
Pilates Quotes

There are 360 quotes

"In Pilates, we always focus on quality over quantity."
"It's just another cheeseburger if it's done well exactly and then then that's it as long as it's done well you wrapped it differently that's what I'm saying."
"Keep up the Pilates, that's the most important thing."
"This is what I actually wear to get myself to Pilates."
"it's like Pilates that's literally on crack it's going to be worth it trust"
"Started the day with some Pilates which I still have really been enjoying it just feels very nurturing."
"Thanks so much for watching if you enjoy this practice feel free to click that subscribe button to make sure you're staying up-to-date on all of our new yoga and Pilates practices thank you again and we'll see you soon."
"Feel the beautiful effects of your Pilates practice today through your body."
"Thank you so much everyone I hope you enjoyed this feel good pilates flow."
"With Pilates, it's all about understanding your own body, no comparisons to anyone else."
"Pilates is all about finding the control in our movements, making sure that we are activating all the correct muscles."
"Do Pilates and yoga - it's about being graceful and confident in your body."
"Happy Monday! ... Did a little bit of reading and now I'm going to do a pilates workout just because I need to stretch."
"Welcome back to Move with Nicole. Today's class is a power Pilates class using a light set of hand weights, but don't worry if you don't have a set of weights as you can still enjoy the class without them."
"Welcome to your senior Pilates standing session! It's so lovely to see you all here."
"Pilates can be so beneficial for you not only for your speed and for your running technique but also to help reduce your risk of injury when you are running."
"Pilates is really meant to make you better at everything else you do."
"After Pilates, you're definitely on the naughty list, just kidding."
"...assistance in pilates doesn't mean easier, sometimes it means we can explore new ranges of motion and feel better along the way, bonus and plus right?"
"All right, team, so we're going to start with just a little plie, classic Pilates and bar plie and reach, plie and reach. Here we go, 60 Seconds."
"I just did the best Pilates class ever by myself like I'm like shaking just so insane."
"I'm obsessed with the fact that I have like my own Pilates studio in my apartment."
"Remember pilates is a wonderful exercise method to help with your spine."
"If you want more, you can join me at PopSugar Instagram for a Pilates fusion class."
"Pilates was actually really good today."
"You can get quite a workout with your fit ball. Pilates is great because many people in Australia have sore backs, dunno back problems."
"It's the one exercise that you can do if you're nine years old or 95 you have a practice that you can take yourself and your lifestyle and have a healthy background your body your mind and just living every day without pain it just takes a few minutes."
"Pilates makes you engage your core to make you do the work so when you roll back your lower back is going into the back but you're not firing from your glutes you're actually using a core to take you back and then you've got that little push away."
"The second I come back from Pilates, do you know what I'm having for breakfast? Seafood boil. I don't care. I don't care what you say. I just feel like in life, you've got to treat yourself."
"We're going to lift the legs up, we'll lift the heels up, bend the knees, lower the heels, and straighten the legs, and we're going to try and keep our Pilates principles."
"If you've got strong muscles but muscles that are not flexible you're going to get injured so we have to get that good mix between the two and that's what makes Pilates so good is it really is a mix of strength and flexibility."
"Pilates is about feeling good in your mind and body."
"Remember we're going to do 10 exercises from my book this Friday. It's going to be classical Pilates."
"This is what I call the Pilates good morning as you bring the arms up and over."
"Come to side lying at the front of the mat with the ball in between the ankles."
"That's a nice thing about Pilates workouts you don't always need an hour-long workout for an effective class especially once you start adding in equipment as variety and some new stability work today and they're out of the pelvis to stay still."
"Sometimes we're in a hurry to get to the physical movements of Pilates, but allow yourself to tap into your breathing which can help you find a deeper connection to the exercises."
"It's just as important to work our brain in Pilates as it is to work our body."
"Our last round is full-bodied exploring how we can take our Pilates exercises to clarify the components of a burpee."
"...we're working your calves, your quads, your inner thighs, flexibility, we're working your strength and your endurance, that's what you get with Pilates."
"She's in peak physical and spiritual form thanks to frequent Pilates classes."
"Pilates is just outside of my comfort zone, so I'm with you. I'm feeling the burn."
"So anytime you do any kind of movement in whatever position in Pilates, always think about your foundation, your centre."
