
Miniaturization Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"The market is headed towards higher capacity in smaller sizes."
"The real marvel of the fusion pack is how small the reactor has been made."
"There's plenty of room at the bottom where he imagined constructing smaller and smaller robotic arms until one could write out the Encyclopedia Britannica on the head of a pin."
"It's insane that we can fit so much data onto something small enough to eat."
"Your PC has a chip with layers of semiconductors about 20 atoms across... In the coming decades, it'll be five atoms across."
"Beauty Bakery has also come up with some bite-sized offerings."
"It packs more power into a smaller form factor."
"The next thing is that technology gets shrunk down even further to the point where it's an app on your phone at some point."
"It is crystal clear by now that small chip size is better... the smaller you can go, the better."
"It's super impressive that they were able to take the entire Nintendo 64 and shrink it down to this size."
"Certainly I'm impressed with how tiny this is."
"The transistor revolutionized the electronics industry by significantly reducing the size and power consumption of electronic devices."
"This is gonna be our very first tiny compact machine. Our tiny little universe in my hand."
"A closed cell foam... shrinks into a small little foam size."
"The amount of performance that you can get now in something this small is something that was not achievable until this generation."
"I love the idea of something small being really powerful some that used to be reserved for a very large satellites now being done on a tiny little rocket that's inexpensive and and readily available I think that's really cool."
"It's really impressive to see how DJI's been able to shrink this tech to a smaller and smaller form factor and also make it less expensive."
"I hope you like this look at a monster tiny mini micro node."
"So system-on-chip is used in a variety of embedded systems and smart devices. It's a complete computer system miniaturized on a single integrated circuit providing full computing platform on a chip."
"We all know there's a wide range of size and performance, and while many Tesla coil enthusiasts enjoy making larger and more powerful Tesla coils, I find myself in a category of individuals who enjoy making miniaturized things."
"People are seemingly obsessed with making stuff smaller and smaller and smaller."
"Most of it is so ridiculously tiny that it makes us feel like Giants."
"Small but mighty, a micro robot in tomorrow's world."
"The world's smallest computer is smaller than a grain of sand."
"Could taking them from these huge machines down to something much smaller lead to a whole number of applications that we don't need that we haven't even thought of yet."
"This thing is really starting to come together to look like a miniature Buffalo rifle."
"Our goal was to build a little miniature Quigley Buffalo rifle, and I think to that end this has come out pretty nice."
"It is 20 times faster and five times smaller than leading zero shot object detectors."
"This is the cutest thing I've ever seen, it's so tiny you got to make your little chai with some froth on top."
"In the last 12 or 13 years, a lot of money and research has gone into making extremely small devices extremely powerful."
"The girls aren't going to know what to do, they're going to think they're in like a little mini-me of the big boat."
"Miniature food just tastes better."
"The computer circuitry is consolidated to a small module."
"I love when you take a normal everyday object or food and you shrink it."
"It's so realistic looking, all these little miniatures you put in."
"Our cell phones went from bricks to nothing because we figured out how to get the batteries down to a tiny little size."
"Flywoo makes the smallest micro size powerful drones on the planet."
"Every little part of this model has been fanatically recreated in miniature and it really is quite wonderful to see."
"It's a full-on mini computer on the desk."
"It's always fascinating to get a pretty nifty tech item that's shrunk down to 70% of the size or something like that."
"A computer used to be the size of this entire hall and now they've shrunk to really tiny proportions."
"In the last decade, copper circuitry has enabled chips, and thus the multitude of electronic devices they're in, to become smaller and more powerful."
"The emergence of the GaN HEMT gave it one huge advantage: due to the HEMT's inherent ability to move more electrons, you can make the dies much smaller."
"This looks like a mini apple pie."
"Love, honey, you shrunk the ship."
"Technology has allowed us to etch smaller transistors onto a wafer that makes your computers smaller and more powerful."
"All I have to say is, I hope the factory never figures out how small you can actually make really good sounding bass."
"The machines themselves have gotten very small, they've grown from these massive structures in the last 30 years to really much more handheld compact devices."
"Our goal was to make it like a little mini version of our home."
"The power of this machine here, which is a fairly sizable mini mainframe computer, one day will be on a chip."
"When we get miniaturized, there are always unexpected obstacles, but the opportunities can blast us straight to the stratosphere."
"They make them down to like this size which is crazy; it's really, really cool."
"A marvel of miniaturization from 1968."
"This thing is like a mini F-150 Raptor."
"This might actually be like the most accurate tiny fingerboard I've ever seen."
"Pruning your bonsai is just one of the techniques that keeps your tree small."
"Root pruning is part of miniaturizing your bonsai tree."
"It's easy to grow a tree bigger, but all the techniques that come into growing a bonsai are all about keeping a tree small."
"This phone contains almost seven billion transistors in the chip that's the size of my little fingernail."
"Microfluidics is the study of the behavior, control, and manipulation of fluids on a sub-millimeter scale."
"We're going to dive right in, we'll shrink down, we'll go for a full tour."
"I never would have in a million years thought I would be into sub miniature format and actually enjoying it."
"We start off with a giant PC, now you've got things that are basically the size in your hand."
