
Inexplicable Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"There was something about the atmosphere that I cannot explain."
"I felt better instantly, but I couldn't explain why."
"Words don't give you the tools to explain what this thing is. They would say things like that they felt as if they were as big as the galaxy and as small as a subatomic particle at the same time."
"Virgo, get ready for an exciting and transformative month ahead in March 2024."
"It is simply a miracle, there is no way to explain it."
"That's definitely creepy, bro. You can't really explain it."
"To this day I have absolutely no explanation for what I experienced."
"This was a validation to me that I was not crazy and that there are things in this world that cannot be explained."
"What is happening here is scientifically inexplicable."
"No one could explain how it happened or who could have put them there."
"Sometimes in life there are just unexplainable instances that we only know how to label as ghosts."
"It seemed as if Carol had accidentally traveled into another dimension for a few hours, though she was never able to explain how or why she had ended up there."
"Some days, miracles happen. And we can't always explain with our science and our technology how those miracles occurred. Sandy is a miracle."
"I was all alone... and then for a reason I can't fully explain, I started to laugh."
"You can't explain it. It's an intuitive thing. You'll know when it's right."
"You can't explain the magic that happens at a live show."
"Many of them did, actually. It's just how these weird things happen with no explanation."
"Life is full of the unexplainable."
"Intuition has no mental explanation."
"There's just this inexplicable bond that they have with you."
"Sometimes things happen that we simply can't explain."
"I sat there for a moment trying to process what had just happened. I knew that I had encountered something Beyond explanation that night."
"There is no explanation for that, okay."
"My first experience seeing something. To this day, I have no clue how or what."
"I cannot rationally explain what both I and my friend witnessed to this day."
"Strange things occur on a daily basis that defy logic and explanation."
"Some things are just impossible to explain as you're about to see."
"She wakes up and she feels a connection to Thomas as you would and she doesn't know why."
"Multitudes of people like you and me have witnessed things like this: apparitions, glitches, things that just don't make sense."
"The whole thing existed beyond science and logic, and yet it was there."
"A place where contact experiences with something inexplicable produces life-changing effects"
"It's just weird. I just like it. Just."
"...there's something about it that is inexplicably extra."
"There's something that I can't explain, but thank you for showing me that."
"Something took over I can't even explain it but I I know that there's there's some magic element to it that just it happened."
"They feel this unexplainable connection to you even when they're not around you."
"What stirs in our subconscious cannot be exactly explained."
"There was a chemistry, and it's not something you could even really talk about, it just happens."
"There's so much you just can't explain."
"I'm happy to report that I now realize there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true."
"It's very satisfying, I don't know why but it just is."
"I have peace that doesn't have an explanation."
"In a world often veiled by skepticism and doubt there exist moments that defy explanation."
"I just get so emotional for absolutely no reason."
"When there's no reasonable explanation."
"The most profound truths are those we can neither explain nor escape."
"I've seen some stuff that I have no rational explanation for."
"My backyard was enclosed, no signs of entry or exit. It was as if the formation had materialized out of thin air."
"I often have unexplained experiences involving this mirror."
"...a creepy and downright unexplainable story."
"It was the weirdest urge, the urge to cry. I don't know why."
"There's a vibe that you get in that house that you just don't get anywhere else, completely unexplainable."
"There's something so wonderful about what God does. You can't explain it, you just feel it."
"There are things in this world that defy reason."
"I can't really explain why I love. I just love him."
"Sometimes you can't explain the unexplainable."
"Guess I've fallen in love with you without any reason. It's unexplainable."
"There's something about it I can't help but love."
"God does miracles and can do things that you cannot explain"
"This person feels like a magnetic attraction to you that they can't explain."
"There's this magical thing that you can't explain."
"You're my person. Our connection defies explanation."
"Sometimes things happen that you cannot explain."
"They joined this long tradition of making experiments and getting results you simply cannot explain."
"There's something unexplainable about this connection."
"A miracle is something that cannot be explained away."
"It's weird things that happen in life and it's just like things that you can't explain."
"Why do I love this so much? I don't know, it just feels so good."
"I don't have an explanation for it, but I like it."
"I don't know why, but this one always makes me laugh."
"I don't know why it works, but it just really, really does."
"All I can say is that what we saw is just unexplainable."
"It was like something tore it off of where it was with tremendous power."
"There are things that just can't be explained in this world."
"But look at it, it's a big train. There's just something about it that you can't really put into words."
"This world is filled with inexplicable magical wonder."
"Some of the stuff that he did, you can't explain."
"There are things in this world that science or logic can't explain."
"Whatever mysterious force was at work in the case of Jackie Hernandez, it expressed itself in many ways, and will probably not yield to easy explanations."
"I just inexplicably really like him. I don't know why."
"And yet in all cases, what was being experienced was so inexplicable and haunting in nature that those involved felt the need to disengage with it."
"Strange things happen and can't always explain them."
"It terrified me and I'm still not sure how to explain it."
"Every year we get the really baffling search and rescue cases, just stuff we simply can't explain."
"The only truly weird encounter that I've had of my entire life."
"I can't explain it. Some things cannot be explained away by rationale."
"My doctors cannot understand it or explain it, but I received the greatest miracle."
"Nature is amazing. If you're new to the hobby, there's so many weird things that nature will do. We can't really explain it."