"So as you can see our legs are our weights and they're moving around, so we need a nice strong foundation to anchor that movement and that all comes from your centre."
"Because one of the principles of Pilates is concentration, you need to concentrate and focus on the movements to actually get the control in each movement."
"So one of the reasons why Pilates is so effective nowadays for people - it's because we're basically just learning to be aware of what the body is doing and where the body should be to get the most out of our movements."
"Pilates is an amazing workout also for men."
"We're going to do the hundred, very traditional Pilates exercise."
"I try and do a different style of session every week, everything has a Pilates mindset."
"It's all about alignment and detail in Pilates."
"I love Pilates so much, I wasn't really going for results, it was just to keep getting to try something new."
"Aniston believes in the power of yoga and pilates for maintaining flexibility and strength."
"If you're new to Pilates, this is going to be a wonderful place to start."
"I love my Pilates classes, and today's class was amazing."
"I'm going to head down to the gym a little bit later this morning probably do like a Matt pilates workout."
"I have been doing Pilates now for over six months, it has totally transformed my body, I lost a total of 15 pounds, toned up, feeling the best that I have ever felt."
"Well done, 42 weeks of daily Pilates. That's absolutely brilliant."
"I feel so strong and lean when I do Pilates, and I just love it."
"It's lovely to have you here on Friday for our live 30 minutes Pilates session."
"The core, the most important part really of all our Pilates work and in my opinion the most important part of our body that we need to train and get stronger."
"If you've got any questions, any queries about your Pilates practice, things to do related to health conditions, you can ask me and I'll do my best to answer."
"This is the main muscle that we work in Pilates, a lot of people refer to it as like having a corset on or a waistband."
"Pilates is just all about the core, but there's so much more to it than that."
"As you inhale, really try and fill up the belly, fill up the ribs, the lungs."
"Feel nice and expansive and open."
"Pilates to me has the best of both those things: it's beautiful movement and it can make it incredibly graceful, but it really teaches you how to control your movement."
"Thank you so much for joining me today for our half an hour of Pilates."
"With Pilates, it's not about getting to be the best that you can be straight away, it really is a lifelong journey."
"Hello everyone and welcome to your 45-minute full body Pilates workout."
"Root down through your sit bones, make sure your spine is nice and straight, relax your face muscles."
"Good, these sorts of exercises, these sorts of Pilates exercises, are so good to build strength and stability around the pelvis, around hips."
"We're not just sinking down, we're really lifting up, energizing the spine, keeping that lovely Pilates mind alignment."
"Keep lifting through the body. This is one of my favorites, you really get a really nice torso twist."
"Back by popular demand, I have another standing Pilates workout for you."
"Just one beautiful long seamless Pilates dance."
"Hello friends, welcome back. Today is a full body 25 minutes Pilates."
"This class is valuable no matter if you're new to Pilates or if you have been moving with it for many years."
"We've got a lot of core here, guys, a lot of Pilates-inspired moves as well."
"Love the resistible Pilates class, it's so unique to any of the other classes."
"Hi, my name is Beth, and welcome to Trifecta Pilates. This is a place where we come together on the Pilates mat for an effective workout so you can step off your mat and enjoy your day."
"Pilates is stretch and strengthen."
"Some of my favorite movements in Pilates are when there is not a lot happening on the outside, but a lot is happening on the inside."
"Thank you so much for joining me, I hope you like the arc."
"That's what's so great about Pilates, great balance to all your heavy strength training."
"Pilates is often described as movement flowing out from a strong center."
"Joseph Pilates referred to our center as the powerhouse, which is the middle band of muscles extending from the base of the ribcage down to just below the buttocks and inner and outer thighs."
"In the Pilates method, proper breathing is an effective tool that is meant to enhance ease and give energy to your movements."
"Always work the powerhouse lengthened to the spine."
"Make it one continuously flowing movement."
"Welcome back to my channel, for those of you who are new, I'm Desiree and I'm so happy you're joining me today for this 40 minute total body pilates hit workout."
"This is called hollow body and it's a principle used often in Pilates and strength training for good reason."
"Pilates supplements any workout program, it enhances your performance in every sport, every activity, everything you do."
"Welcome to this 20-minute Pilates class."
"If you're ready to get started with this Pilates class, grab your exercise ball and join me on the mat."
