
Self-work Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"You got Shadow work you have to do that you can't skip that part and be fake about your spirituality."
"The more you work on yourself, the more you like, respect, and believe in yourself."
"In order for us to have true inner peace that's indestructible, we can only achieve that by working on ourselves."
"Nobody's perfect, and I myself to this day still I'm working on myself."
"The work that this connection is asking you to do is ultimately really satisfying."
"The fastest way to move this connection forward is for you to look at what work you can do on yourself."
"Options are going to come to you when you work on yourself."
"You have abundant wealth and you work mentally to have the consciousness of what you have."
"Projection and reception: it's a feedback loop. We project a feeling state, receive it, and then do the work to manifest it."
"Do the work that it takes to do the work on you."
"Grounding is going to be key. You came to this planet to do work both for yourself and the planet."
"The most important work you'll ever do is on yourself."
"I really needed that time by myself to do this kind of work."
"The self can through careful work reach a place where they reclaim their power."
"This is what I call the work, the real work."
"I'm seeing a lot of peace and calm for you guys to be working on this."
"You are ready for love, open, and doing the emotional work."
"You have all the tools necessary to have the changes that you want in your love life or your project. But you need to work on yourself first."
"Your loneliness and the hard soul work you were doing was not in vain."
"You can only take your client as deep as the work that you've done within yourself."
"This is a phase of your life where you are really wholeheartedly working on yourself."
"Someone here realized that they had to work on themselves if they want to have a fighting chance at this relationship."
"You have the right every day to stay open, every day to work, every moment. It's not meditation, it's every moment and second of your life. You work on not closing."
"The sad reality is we all have some baggage from our past, we probably all have some trauma, but not all of us are willing to do the work and start on a healing journey."
"You can't make someone else happy if they're not happy. They got their own work to do."
"That's going to be that process that you work on with your therapist and that's going to be incredibly healing."
"The key to accessing the best relationship is to work on your inner child."
"Most marriage challenges have a foundation of personal work first to understand what's really at the center of the struggle."
"If I don't love or feel connected or care about you, I have to look to my own mind. And this is just the most amazing news. It means that rather than trying to change our relationship or change our partner, we just do the work."
"It means that rather than trying to change our relationship or change our partner, we just do the work."
"There's a tendency for us, especially girls, women, to want in others what we have not done the work to give to ourselves."
"Deal with yourself until yourself is finished."
"You want to work for your evolving self, not your current self."
"I just have to work on myself a little more."
"Take this time to heal, to reflect, to introspect, shadow work, inner child healing. Whatever it is that's there, honor it because all of these things are helping you to uncover the real you."
"You don't need this really big mammoth clear-cut collection of stupendously well remembered recollections of childhood in order to work with your childhood."
Not every moment in shadow work is this massive realization or this huge overwhelming thing. It's a lot of admin actually. It's a lot of writing things down, it's a lot of post-it notes, it's a lot of, "I've noticed this pattern again here, and so it's linked to this."
"Shadow work should start from a very, very strong foundation and I really believe that it involves a lot, lot of ego death."
"It gives you anxiety, so no matter what words, no matter how much logic I give you unless you were willing to do the work to unwind that neurological pattern."
"This psychological development through one's subjective ego consciousness is truly the great work."
"You do your inner work, you get emotionally current, and then you work on what you desire now when you move forward."
"You will know, I believe, if you should go or stay once you've done the work for you on you."
"I've experienced the most freedom through those two things."
"Embracing this notion of working on yourself and also notion of growing your intrinsic value is a very crucial concept and a very crucial distinction for you to make."
"There's a gift in those twin flame relationships, but only if you actually use that experience to do the inner work."
"When you start working on you the right way, becoming the best you that you can be, you increase your chances dramatically of salvaging your marriage."
"As long as you work on yourself, there's always hope."
"My brachah is that everybody just gets on the path of working on themselves and becoming a better person for real."
"I'm already in therapy, but I feel like I have so much stuff to work through."
"You are lifting all consciousness in the universe just by working on yourself."
"Working on yourself helps you become the person that you love."
"We all have to work on ourselves and work on our relationship all the time; that's the beauty of it."
"You let your inner happiness and inner work really shine."
"If you are not beautiful on the inside and you haven't done the self-work, then you're not going to be beautiful on the outside."
"Some of the best processing work that we can do is going to take place in this zone where the psychological work actually happens."