"Everything's getting smaller and smaller, so possibly in the future, Intel's gonna have a computer that's basically the size of a watch."
"There's something about the mini and the tiny that is just so adorable."
"Tens of kilometers of wiring on a chip the size of a fingernail; modern technology is amazing."
"3D printing seems to only be getting better and better for miniaturists because the smaller you go, the more detail you need to have."
"What an amazing process, reduction of size, a whole city reduced to microscopic dimensions."
"It's incredible how much computer components have shrunk and yet become more powerful."
"Using my shrink ray, we're going to shrink you guys down to micro size so you can find what's infecting Dad."
"Dreaming of a little robot you can play and have fun with? Introducing Bide X, a robotic dog that can fit in the palm of your hand."
"I've been playing with it a little bit, this is our Kyosho mini z line."
"These tiny computerized insects could be invaluable because they're so small and easy to control."
"This little robot is an analog to the full rover, it's like a miniature version of it that gets deployed from it, it all works."
"We can actually recreate these things in miniature on Earth which is absolutely fantastic."
"People call them Scrolls in places I've been in as little tiny pieces of paper to have micro lettering on it so you can write a whole novel on a little slip of paper."
"The transition from thick to thin and the gradation from the trunk to the branching to the finest tips allows us to see that natural transition of form and shape in a miniaturized scale."
"I became obsessed with these new tiny computers."
"Making them small and safe, we also want to make them smart."
"The FM 2032 is a micro soldering iron for use with miniature electronic components."
"We have successfully compressed the size of the PCB significantly from 36 mm to just 17 mm."
"This is like the smallest piano ever, and it's amazing, and I love it."
"There's just something about them that's just so cute and just interesting, fitting all of that technology into such a tiny package."
"Canon's nano imprint lithography technology enables both miniaturization and cost reduction."
"Semiconductor chips evolved through efforts of circuit miniaturization to achieve the finest possible circuit patterns."
"I like tiny technology because it's just fun to play around with."
"Good golly day, who would ever dream people could make things so small?"
"The goal that I started talking about of having a complete functional device built on a single atomic layer... you can really demonstrate that you can build functional devices at such thicknesses that monolayer thicknesses."
"Once you've got a robotic lab... it's going to get smaller, eventually this will be a box on your desk, eventually it'll be a brick, eventually it'll be a chip."
"For the last forty to fifty years, the industry has been driven by this process of miniaturization."
"That’s over 400 times smaller than a red blood cell!"
"Keeping these trees small is part of my goal, to create the illusion of a giant tree but very small."
"Computers have become smaller and smaller, more and more powerful, and cheaper and cheaper."
"The way we overcame this problem was to take the waveguide and make it even smaller."
"It's absolutely brilliant for scanning something that's a real-world size and then shrinking it down."
"It's a proper car in miniature, not a completely cheapened out city car."
"As we begin to push the feature size smaller and smaller, the size of a defect that would kill our device also shrinks."
"Now the lithographer's mission is not just to figure out technically how to make things smaller, but how to do it cheaply."
"Wouldn't it be cool if you put a tiny camera into a penny?"
"The Pro Mini is a very tiny Arduino, but it's only tiny in size; as far as capabilities, the Pro Mini has the same capabilities as an Arduino Uno."
"I really love tiny computers. I just find something fascinating about having little devices that are tiny, cheap, and use very very little battery power."
"Building small can be a lot more difficult because you have to jam-pack details into a smaller space."
"It's kind of cool to see people controlling such a tiny little thing and doing this crazy stuff."
"As technology gets smaller, things that weren't possible before are now achievable."
"I love love Miniland; it's probably my favorite part of this park, honestly, just to see everything in miniature and in Lego."
"It is truly remarkable how much they can pack onto these mini boards these days."
"Who doesn't like things that are mini?"
"When we go from this idea of being classical or deterministic to something where our problem becomes much much smaller, we are looking at miniaturization."
"This is one of the smallest FPGA on the market."
"Bonsai has to have some element of miniaturization to the plant and it also has to have some artistic design intent."
"We need nanotechnology in order to create a new generation of computers that will work even faster and will have a million times more memory but will be about the size of a sugar cube."
"These things look like little toys; they're so incredible."
"I'm happy with that tree; I think it's looking quite nice miniature."
"Anytime you have an opportunity to divide it into smaller sections, it'll make it look more miniature."
"It's a massive investment by FLIR to miniaturize a thermal camera down to the size of a mobile phone camera package."
"It's a half a millimeter across with a density of 14,000 pixels per inch."
"I'm back on it, and today we have the mini Ferrari of brushless whoops."
"It offers like fantastic speed and it just feels like a beefed-up racer shrunk down."
"It's crazy how small computers can be these days."
"What I really like is some of the rock formations in Africa where you see like a pile of rocks out in the middle of nowhere, and I want to duplicate that in miniature."
"Okay, this is probably the world's tiniest camera."
"I love waffles and I love small things, so I love the idea of this mini waffle maker."
"These miniature forests tend to have all the same traits as a full-size forest."
"It's amazing to see them fit so much tech into such a small frame."