entire series."
"The Red Rising Saga is a series that means a lot to me."
"I'm upset that I didn't like Kingdom of the Wicked because I know that I would have liked Kingdom of the Cursed even more."
"The Riyria Revelations has a huge increase in ranking."
"The Dresden Files books are really interesting because they're the only books I've I think I've ever read where the books get significantly better as you go on."
"I've decided to turn back to Ilona Andrews and the Hidden Legacy series."
"You have to start the first book in each of the series. You do not start in the middle of the series. That is not something you can do."
"It's just a really, really funny book series."
"It's the first book so it's clearly going to be a very entertaining series with complex character Dynamics friendship so much heart."
"I feel like a lot of people write off the Kane Chronicles and the Magnus Chase series as just sort of side series that have nothing to do with the Percy Jackson world, because so many people are eager to read Percy Jackson or the Heroes of Olympus or the Trials of Apollo."
"I have high hopes for book three based on how book two ended."
"Books two and three, what a trip."
"This has been a charming secret magical cures mystery series book six."
"Each volume of the book kind of covers a new decade."
"...because you see, 2002 is precisely why the series was written."
"So everything's a series but that's another one on the dbr I have yet to read a TJ cloon book but I've heard so many good things that I'm really looking forward to them I have a lot of a lot of DJ Clon books on my dbr actually."
"...this series is so good, like I started it on a whim and it is so good..."
"It's a really delightful book I love this series."
"If you liked the first book, the second one is even better."
"...this is my favorite series of all time."
"This book, this series is so important to me, the story is so awesome."
"I might continue; the ending of book three kinda got me."
"A series where everything exists in the same universe, but you don't have to read all the books in order."
"I did really enjoy how the series of Scythe began."
"I love Shallan, I know a lot of people have said that they felt like she's gotten more annoying ever since the first book."
"If you love the type of foreshadowing, planning, and how everything came together in the final book... I think you will really like 'The Riyria Revelations'."
"Just finished Heir to the Empire trilogy, wow, love the series."
"The series started becoming something truly amazing starting from the seventh book."
"I look forward to doing a third read of The Way of Kings next year."
"I like my favorite book series, like Artemis Fowl and... Roald Dahl books and stuff like that."
"My love for the Twilight series entered my body, and it never left."
"This series caught my eye, I've been hearing a lot of things about it."
"I will now be reading all of the Aggie Morton books because this was so phenomenal."
"The greatest series of all time has reached 500 million copies sold."
"It really is one of my favorite and funnest series that I've ever read."
"I love love love love Stormlight Chronicle."
"It's the first book leading to the second book leading to the third book."
"I binge read all three of these books back to back."
"By book five, I was just like, jaw hanging open on every single page."
"This book had a lot of depth, just like the other two."
"I've never read soulmates like this series."
"This series gave me the biggest book hangover of my life."
"Vicious and Vengeful, they're two of my favorite books. They will make you unsure if you should be rooting for anybody."
"I'm so so so excited to read the rest of the books in the series and see what happens next."
"Hard luck was meant to be the final book."
"This book series is the most unhinged, chaotic book series you'll ever read in your life."
"I cannot wait for the second installment in the Crescent City series."
"If anybody is new to my channel, new to this series, I'm basically working my way through this book."
"I'm definitely an ACOTAR stan now."
"I've never read a book series and hated a character so much and then come to a complete 180 and love the character."
"I adore the Nevernight trilogy by him."
"If I had to choose a favorite book in the series, it would be Air of Fire."
"The ending was crazy, my favorite thing about the ACOTAR series is she just has such incredible endings."
"I really like the covers, so I really want to end up getting the entire series as well as the short stories."
"How many of you are Outlander fans? I love that book series."
"This was my favorite opening to a book so far."
"The Captain Underpants series was one of those book series everyone knew about."
"Honestly, I used to read a lot of these books when I was younger, and I haven't read them in a long, long time."
"As the majority of you know, Joanna is based off the warrior series by Erin Hunter, specifically the 1st and 2nd arcs."
"The character development was a lot stronger towards the end, and these characters grew on me so much throughout this series."
"I am a huge fan of the way this book series ended, that epilogue was so good."
"This series has six levels in its second edition; there are two books for each test, eight stories per level form the basis for English learning."
"I need to find a new book series to sink my teeth into."
"This series has become one of my new favorite series, it has been added to the list, I'm obsessed, I will be reading it again."
"I'm enjoying it more than book two. I don't think anything can replace book one in my heart."
"I can't wait for the next two, I feel like now I have a solid arc of where we're gonna be headed."
"This is definitely my favorite book in the series so far."
"We're finally doing it; we're concluding the Harry Turtledove Southern Victory series."
"It's such a good book, such a great series."
"I really, really loved the first book in that series, You Had Me at Ola."
"I can't wait to put this series on my shelves."
"We were recording this the day after Rebecca announced on her Instagram that she has officially started writing book three."
"There’s only one book left in this arc, though, and it has a reputation as one of the best books in the series even after all this time."
"Super excited for reading this series."
"Most of the cats in Thunderclan at the time stand out as some of the most interesting in the series."
"If you get to the third book in a book series, you're making progress, and it's really amazing."
"I'm shocked I have not read this book yet. I love the series by this author, it's by far one of my favorite fantasy series."
"It's so easy to go through, so definitely recommend the series in general."
"Percy Jackson is a very popular series, especially in my house."
"This is the ultimate YA dark fantasy series."
"The first book being The Lightning Thief, the second book being The Sea of Monsters, the third book being The Titan's Curse, the fourth book being The Battle of the Labyrinth, and the fifth book being The Last Olympian."
"The first book being Vampire Academy, then Frostbite, Shadow Kiss, Blood Promise, Spirit Bound, and The Last Sacrifice."
"The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, this is one of my all-time favorite series."
"Vampire Academy and Bloodlines by Richelle Mead, set in a world with three different types of vampires."
"The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty... this whole series has stunning covers, but this one especially just sings out to me."
"Once I start them, I cannot put them down; they are so bingeable."
"Please read the illborn Saga; you won't regret it."
"Every single book you can just see that the author's writing craft improves."