"Everyone's working on themselves."
"I'm going to work with me and my heart space."
"You're trying to work with yourself, not against yourself."
"If you're willing to do the work on yourself, everything in your life can improve."
"I don't think I would have been able to have my daughter if I hadn't done that deeper work."
"Your reality is a reflection of the work you've done internally."
"It's a lot harder to sit down and do your own work and find your own voice and work through your own failures."
"When we do that work, automatically we are inspiring and helping the whole environment to do the same."
"It's something that you just have to keep doing and keep working on yourself."
"Wisdom is really the work you do on yourself... to become a bit wiser, a bit clearer, and a bit more confident in life."
"If you take the time out to do this work, then issues become far less significant in your life because they no longer trigger or hurt you."
"Accept the fact that your demons aren't really demons; they're all mirages that start to dissipate when you spend the time to do your own trauma work."
"Each person must do their own healing, their own work, their own inner work."
"You can change your life if you put in the work and the effort to heal yourself."
"I'm planning on working on myself."
"Don't forget you are one limited edition, and you have to work for yourself."
"It's really about the relationship work and also your commitment and love towards yourself."
"Everybody has to work on themselves."
"If happiness is subjective and not objective, then if you want to be happy, do you need to do internal work or external work?"
"I'm gonna start working on myself and getting better, and I'm gonna move forward. That's the only option for me."
"I'm working on things, it's been a while... I think it's gonna be fine, I'm okay."
"Every day you get up, you stay consistent, you get onto the mat and work on yourself."
"When it's time to do the inner work, you do the inner work."
"This is a lifelong journey and it's going to require you to consistently work on yourself."
"Energy can never be copied; you have your unique energy, and they will never ever get that energy that you have because you've done the work, you've done the internal work."
"You chose to work on yourself, Eight of Pentacles."
"I take full accountability for my actions and I'm committed to continue to work on myself."
"Keep on working to excel 'cause I'm working on myself."
"You have to work with your contradictions and embrace them all."
"We have to be a role model of working on ourselves."
"Start the hard work of being yourself."
"I've been doing some work on myself, and it's coming back, and I feel like it's cool."
"Someone is going to have to do the internal work to get themselves out of whatever this is."
"It behooves us to find a way to deal with it, because if we don't deal with it, it deals with us."
"It takes some work on our own, and that's something that's scary to understand."
"I focused within myself, and that's where a lot of the self-work came in."
"You have done tremendous healing, because you can't get into the empress or the emperor energy unless you have done a lot of work on yourself."
"The only place where you can really put the hand on it and deal with it, the problem of evil, is in yourself."
"Limerence is caused by three major things: our subconscious comfort zone, when somebody meets our deeply unmet needs, and golden shadow work."
"You deal with trauma outside of relationships, you go to therapy, you work on yourself."
"You can live in this world in perfect peace, but you got to work on you."
"If you don't work on yourself, nothing's gonna change."
"I'm proud of the work that you've done. You started working on you before you ever knew you'd have this opportunity today."
"You've done the inner work, you set yourself free."
"We are all works in progress and work in progress."
"My recovery is lifelong, something I'm going to have to work on every day."
"You've done a lot of work on yourself."
"You start walking in your calling and your purpose, you start healing and doing the work on yourself."
"They're willing to new beginnings in love, they also work hard on themselves, continue to master themselves every day."
"There's a lot of fulfillment happening here for you because you've chosen to put in the work within yourself."
"To address the deepest levels of our wounding, to alchemize its medicine, and we have to do it for ourselves, but we don't have to do it alone."
"Be patient and work hard on yourself; everything will follow."
"Really work on improving yourself."
"You can only work on if you're one thousand percent yourself, one million percent yourself."
"Work with your own energy, work with your own truth, work with your own heart."
"When they come in, you don't have to stay in the pain if you do the proper work on yourself."
"If you want to fix your relationships, it starts by addressing some of the things that you need to do in order for you to have great relationships."
"Everybody deserves to be happy, even you. All you got to do is put in the work on yourself."
"We can't have a true connection with somebody in a very healthy relationship until we're right with ourselves first and we're doing our own work."
"You've been doing the great work, the inner work."
"When the outside world is particularly challenging, it means there's some inner work to be done."
"You both have done a lot of work on yourself, your hard work is now being rewarded."
"No work that you do on yourself is wasted, not one shred of it."