
Artistic Philosophy Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Artistic expression is a quest for the divine in beauty."
"Creativity is and always should come from a human brain or a living thing not a machine."
"Rauschenberg once said that the whole world was his canvas."
"Art should Express something rather than just show it."
"It was about life and capturing the essence of life which is a really positive thing, I agree."
"To make great art, one must embrace disorientation and turn away from certainty."
"Never take yourself seriously but take your art seriously."
"It is through its very incompleteness that art becomes complete in beauty."
"Have no fear of perfection. You'll never reach it." - Salvador Dali
"An image should capture reality, not replace it."
"He wants to build a portrait not from some idea of the person but from what the paint does on the surface and that's thrilling."
"You are what makes your work unique not the tools you use."
"You can't control the reception of your creative work, you just have to accept that once you've created it and put it out there into the world, it's not yours anymore."
"Remember how simple and fun everything can be. Art is magic and life is magic."
"We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents."
"The Apollonian principle of art prevails in plastic arts, associated with the visual, the figurative, and the imaginary."
"The key to Leonardo da Vinci is that he doesn't make a distinction between the beauty of nature that he studies in his science and the beauty of his art."
"Art is subjective, there is no right or wrong way to create a damn thing."
"Morrissey's attitude is if you can hear the sound in your head then it can be played."
"Art is lies in search of truths within ourselves."
"Nothing you ever finish is going to be perfect, and everything you make that is perfect will never be finished."
"Art is about feelings and taste... there are no rules in composition."
"Music for the sake of Music, Beauty for the sake of beauty."
"Being a photographer is not quite an artist. I think it's a responder and an interpreter."
"There's no restrictions in art, it's all up to your personality and your behavior."
"I wanted this YouTube channel to be about the journey, about the experience of doing photography, talking about the philosophy of photography, and some ideas around the artistic side of things."
"I never relied on materiality, if it's devoid of spiritual values, it's just about materiality for the sake of materiality."
"Underlying Rockwell's every painting and gesture was his faith in the Redemptive power of Storytelling."
"When we let things convey unto us, that is true artistic expression; but when we try to convey ourselves onto things, that is delusion."
"So long as you hold the line remembering that this is a fool's errand, we're just drawing here, and that nothing's perfect, you are completely elevated from that."
"What you want out of art, what you want out of life, what you want out of sex is for the visceral and the intellectual to collide as fast as they can."
"Expressionism isn’t a fashion, it is a worldview."
"One of the aims of the arts and crafts movement was to remove the boundaries between high and low art."
"I just do what I want to do, and I think if you do what you want to do, your artwork is more authentic."
"I don't paint from emotion or feeling which I think are both very ephemeral for me painting is much more about kind of trying to bring forth what is I think the universal truth."
"I have a very simple philosophy on painting, I just say I paint, I just paint everything else comes after."
"When you embrace what your hand wants to make and then really lean into that and try to develop that instead of trying to push something else onto your art, you'll be a lot happier."
"The less is more thing is what I like to look at other people's work, and that's where I strive to be with my sort of stuff."
"Surrealism at its fundamental level questions the status quo of the world and challenges the notions of reality."
"This is particular of Spanish painters, they're interested in the idea of poetry, idea-driven paintings and not so much perhaps in an academic view of the world where they're just painting exactly what they see."
"It's all arts are about an expression of yourself."
"Let music return to its pure essence."
"I feel like this is the way art should happen."
"Immature artists imitate, mature artists steal."
"Always remember that you just want it as natural and believable as possible."
"What was sought after in Chinese painting from the very beginning was not some accuracy of representation, not really truth to life, but a certain aliveness."
"You’re not trying to make it real. You’re trying to capture its essence."