
Modules Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Weapons are built of modules that allow for deep customization and progression."
"We hope that this helps you pick and choose which modules might be right for you and your experience level and the group that you are playing with."
"When modules are used wisely, they're a great tool for keeping larger projects organized."
"PowerShell does have the ability to install modules, and those modules can provide a lot more power to PowerShell."
"Python has rich modules and is designed to handle complex activities in a simple way."
"So this is how you create modules and import them."
"So, if you search for Terraform AWS modules, someone might ask me how do I know what are the different modules that are available?"
"That's the beauty of npm and the Node module, right?"
"...this odd collection of modules for whatever reason is quite intriguing to musicians..."
"But they also released the design, so literally anyone with the right skills can design and sell their own modules, including for the GPU slot."
"There are some modules that provide many good mathematic helpers."
"All three modules have OLED displays, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth."
"The real nice thing about the fact that there are three modules is there's one for every use case."
"Modules solve all of this. So in the modules world, you would write your generator like this."
"In this lesson, we learned about modules, which is a better way to organise our code."
"In my opinion from my experience these modules were very easy to build they were very easy to install."
"You'll want to start with your most used functions or modules because that's where you'll get the most immediate benefit from type checking."
"We anticipate that our selection of modules will offer students an almost limitless range of creativity and engagement."
"You're going to have access to a bunch of new modules."
"Modules are a way to really organize our components."
"ES modules came out, and they were wonderful."
"We can study relationships between modules... looking how modules are related to one another."
"Swellkit uses native JavaScript or ECMAScript modules which browsers understand."
"The goal of modules is to be reusable."
"Modules are pretty diverse... they're based on Docker images so you can kind of do whatever you want to with it."
"Node has this concept of wrapping modules."
"Require gives you access to whatever this module.exports thing is returning."
"If you have Node 12, you can use import and export out of the box."
"Node will switch gears and just assume that you're going to use your ECMAScript modules all over the place."
"This module require business is Node's way to do module dependency."
"Use modules and packages... This is the best way to organize your Python code whenever you're working on a relatively large project."
"First of all, what are the modules? Essentially, that is encapsulated code."
"Once we identify these modules, we can correlate them to external phenotypes or traits."
"Veet is doing a lot in terms of pushing ES modules and just like a faster development workflow."
"This video is packed with tips and tricks on all modules that you need to know."
"They've done a wonderful job of customizing it, adding modules and making it look just spectacular."
"These modules not only exist but they help us to understand the very basic building blocks of many cognitive functions."
"Now we will be taking a module from Puppet Forge."
"Elm has its own package manager, it bundles modules itself."
"Demystify the concept of modules, your toolkit to organize your code into manageable units."
"You can import math, which is a built-in module in Python."
"One of the greatest things about Foundry is all of the modules from our amazing development community."
"Instead of recreating the wheel, we can search for a module that already exists and then we can import that module into our applications."
"A module has a particular structure... the first part of a module translation unit is an optional global module fragment."
"Combine related and commonly used entities in a single module."
"The multi module is pretty powerful and probably the most popular way to upload files locally."
"All these modules that you can continue to add to take complete control over how you want your website to look."
"Modules were designed to support programming at large."
"You actually get a 7.11 speed up just using name modules over import stood."
"Torch actually has a ton of different modules available."
"Hook exec method will trigger an event that all subscriber modules to that specific hook will be notified."
"With modules, we pay only for things we use."
"When we have modules, modules own stuff; they own stuff that are in their purview."
"A PyTorch sequential module is a container class that allows us to compose neural network modules."
"Good morning, welcome to Modules in One Lesson."
"The module system is a way to find whole modules... it will only read the packages in that module from that module."
"Starting with modules from the get-go so that your code can benefit from reliable configuration and strong encapsulation."
"Python executes the import statement, it first checks in a global cache of already loaded modules."
"Just like modules can be thought of as code in a single file, packages are modules in a directory."
"That's roughly what it looks like to design an email; you can spin one up really quickly using these modules."
"Magento 2 assigns greater independence to the modules; they function more as standalone units."
"This is where the module comes in really handy."
"It's really interoperable with JavaScript... you can think of WebAssembly modules as being equivalent to ES6 modules."
"So that's why the Angular team coined the term FESM, flat ECMAScript modules."
"An ES2015 module is simply a code file. All we need to do is export something or import something, and our code file becomes a module."
"Embrace the awesomeness of asynchronous JavaScript modules."
"Modules... we use them all the time."
"You have to export something from a module so that somebody or something else can import and make use of it."