
Pest Management Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Another approach to confuse your pests that's simple but often overlooked is to just plant varieties that the bugs don't like."
"Neem oil is so effective on just about every creepy crawly. It also works on fungus and bacteria like powdery mildew and rust."
"Polycultures help make this possible... monocultures create the perfect environment for pests to find their food source."
"If you're seeing potato beetles, consider offering the potatoes a nitrogen source."
"This is a polyculture which means there's so many plants in here that the pests get absolutely confused they have no idea what to do in here."
"Managing pests and diseases is about reducing them greatly, not eradicating them completely."
"What these larvae will do is they will bore holes through all your comb, through all of your honey frames, there all of your brood frames, and they will eat larva, they will eat brood, they will eat your honey and your pollen."
"If you get a large population of these high beetles in your hive and they start going through releasing this K yeast, what that's going to do is it's gonna make your honey ferment."
"The very best management tip I can give you is to have your hives in direct sunlight."
"There is now baseboards on the market like this one here which is called the beetle buster from Australia."
"The first step in pest management is to accurately identify the pest."
"Avoiding pests is wise, but learning how to deal with the inevitability of pests is way more valuable."
"That's a great way of dealing with pests."
"Prevention, prevention, prevention, and uh yeah, pest control."
"Hot laundering is a great way to help yourself and help control effort."
"Manage your varroa mite levels, keep the levels down."
"Small hive beetles are opportunistic pests."
"It's called Integrated Pest Management and not just Pest Management."
"It's also called Pest Management, it's not called pest elimination."
"It's not a solution, it's a practice."
"Using the right biological tools to suppress it is always better if we can learn how to use that."
"If you have sticky leaves, the number one thing that is likely going on is you do have pests."
"Develop your own year-round varroa mite management plan to help you control mites in your hives."
"It's really important to start off with a holistic approach to gardening in general and Pest Management in particular."
"Staying on top of pests is also a much different story than if you only have 10 or 20 orchids."
"I really believe this is the future of organic nutrients and addressing integrated Pest Management."
"Carrot fly find carrots by the smell, but with a simple companion planting strategy, you can throw off their sense of smell."
"Most of the control for cockroaches is non-chemical; it's sanitation and excluding them."
"Our whole purpose of existence is to reduce pesticide use in California by developing non-chemical or alternative methods to control pests."
"Insecticidal soaps have many advantages when compared with other insecticides."
"I encourage farmers and crop consultants to include more multiple proactive tactics."
"I would generally consider pesticides a last resort. I want to try and discourage the pests from even being attracted and being successful in that field."
"Prolong the efficacy of the products that we do have."
"Continue to scout because insects research and have flares of secondary pests."
"Use references, use people like myself or your local extension experts."
"If you can understand the target pest, I think you'll do a good job of recognizing how to sample it and make timely treatment decisions."
"That's integrated Pest Management in a nutshell."
"Without a healthy bat population, it could be very uncomfortable to be out at night with all the mosquitoes and flies biting you, and our crops and forest plants would be less healthy too."
"Ladybugs are the natural enemies of garden pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and leafhoppers."
"Integrated Pest Management looks at the triangle where one side is the host plant, another is the pathogen or insect, and the third is the conditions."
"Healthy plants don't get pests by far, but they tend to not call them in so hard."
"When we start talking about Integrated Pest Management, we can see ways that we can use the least toxic pesticide and may not have to use it within certain instances."
"Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, is a comprehensive approach to pest control that uses combined means to reduce the status of pests to tolerable levels while maintaining a quality environment."
"Biological control is any activity of one species that reduces the adverse effects of another."
"The most sensible and intelligent option for managing insect pests is Integrated Pest Management."
"Varroa management is all about controlling the vector of the viruses that wind up killing your hives."
"Understanding the life cycle biology of the pest helps you understand when the pest may appear, what environmental conditions make it more likely to appear, and when the pest is more susceptible to control."
"Giving the plant what it needs so it can complete its 24-hour cycle of enzyme production makes your plants less attractive to bugs."
"Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the coordinated use of appropriate control tactics to reduce pests and their damage to an acceptable level."
"Next year when you grow stuff in these plots where you had the cover crops, man your pest pressure is going to be a lot less than it would be if you didn't do it."
"Vigilant aphid management and monitoring is still needed to control strawberry viruses."
"Our hobby needs to evolve past that addiction to treating, poisoning, starving off pest organisms after the fact, and find a new era where we can use what we've learned from that to predict and prevent them in the first place."