
Science Quotes

There are 29132 quotes

"The good news is there are indeed science-supported behavioral protocols and compounds that one could consider in order to avoid and treat colds and flu."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Science isn't about what we want to believe, it's about what's actually coming through and what seems to hold up to testing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything in biology is a process, it's not an event."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a whole other area of science that we're really just barely touching...what's the difference between functioning normally and functioning above normally?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What's very exciting is when we can discover mechanism that explains why certain practices work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nature is perfect, and it's the task of the scientist to discover in just what sense this is true."
"You have to understand the science of mitochondria to understand all of the symptoms of mental illness."
"Science has this amazing capacity to give us deep insight into the nature of reality."
"Careful observation of the world, careful mathematical analysis of the world has shown us that science has this amazing capacity to give us deep insight into the nature of the world."
"Science only adds to the excitement, the mystery, and the awe of a flower."
"As the more you understand the mind from a serious scientific point of view; the more you come to appreciate its complexity, its uniqueness and its beauty."
"Even though we don't understand dark matter and dark energy... we still continue to study."
"The science teaches us what we need to do, we just have to put these things into practice."
"Investing in the right comparison between biology and psychology is essential because people often overlook the complexity of psychological phenomena by focusing on more tangible biological processes."
"Even for something we've been doing for thousands of years, like building muscle, there is still debate and uncertainty, showing that even well-explored areas have room for new understanding."
"It's a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates."
"Anecdotes, while entertaining and interesting, do not constitute scientific evidence."
"What gets really interesting, and this is something most scientists don't even know about yet, is level three, the deep layer of aging. There's actually a DNA clock that tells our bodies how old we are."
"First of all, you know that you can't cite scientists across other disciplines to justify something that they don't study in, right?"
"It's not about contribution to science; it's about contribution to humanity."
"Philosophy is what gave us the desire to pursue science."
"It doesn't always have to be backed up by science."
"We live in a society of undisciplined minds, and there's a science to disciplining it."
"The whole mantra of medicine being an art, as much as it is a science, is so true."
"We can measure that, slow it down, and even reverse it. It's going to fundamentally change the course of human history."
"It's wonderful when we hear that sciences are validating age-old wisdoms."
"Serotonin is the happiness chemical and is fundamental to our sense of well-being."
"As a scientist, you have made decades of contributions to our collective understanding of the benefits of biological stress and the supporting evolutionary theory of why almost all organisms actually need stress to thrive."
"Science requires self-doubt, the ability to change according data, the willingness to be flexible."
"There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic."
"Eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century."
"The essence of good science is whenever you see some data and an inference, ask yourself: How might that inference be wrong? How else might we account for those data?"
"Science advances because the old guard dies and the new people grow up just believing it to be self-evident."
"All of our science right now has made us wizards; we're eventually going to get the source code of the game."
"Science has the power to unravel the mysteries of the universe and lead to new discoveries."
"The science is never wrong; scientists are wrong, doctors are wrong. The science is the process that helps us figure out that we were wrong."
"Maths and science is just as much creativity and imagination as it is all the facts and boring equations."
"If there's any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism."
"To say 'I love you', one must know first how to say the 'I'."
"Spirituality requires a scientific mind, one that is open to direct observation and empirical evidence."
"Reality is so total and then what's left for science to do is to explore all the content."
"Let's get away from the spookality, let's get into the real talent science so we can understand what we're doing."
"Based on science, how you wake up not when but how you wake up and the first few things that you do in the morning will dictate your mood for the rest of the day."
"The pursuit of science enhances faith; it does not obliterate it."
"The incredible value of these sample return programs is that we can save large fractions of the sample... for future analytical capabilities for new hypotheses to be tested in the future that we don't even know to test yet."
"The instruments that we have in the rover are extraordinary and the fact that we can make these observations of organic molecules on Mars to begin with is just awesome."
"This is about science and discovery exploration. When people see countries doing these stunning things in other worlds, it inspires all of us."
"The science that comes back from it... is going to be made freely available."
"You are providing inspiration and advancing science and exploration for not only the United States but for the world."
"The key ingredients for the recipe of life are water, sunlight, and certain organic compounds like carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen."
"Science is the language of nature and learning about science and learning how to think like a scientist means you are learning how to systematically seek out truth in the world."
"Whether it's on the red planet or our own blue marble, science can bring us together and create solutions to challenges that seem impossible at first."
"What I am enjoying very much about this conversation is the evident marriage between spirituality and science."
"You wouldn't think that a defense of reason, science, humanism, and progress would be incendiary."
"Whatever the answer, the secrets of the soul are now within science's grasp."
"My book is really the science and philosophy of consciousness, and I tried to make it as accessible as possible."
"Consciousness is the greatest mystery of science, and we don't know exactly how it works."
"Science is starting to move in a different direction...science can only get so far until they don't have the ability or the knowledge to go any further."
"Science's position is about attempting to falsify."
"Just keep following the evidence, and that's what I'm going to keep doing."
"Science doesn't make proclamations about truth; it creates probabilistic models based on what we understand."
"Astrobiology is one of the key topics in all of science that is currently at the heart of what we're doing."
"Despite this, quantum entanglement is still amazing and incredibly useful, forming the foundation behind quantum cryptography and quantum computing."
"Perseverance is a very profound first step in both our understanding of our place in the universe and a stepping stone towards human exploration."
"Scientists define life as any system that is capable of eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli."
"When a system can significantly increase the rate of scientific discovery in the world, that's like a huge deal."
"We must honor science; it's a new way of looking at spirituality."
