
Positive Intentions Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"He's gonna take a chance, go for it, good chance, set your intention for a positive outcome, you can't win if you don't play."
"I truly want the best for you. I want you to be good. I want you to be well."
"Harmony is based on the pure intent of wishing good for others."
"A great world is built from an intention of love."
"He really seems to want to make a change, which is awesome."
"We never want to hold resentment or wish someone bad. We always send you love and hope you're happy."
"Move with love and light, with pure intentions. Don't think of yourself as lost because you're not."
"This video isn't designed to send anyone hate... it's just a video designed where we could make our days better by laughing from the sidelines."
"They definitely want to make things up, they want to make things better."
"I still wish you blessings from afar don't ever think oh Jamal's not talking to me he's mad at me he don't he you know he wishing bad things."
"I wish all the women well, I do. I wish them well."
"Effort by effort, good intention by good intention, hope by hope, and joy by joy... the great process of spiritual evolution goes on."
"But a majority of us want to do the right thing."
"Geniuses are going to be a little quirky sometimes but your heart is always in the right place..."
"Pray lovingly, for what you wish for others may return to you."
"I will pray the best things for everybody listening: total joy, bliss, happiness, abundance, safety, and love."
"Every single negative habit has a positive intent."
"I wish him all the best, I wish him the happiest."
"They are people who genuinely want the best for you."
"Sending you good vibes and nothing but the best."
"Most people fundamentally, given this dysfunction or this deep trauma, are so good, are so anxious to be good."
"I just don't see him wanting anything but the best for her or hating her or anything like that."
"I'm deeply devoted and committed to putting light and love and joy into the world."
"There is good intentions here to mend things between you two."
"Their intentions is to have full on happiness with you... they're already thinking happy thoughts with you... they want to be with you."
"All done in love and for educational purposes."
"You have our blessing to move forward because we know that you are moving forward with the highest intention."
"I want nothing but the best for all of y'all."
"I hope that all of you have a fantastic day."
"He wants to bring more love and positivity to the community, which I think is really admirable."
"These words are meant to lead us to life Everlasting, they're not meant to destroy our lives, to steal our fun, and to ruin our futures."
"I wish nothing but good health, good wealth on all of you."
"All art is made with good intentions in mind."
"Their intentions are good, is what I'm feeling."
"You are more than worthy of attracting anything that you desire for good intentions into your life."
"I wish everybody here Happy New Year I wish you all the best."
"We're just honestly, we're just trying to spread the love."
"Let's hope this can put a smile on your face."
"Constructive criticism comes from a place of love and concern."
"Gather with loved ones, set positive intentions, and release negative energy together under the light of the full moon."
"I try to plant good seeds sometime but you know sometime my energy get the best of me."
"Ultimately, our intentions, the goal of our intentions ultimately is to be happy."
"May the hands of this person who receives this prayer now be blessed."
"I don't wish nothing bad for you."
"I just wish her nothing but healing, happiness, health, success, all the good things in the world."
"I hoped that it would let them know that I was wishing them well."
"We are cultivating a sense of good wishes for them, good will for them."
"I hope you will have a long life."
"I know the thoughts I have towards you, thoughts of good not evil, to bring you to an expected end."
"Magnify your intentions by not expecting the worst but breathing life, the best of life, into your intention."
"If you've got to make an error, I would imagine an error of love is about the best one you can make."
"Peace, love, abundance, joy, generosity, beauty, whatever, it's all a request, it's a vibrational request."
"The origins are always from a good place."
"I approached the crypto zoo project like everything else I am passionate about, with only the best possible intentions and success for everyone who shaped our vision."
"I sense nothing but good intentions from them, Captain."
"I help anybody that have a positive motive towards me."
"We send blessings to you guys today."
"I think he is actually trying to accomplish something good."
"I'm determined to move into my new house with good vibes only."
"Let's make our way up to seated and bring the hands together, reminding us to have clear and loving thoughts, intentions, and communications."
"May the good spirits be with you both."
"They want her to be happy, harmonious, at peace, in love and light."
"I wish her healing and health always."
"No one wakes up in the morning to do wrong stuff, everyone wants to do great things in their day."
"We wish you all the best and all the well wishes."
"Let all be blessed with inner peace and inner healing, with understanding, harmony, goodwill, and the willingness to do good."
"I wish you to be healthy, I wish you to have dental force."
"Drink the glass of water if you consecrated it, and may you have health, peace, and many victories."
"Healing and happiness is what you want for everyone."
"I hope that baby grow up to be the best child ever."
"They're manifesting a conversation with good intent."