"We're beginning with a little bit of balance work, but right now, just warming up, getting comfortable seated on the ball."
"Rotate to one side and center, rotate second side. We're still trying to stay as still as we can with feet down, pelvis not moving."
"This is just a short workout, and we're going to be actually exploring the principles of Pilates."
"That disassociation, moving one part of your body and holding the other part steady, really is crucial in Pilates."
"This is the beauty of Pilates; we will get you to do ab work any way that we can."
"The stability ball is a great Pilates prop to add into your Pilates exercises; it adds instability which means the exercises are a little bit more challenging because the core has to work that much harder to get that balance and find that support and stability."
"I strongly encourage you to take up Pilates or another form of core building exercise."
"Keep the bed into the stopper as you roll up through your spine."
"I just got out of Pilates, and I'm so glad I went."
"Pilates is a fantastic all-over body workout; it works on muscle balance, functional movement, and flexibility."
"This next exercise is called swimming; it's really good for building core strength and back strength."
"Try adding these Pilates exercises into your training two to three times a week and see the difference that Pilates can make to your cycling performance."
"Just because Pilates exercises are simple, it doesn't mean that they're bad. Remember that the simple stuff is actually often more effective than the crazy stuff."
"I've been doing bar and pilates which I love."
"Well, that was a great way to start the day, 45 minutes of Pilates."
"I hit 100 Pilates classes at my local place."
"If you've never tried Pilates or yoga, try it; it might help reduce pain, increase both ability, and help you really connect with yourself."
"Now comes the fun part, sort of fun part. I think it's fun, we're into a little Pilates."
"That's what Pilates is about often, it's kind of building that awareness of your own body and how it feels."
"In Pilates, it all generates back to the core."
"Pilates was the best thing I've ever done."
"Don't forget to check out Obey, love it, the classes are awesome and get me back into Pilates."
"This is a place where we come together on the Pilates mat for an effective workout so you can step off your mat and enjoy your day."
"Welcome to class, so wonderful you've been doing yoga; that means hopefully you've got really good flexibility, and now doing Pilates as well, you're going to have the best of both worlds."
"If you're new to Pilates, I would definitely recommend checking out some of the beginner tower workouts."
"I can already feel my legs burning. I feel like with these tower straps or tower springs, you're incorporating so many more muscles; everything's having to fire a lot more than just with your regular reformer springs."
"I loved Pilates, that was brilliant."
"If you want to chat, if you have any questions for me today regarding Pilates for women over 50, then pop those in the chat."
"Pilates is fantastic exercise for every age."
"Pilates is actually really, really good for hypermobility because it teaches you more control."
"I'm physically fitter now at 71 than when I was 50, and Pilates is the reason why."
"Some people call Pilates meditation in motion."
"I like to think of it as mindful movement because it's a way of tuning your mind into your body."
"Pilates is holistic; it's the exercise but it's also well-being in mind, body, and soul."
"Pilates is really good for almost anyone to include once or twice a week."
"It's really low impact, it's gonna be a little learning curve the first time, but it's definitely beginner friendly."
"This is probably the best reason to do Pilates, like correcting posture imbalances."
"So if you're thinking about doing Pilates, it's not that deep, just sign up, try it once."
"Thank you so much for doing our 45-minute full body Pilates workout."
"That is a benefit of Pilates, isn't it? So well done, everybody."
"Remember the Pilates breath is a forced exhalation through the mouth which fires the belly towards the spine and activates those internal core muscles."
"Good morning everyone and welcome to our Friday Pilates class."
"It's what's not moving in Pilates that's working the hardest."
"Thank you for joining me for this full body workout, there's so much more we can do on the reformer."
"As always, take a moment to just get situated on your reformer."
"Just little pelvic tucks here, flatten the back and release."
"Inhale and exhale, starting in the back of the throat, articulate your way down."
"This is very much an abdominal warm-up, deep in that connection, really use those abs here."
"Keep them perfectly stacked, collarbone is wide."
"The hips will lift, the shoulders will stay flat, ideally."
"Welcome everyone to another YouTube exclusive beginner reformer."
"Thank you so much for joining me for our class with the Pilates ring, I hope it's exactly what you needed."
"This is that beautiful symphony between Pilates and yoga."
