
File Sharing Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"File servers simply share files on the network, allowing access to shared folders."
"We finally have an airdrop option for Android and it's awesome."
"One of the new features... something called Samba sharing."
"Instantly share files with nearby Android devices using Nearby Share."
"Having a shared folder is very useful for transferring files."
"Easily share screenshots and PDFs without visiting the Photos app."
"I urge you to work with us by sending any files which may compromise Indigo."
"When you have a chance, could you send me the file?"
"OneDrive allows users to access, share, and collaborate files from anywhere."
"So, let's say I want to share all of my Spanish class files with other teachers at my school. I could share not just individual documents but entire folders with other people."
"While sure you can serve things locally on a file, you might want to consider something like Dropbox or OneDrive or Google Drive that works on almost every platform and allows you to not only sync things between computers but also have an online backup."
"So now we have that folder essentially being shared to the remote windows computer if we accept it."
"You can embed files from your OneDrive account onto websites."
"File sharing allows the flexibility to customize one's musical experience."
"So, if you need to send a password or something obscure to someone or maybe you're buying a house and you need to send some documents to someone, you'll need the premium feature to send files."
"Upload your Blender file or a zip file with the blend file and textures."
"Bit Warden send lets you securely send files and other information through its unique messaging platform."
"...the benefit of using a homegroup as we mentioned in the slides earlier was that it's easier to folder share your folders and share your printers."
"So setting up these permissions for your files before you share them are important."
"Set up a Dropbox or a Google Drive or even a OneDrive account so you can update the links and also feel secure that the links won't expire."
"You can send and receive files safely and you can get the best deals on online shopping."
"Nextcloud is a cracking good open source file synchronisation and sharing tool."
"It cannot be understated how big of an impact Napster, WinMX, and all the other file-sharing services had on my life and probably a lot of yours."
"Now obviously a NAS wouldn't really be much of a NAS if we weren't using it for file sharing."
"The files tab allows you to see all of the things that have been shared within that group chat."
"Security in Windows is important, and that includes file shares."
"Being able to share a file system is a significant advantage with Azure files for applications that need shared accessibility."
"You can very easily transfer files."
"LocalSend is an open source application that lets you share files securely between devices and doesn't require an internet connection at all."
"Let's talk about files and how to share files inside the class with Microsoft Teams."
"If you are a home user and you really are just setting up a NAS for the first time, and you just need a way to get your files on your computer, honestly, if you have Windows, Mac, or Linux, the protocol I would recommend is SMB."
"Whenever you share a file, there's a couple different permissions you can grant the person you're sharing the file with."
"It allows you to access those files at all times and it just kind of works; you don't really have to think about it."
"When you upload a file over to Thangs, it gets put through some incredible machine learning tech that helps you share and search files faster."
"We could share this file and everybody running Linux would have almost exactly the same development environment installed on their machine."
"Publishing this file means that these items are now going to be reusable across all of your files inside of the team."
"NFS is much like SMB for sharing files between a client and a server."
"It's a great way to automate the process of making generic files available for non-SolidWorks users as well."
"Create individual users and accounts groups, set up a network file share, and establish internet access to your NAS safely and securely."
"You can totally copy files between VMs, but the user needs to give explicit consent."
"One of the fundamental uses of email is to share photos and other files with friends, family, or colleagues."
"Exporting is a really necessary step if you're looking to get your files to someone in their edited format."
"Share files with anyone, no matter the device, anywhere access."
"There's your completed application, this is your Dropbox clone with blockchain."
"This will allow us to upload files in a decentralized way and also share them with others in a trustless, censorship-resistant fashion."
"We are able to collaborate from anywhere using the same files."
"Start uploading files and share it, as simple as that."
"FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and it is a standard way of being able to upload files to your Linux server."