
Descriptive Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Neuropsychological profile is not diagnostic... it's descriptive."
"It was a cold night, and the fog was thick as grits."
"Short distance from London, just beyond the fog-cloaked forest, there stands a well-kept manor house."
"If you want something that is described very well and something that is very atmospheric and something that is very scary, look no further than Mexican Gothic."
"Ghost ants are called ghost ants because it seems like half of their body is transparent."
"This is some demonic possession level [ __ ] man."
"Their eyes are bloodshot and he looks panicked."
"It's what you could call an antique." - Referring to something as old or vintage.
"Clunky, yeah, that's the defining word I can use to describe Resident Evil zero."
"So I got to her house took her to the emergency room but she had like a fever of like 102 the night before she couldn't keep food down she was throwing up it was really bad and she looked like a ghost like her face was like super pale."
"If there were one word to describe this game the one word that stuck in my head from the moment I saw the first trailer then forgot about it and then came straight back to me after I played it that word would have to be expressive."
"Yellow dust rained down like snow, it could be scooped up in handfuls."
"That's a bloodbath. It's literally a bloodbath."
"True fear ran through her body when she saw its eyes, they were like teddy bear eyes."
"The sense of smell, for instance, to be able to smell the things they smell, the cinnamon, the Lotus, the cedar."
"William's hand... looks very manly, very solid."
"She was outgoing, free-spirited, loving life."
"Merciless is perhaps the best descriptor for the Carcardons in combat."
"Anastasia was born with her father's captivating azure blue eyes."
"The Sweet Spot: medium rare, tender juicy delicious."
"He's un-freakin'-believable to monster he's a monster."
"The sign should have just said: 'Beautiful, elegant, graceful, hopefully single.'"
"What kind of guy was he? Very curious, very kind, very honest, very tough, very sarcastic, very funny."
"Either way all the different kinds hang from trees and walls and some even hang upside down their eyelids are milky and their clothes are covered in dirt."
"Every corner is something visually haunting."
"Big E's hips are like that, a churning thrash of meat and raw sexual excellence."
"This is a very, very, very unusual situation."
"Looks like a bunch of buffaloes came through and took a dump."
"It's so vibrant, so descriptive without feeling like it's laboring to be so."
"The bread came out extremely warm and soft with Crispy edges she poured oil onto the bread plate and asked if I needed a few more minutes to decide my order was placed and I devoured the bread."
"This was listed as a run-in drive it is completely dead right now."
"Welcome to our mini kitchen. Oh wow, looks like caramel almost. It's actually glazed. Here we go, we're adding the glazed. That looks so cool."
"She felt the dark, cold shadows engulf her like the black waters of the lake."
"This is like baby cheeks. This is little kid flushed skin, you know? I love that."
"The future city of the saints appeared like one besieged, every available house, shop, hut, or barn was filled to its utmost capacity."
"This one is very woody green, with light fruitiness and some booziness as well."
"It's just so much more descriptive. It's better than I could ever do."
"Philosophy is not merely descriptive, it is analytically normative."
"The sky was the color of a bruised spot on a man's arm."
"Look at his face right there. He's telling you the pasta is crunchy but it's moist at the same time."
"He literally put his whole arm through his back and out his chest. Damn, son, I'm not gonna lie, he turned my man Ace into a shish kabob, a skewer."
"The writing was so good and so descriptive I felt like I was there."
"That skin, that beautiful color, that crispy salty peppery goodness."
"If I had one thing to say about our dish in the end, it did taste like you were eating a fart. I don't know how else to describe it."
"That storytelling on that song was so great bro like how descriptive he was on that story because we all know them older guys older girls that living in their second childhood that's self-explanatory and he told it on that song."
"Be as descriptive as you can in your field names without going overboard."
"It's like smoky, it's charred, it's buttery."
"Hazel's drained body was splayed out before me, eyes empty, skin ghostly pale, emptied of all blood."
"The moon was hidden, its light bleeding into clouds like a wound beneath a silken bandage."
"This spiny spider is one prickly customer."
"...it's a lovely city actually um it's about halfway between Kolkata and Chennai on the Bay of Bengal so uh nice and Breezy the waves and the surf coming in..."
"It has chocolaty characters and caramely lines"
"There are some brilliant descriptions of farm life."
"The sea seemed a sheet of polished obsidian on which the warships seemed to have been dropped and been immobilized, centered amid concentric circles like shock waves that form around a stone dropped in mud."
"The moonlight sparkled off the fine hairs of her bare shoulder."
"Describe gives us our basic data analytics information we might be looking for like what is the mean, standard deviation, minimum amount, maximum amount."
"It's a carbon copy day in the City of Angels, the Santa Anas roll in like a warm whisper, bringing with them the faint perfume that's a fragile mixture of ocean mist, late-night diners, and automobile exhaust."
"Some words you could use to describe ethereals are otherworldly, angelic, poised, graceful, ageless, wise."
"It's juicy, it's fruity, very flirty, very girly, super fun, and perfect for Springtime."
"It's juicy, sweet, fruity, and with that little bit of wood."
"It's a little powdery, a little fruity, the Fig in here is beautiful."
"I'm always looking for a really spicy, musky, also woodsy cedar, almost cathedral, almost incense-y smell."
"The high gray flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world."
"This exercise exposes you to beautiful descriptive and sensory language."
"It's frothy, frivolous, flirtatious, fertile, fancy, flowing... literally any F word you can think of, you can use to describe this scene."
"It really speaks to the writing, 100% all of it is described so well."
"In the sunlight, his eyes were the blue of a shadow cast upon fresh winter snow."
"It's a beautiful sugary zesty lemon."
"Relatively rad red rocks right off the right side of the road."
"It's sweeter, it's heavier, it's creamier."
"It was a dark rainy evening; everything illuminated seemed white, and everything unlit seemed black."
"The woman dressed fully in white with long hair messily falling over her shoulders proceeded to walk slowly up the path towards Tony."
"His wonderfully descriptive musical depictions of Rome are as picturesque as any postcard."
"By the end of five, they should be able to speak around 2400 words and speak five-word sentences that are very descriptive."
"In the bosom of one of those spacious coves which indent the eastern shore of the Hudson... there lies a small market town or rural port, which by some is called Greensburgh, but which is more generally and properly known by the name of Tarrytown."
"The food descriptions are beautiful, and the descriptions of the town - everything is really picturesque."
"The rain was falling from a black iron sky, pricking the green and brown torrent with ten thousand swords."
"No matter how fancy they are, all inferential statistics are built from the same basic descriptive statistics."
"The median is often times... more descriptive, more accurate in terms of what's going on."
"It's not just flavor text; it's literal poetry."
"This is Amber with warm notes, spicy notes, musk, Woods, citrusy notes, mint, and herbs."
"The Air Venturi comes with a full manual that is very descriptive and useful."
"Appeal to the senses of your reader, appeal to his or her emotions, be descriptive but not too lengthy."
"What is the nature of X? That's a descriptive question asking you simply to describe the characteristics."
"Use descriptive language as much as possible to bring the photo to life."
"It smells like a tropical summer vacation scent."
"He really knows how to paint a picture."
"That was one of the most descriptive things I've ever seen."
"An orange liquid sways and softly glows."
"The snow fell in heavy blankets, the wind erupting - a downright furious eye."
"Low dark clouds raced over a steel sea toward Barkley Cove."
"It was a shivering silvery black, it appeared wet almost, like the black formed circles and swirls, and the silver-like water."
"I love Afrikaans; it's a very descriptive language."
"Dawn came, but no day. In the morning, the dust hung like fog, and the sun was red as ripe new blood."