"Welcome to a full body pilates workout, where you have the option to knock back if anything is too strenuous."
"With the T-Zone tight, we're now prepared to change the spine to an imprinted spine."
"We just want to do what we can do the best but also feel good after the workout, not exhausted. That's why I love Pilates."
"Hello, my name is Rachel Lawrence, and I am the author of the little book of Pilates."
"Fantastic job everybody, as always we just have completed our 15 minute pilates circle workout."
"Welcome to Moving Mango and welcome to day two of the 30 days of Pilates workout series."
"You did it! That was your total body Pilates workout. Great job everybody."
"Pilates is not about time, it's about just a few repetitions so that we keep the body energized."
"Number one thing always in Pilates is listen to your body and really be in tune with it."
"I'm gonna go to a quick Pilates class which I've been trying a Pilates class like once to twice a week adding that into my routine and I really like it so far."
"If you're looking to become a business owner or own your own Pilates studio, this is your time to get in."
"After just one session, we know you will feel different, but after more regular workouts, the results will be truly dramatic."
"Congratulations, you've now completed your first personal Pilates workout and you definitely on the way to a lifetime of feeling fit and fabulous."
"This is your guarantee that your Pilates performer routine will always remain fresh, fun, and filled with fabulous."
"Even if you're brand new to Pilates, it's so nice to kind of go back to the basic principles and then really just tune into your body."
"Thank you for joining me for today's reformer class."
"Sit nice and tall, really reaching out through the crown of the head."
"That's our number one aim in Pilates."
"One of those key principles of Pilates is concentration."
"Every time you exhale, that corset draws in. That's why the breath is so important in Pilates."
"If you feel dizzy, unwell, or any discomfort during this film, stop immediately and seek advice from a medical professional or a qualified Pilates instructor."
"Using your abdominals to press the hands into the straps."
"As you inhale, feel the ribs pressing against the theraband, really expand the ribs to take in as much air as possible."
"Rolling up again one vertebra after another all the way to a long spine."
"Lengthen the spine to come up for a chest lift."
"Breathe deeply and open your thighs against the theraband so you feel the resistance."
"Feel the breath flowing in and out as we take this circle."
"Breathe deeply and then swing your legs round to the other side."
"This work can be challenging but it's so important to strengthen the muscles of the hips."
"Allowing the body to soften and noticing what this challenging class with the theraband has had on your body."
"Feel like you're reaching your spine long all the way up to the top of your head."
"Thank you so much for joining me today, I hope you enjoyed our classical Pilates routine that we've adapted to the Aero Reformer."
"Pull up the stomach and roll back, peel yourself on one vertebrae at a time."
"You did it, that was your low impact cardio pilates workout. Great job everybody."
"I layer on purpose so that I can hit and target all levels on the reformer."
"We're using Pilates inspired moves through this workout, looking up Pilates principles, always focusing on our posture."
"I've been teaching these programs over 15 years and they successfully progress you through the Pilates repertoire."
"One of the most beautiful things about Pilates is that all the focus that it takes, everything else is removed from your life at that moment."
"Good morning everyone and welcome to our Friday Pilates."
"Really looking forward to today's session."
"Think of pulling the belly button in towards the spine."
"Welcome to Danzig fitness. Today's workout will be a full body head to toe Pilates workout."
"Hi everyone, welcome to Moving Mango. I'm here now, the creator of the Moving Mango method, and also a certified Pilates teacher."
"So the thing I love about Pilates, it's really accessible for everyone; everything can be modified."
"Welcome to day one of the seven-day Pilates program refresh that I designed specifically for you."
"Welcome to Trifecta Pilates where each time you come to the mat, I want you to feel like you're challenged in just the right way."
"I hope you enjoyed this 30 minute standing pilates workout."
"The amazing thing about Pilates is, even it's a booty workout, we still work your core and actually your whole body here to keep your hips in shape, stabilized, and in position."
"Good morning, happy Saturday. I'm just off to do a Pilates like a mat work Pilates class at Essentials."
"Grow a little taller, a little longer, feel long and lean, that's what Pilates is all about."
"Pilates ended up really saving me and helping me recover from surgery."
"I'm obsessed with reformer Pilates; it's the only workout class I've ever taken that I genuinely enjoy doing."
"Inner thighs are the gateway to the core."