"The mind, you can't explain... there's an intimacy develops like nothing that I've ever experienced anywhere."
"Sometimes we come across things that are not only inexplicable they send a shiver down your spine."
"Sometimes we'll see, hear or experience something that simply defies all of which we know about the world."
"I can't explain why, I just really like it."
"I would feel a deep stirring in my heart which you cannot logically explain."
"It made me realize that there are unexplainable things in this world."
"Paranormal things that defy rational explanation do indeed happen."
"It's encounters like these that make us realize how strange and inexplicable our world can be."
"We had come face to face with a creature that defied explanation."
"Sometimes you just feel a bit sad, and that's for no particular reason."
"A peculiar sound cut through the tranquil air; it was a screech that seemed to defy any logical explanation."
"There are a lot of things in this world you can't explain."
"When something happens you can't explain, something no one would believe or understand, there's nothing you can do except force yourself to forget."
"But if there's one thing I would have a hard time explaining away, it would be witnessing something or someone free-floating in the air."
"The trail called to me in ways I cannot explain."
"Why that tastes so good cannot be explained. It has to be experienced."
"The way a dog can love you is something you can't really explain."
"It's one of the most inexplicable success stories I can remember."
"It was indescribable, it's just something out of this world."
"There are a lot of things that happen in this world that you just can't explain."
"I always use logic first, but this I genuinely can't explain."
"I never really believed in the paranormal until something happened that I just can't explain."
"I like to think of myself as a logical and rational person, but that was something I just cannot explain."
"I'm a skeptical atheist, but I have one story for which I literally have no logical explanation."
"The city still shrouded in Mist, I encountered something profoundly inexplicable."
"I can describe it, but I cannot explain it."
"There are things beyond this world that we can't explain, and you need to be careful."
"It's something we just won't ever forget, and there's no explanation other than something Supernatural."
"This was one of the most unexplainable things I ever experienced in my entire life."
"The idea of a building or place that is plagued by paranormal and inexplicable occurrences is to be found throughout all of the different geographies and societies that span the globe."
"There are some things you'll see in this world that you'll never be able to explain."
"We had a bond from like day one that I can't explain."
"It's like one of those things you can't explain, like you can't tell someone why you love somebody, you just know in your heart that you do."
"There are things in this life that are unexplainable."
"The love of a mother is something that you can't explain."
"...the experience taught us that there are things in this world that defy explanation."
"For some reason, I couldn't wipe the smile from my face."
"Have you ever loved something so much it just fills your heart with so much joy and you can't explain why?"
"Incredible situations that due to their limited logical explanation have even been classified as paranormal events."
"You know I believe in you, even though I can't explain it."
"I believe that there are things that happen that we can't rationally explain."
"Love is when you don't have a reason why you love this person."
"They could only explain it as a miracle."
"Human beings are capable of experiencing something that they cannot rationally explain."
"God can restore in a way you cannot explain."
"Have you ever encountered something so strange and chilling that you didn't even know where to begin to explain?"
"It was all rather bizarre, but there was no point dwelling on something you couldn't explain."
"The strangest cases are when these people are found alive to tell their story, and there is still no logical explanation as for why they disappeared."
"Whatever was in the house was beyond physical explanations."
"Despite all the learning through the ages, despite the world's great progress in physics, chemistry, biology, there are certain matters which cannot be explained."
"It is still one of the most unexplainable and strangest things that has ever happened to me."
"My heart grew back its missing piece and the doctors could not explain it."
"I have developed an obsession with the inexplicable."
"I feel like most people have at least one event in their life they can't explain."
"There are definitely monsters out there that clearly defy explanation."
"That good feeling you get when you dance with a loved one, can you explain that feeling?"
"It can't be explained by science."
"Miracles have to be something for which there is no actual explanation."
"There's definitely things that can't be explained."
"I'm just in such a good mood today, I don't know why."
"Have you ever had an experience that you can't quite explain?"
"I just... I got a feeling I can't really explain it."
"The Lord had to be watching over us, there was no explanation."
"You can't hardly explain a miracle, but you can experience it."
"It's a feeling, not an equation. I know what to do when I do it, but I can't rightly explain much beyond that."
"Peter suddenly, and inexplicably, vanished."
"I definitely saved the best for last because this story is just so bizarre and completely unexplainable."
"Miracles are those things which no science can explain, no rational mind can explain; it's not logical, that's why it's called a miracle."
"This just feels like summer, I can't explain it."
"I just can't let go of this feeling, so deep that I can't explain."
"We who are taught by the spirit learn all kinds of things that we can't explain to people who aren't spiritual."
"This is not based in science; there is no cure... something is happening here, something I can't explain."
"She never heard or saw La Llorona again, but to this day she won't deny that she witnessed something that she can't explain."
"This is everybody knows that something that cannot be explained through any natural explanation, that is a miracle."
"I love him like I have no explanation."
"I find her fascinating, and I can't really explain why."
"Miracles by definition are something that when we see it, there is no way we can explain or repeat it or replicate it."
"I'll tell you what, it's addictive and I can't explain why because it makes no real sense, especially financial sense until you've actually got in that car and you know everything's okay."
"It's still mind-blowing to me; I can't explain it."
"Now that is Magic, that is inexplicable."