
CI/CD Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Azure DevOps is a single platform for implementing DevOps, deploying code using the CI/CD framework, and facilitating agile software development."
"CodePipeline allows you to weave together smaller building blocks to build a sophisticated CI/CD pipeline."
"Another powerful test that I like to add to any terraform project is to periodically execute a terraform plan command within your CI/CD system"
"Continuous integration is a practice of automatically building and testing code changes frequently, while continuous delivery/deployment is a way to continuously deliver and deploy code on different environments."
"CodeStar provides a preconfigured CI/CD pipeline making it easy to set up continuous integration and continuous delivery."
"CI/CD can automate building, testing, and deploying of your application."
"Quicker time to market - using CI/CD, we can automate the process, reduce manual intervention, which allows us to deploy applications faster and bring software releases quicker."
"Companies like HC, Netflix, Adobe deploy more than 50 times every day. Amazon deploys new releases every 11.7 seconds."
"CI/CD is not just limited to automating building, testing, and deployment. You can also use CI/CD with tools like Terraform, Ansible to automate infrastructure provisioning, configuration management, and much more."
"Jenkins is a CI/CD tool, and whenever you want to do CI/CD, you need to make sure that the server has all the necessary plugins."
"For the pull request CI/CD you can set up a virtual machine and within the virtual machine you can install Docker and in your CI/CD pipeline you can just run Docker compose up run a couple of tests."
"Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) secure the delivery pipeline by implementing identity and access management, storing secrets securely, and automating vulnerability scanning."
"Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery: securing the release pipeline for frequent and effective application releases."
"Multi-stage, multi-agent Jenkins jobs streamline CI/CD for complex applications."
"By CI/CD, we could build an image, push it to container registry, and then deploy our application on Kubernetes cluster."
"The main benefits are quite similar to having the CI/CD pipeline for your software."
"We have the ability to do things like rollbacks, so basically, all the good design principles about CI/CD that we apply for applications, we are also able to apply for infrastructure as code here."
"What if you could do something like every time you commit your code, either from the frontend or the backend directory, it'll get automatically pushed and deployed to the correct service? Well, we actually can do that. And we are going to do that with some CI/CD."
"Multi-stage builds are super helpful in CI/CD pipelines."
"Jenkins is a best fit for building a CI/CD pipeline because of its flexibility, open-source nature, plugin capabilities, and ease of use."
"To automate the entire development process, a CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins is the ultimate solution."
"Testing should also be combined with a continuous integration process so your tests are automatically run on all code changes."
"Code gets checked into, let's say, Git and some of the tools where you can run the Dockerize commands could be GitLab or CodeBuild or Jenkins."
"Continuous integration and then either continuous delivery or continuous deployment."
"So if we take these concepts and go one step further, this is the actual pipeline."
"We've deployed our website, we have our CI CD automatically set up, we're integrated into git, all our changes are picked up well."
"CI/CD is so important when we start to adopt containers and these microservices architectures."
"But the best option for CI/CD pipelines, in my view, is to use ssh keys."
"Maybe a CI/CD job takes over, maybe another notebook runs and it loads that latest staging candidate and runs automated tests on it."
"There is continuous integration and continuous delivery so that your consumer, your customer, is constantly being delighted."
"GitHub Actions are great for the continuous integration, the build of my code, the test of my code."
"The CI/CD setup is easy with GitHub actions; we don't need to write any commands and do the efforts manually."
"Integrating with the CI/CD pipeline allows us to achieve this."
"Continuous integration and continuous deployment are the backbone of YAML pipeline."
"Some basic configuration was done to enable CI/CD pipelines."
"You can also add some specifically in your GitLab CI YAML if you want to."
"Almost half of software teams had these results from adopting best practices like CI/CD."
"Accelerating the delivery of new high-quality services with CI/CD."
"Time to production is a very important metric to track if you're developing CI/CD for your teams."
"Cloud Build is a fully managed CI/CD product that gives you extremely fast builds."
"The tools that are used within a continuous integration continuous delivery DevOps model do vary."
"CI/CD is just continuous integration, continuous delivery, or continuous deployment... it's going to help you add automation into the various stages of the development life cycle."
"Continuous integration and continuous deployment is common practice for any serious application development project."
"Visual Studio Team Service has a great CI/CD feature."
"We could create our own continuous integration, continuous deployment process right inside of a C-sharp application."
"CI/CD module is very useful to create a complete pipeline from development to testing and testing to production."
"CI/CD is the automation of the software development life cycle from development to production."
"Implementing CI/CD into your workflow can be very beneficial."
"Everything about my CI/CD process is not only part of that repo but it's source controlled."
"It's really going to help to make CI/CD easier and less prone to deployment errors."
"Before understanding GitLab CI/CD, let's quickly see what exactly is CI/CD."
"A typical CI/CD pipeline will have these three stages: build, test, and deploy."
"Once it is approved, it triggers a build, a good CI/CD pipeline which has three stages: build, test, and deploy."
"Like all CI/CD stories, it starts with this: you have your app repo, everything is in there."
"CloudFormation also integrates with other CI/CD and development tools."
"This is one of the features of the new Shopify CLI, how to use it to publish, how to use it to create a GitHub workflow or an action, a GitHub action, for example, a CI/CD pipeline."
"Web hooks are a great way to tie into other CI/CD processes and really build out advanced workflows."
"CI/CD is maybe the pillar of what is DevOps technology."