"Let's take the best insights from the spiritual traditions and be willing to call nonsense nonsense and take the best tools from science...and try together to make precise theories about the spiritual realm."
"The glory of science is it can challenge things that we believed since we were three months old."
"Among life's many baffling properties, the phenomenon of consciousness leaps out as especially striking. Its origin is arguably the hardest problem facing science today."
"Consciousness is the number one problem of science, of existence even."
"Einstein's e=mc²... tells us that energy and mass are equivalent."
"His analysis of hierarchical behavior in chimpanzees and bonobos is revolutionary not only biologically but also philosophically."
"What I want to see is, an interaction between the genuine ideas that the spiritual traditions have come up with and the new methods of science."
"Information exists; it's not in a special medium. It always has to be in some physical medium, but you really have to consider information in your theory." - Daniel Dennett
"Science doesn't care what your nationality is. All that matters is who is offering you enlightened leadership and enlightened governance. If you want to be on that frontier, otherwise you will dance to the tune played by others who have made those investments in the future of this civilization."
"Let's not worry about money, let's just think about the science, damn it."
"Let's just think about the science, damn it."
"Flawed scientific theories can have dangerous political fallout."
"Philosophy is one of the sciences, indeed the science of sciences."
"The Bible is the greatest scientific book ever written."
"The truth is what the facts are. Science can determine what is true."
"One of the greatest attractions of Vedanta is that it does not conflict with science and reason."
"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
"Over the next four years, five years, we're going to be able to stop aging and then eventually reverse aging."
"Darwin's theory of evolution really had shown that there's no need for a creator to explain all the full diversity of life around us."
"None of these [pathways to knowledge] is infallible... there are proper limits to science; otherwise, you're peddling untenable naive scientism."
"If you want to say something true about the universe, use the scientific method."
"The effect of gravity on a vertical light beam: don't ask that question, as Einstein asked, what's the effect of a light beam, let's say shot vertically upward from the floor when it's detected at the ceiling."
"A light ray near the surface of the Earth, when it's fired downward, this has been tested in a big high tower: laser beam downward, detector at the bottom, the color of the light ray is a little bit bluer than it would have been if it would have been detected up at the top of its arc."
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
"Science is not just a proclamation about something; science is the method by which we discover things about the world."
"Scientists have declared that these discoveries are technically not supposed to exist, defying established laws of science."
"By studying these distant galaxies, astronomers can gain insights into the formation of stars and galaxies, the evolution of cosmic structures, and the presence of potentially habitable exoplanets."
"Reconstructed 200 million proteins, basically every protein of every living thing that's ever been sequenced. This is completely revolutionary."
"Its extraction will help give room for scientific data for lunar resource evaluation and exploration."
"Most are none other than marvels of science that have never been seen on our small planet."
"It's not rocket science, people, okay? It's gay science."
"Researchers confirm water exists in tiny glass beads scattered on the moon's surface, a groundbreaking find."
"Gravity offers a way for us not just to see other worlds but to feel what's happening inside them."
"Not as a barrier but as a messenger that can carry information from the distant universe."
"Gravitational waves, like ripples on a pond, are created whenever something with mass accelerates."
"The complexity of reality of how the brain works is, well, first of all, we're still trying to figure it out, and second of all, it is complex and it's still an incomplete story."
"This new book, 'An Appetite for Wonder,' the subtitle is 'The Making of a Scientist,' it is a memoir of the first half of my life, up to the age of 35."
"Through chemistry, you'll soon discover what's in store for the kingdom and its citizenry."
"Behold, the science of discovery is endless."
"SETI... is not flying saucers or UFOs... it's a scientific search for intelligent life out there."
"We don't know if it's there but the only way we're going to know really is to look."
"To understand the origin of life, you have to understand its planetary context."
"Biochemistry uses the chemicals it does because it's following those paths of least resistance."
"When over 10,000 science all study the same subject and come up to the same conclusion... that's what you call a consensus."
"The first law of thermodynamics says that matter and energy, or material energy since they're both the same thing, can neither be created nor destroyed."
"If you want to be happier, you need to understand the science, apply it to your life, and share it with others."
"Life finds a way, science will help us get there."
"The mysteries of outer space continue to captivate the brightest minds of humanity."
"Your brain, my dear brothers and sisters, is 2.5 million gigabytes of memory."
"Science is a self-correcting discipline, one that relies on critique after critique to correct errors and a merciless series of checks and balances in order to prevent errors from being published in the first place."
"Science is a candle in the dark, and it is up to us to carry that torch no matter how dark the darkness may be."
"Is it possible to pop popcorn with an explosion?"
"Pressure from an explosion causes raw popcorn kernels to cook in an instant."
"A laser pops an enormous amount of popcorn in the house, blows out all the windows in the doors, just from the power of popcorn."
"To me, that was so rewarding because it wasn't a random thing; it was something that I was scientifically measuring based on previous experiences, specific levels."
"The DNA molecule has the potential for storing a tremendous amount of information, more than any known system; it is the most densely packed and elaborately detailed assembly of information in the known universe."
"We must also understand the nature of dark energy or dark matter, how it works, and how it affects our universe's evolution."
"Suddenly, astronomers' foundational knowledge of the cosmos seems to be under attack."
"Humanity during this time would hold science in the highest esteem above all things, science during the Golden Age essentially was humanity's religion."
"Science is a very important part of our worldview."
"Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, and a Lightyear is a measure of distance. It's the distance light goes in a year at that speed."
"Some scientists believe in the concept of the Multiverse."
"Earth is not the center of the known universe, and your holy book that says it is may be wrong."
"Science tells us how the body works; it's not always so noble, but yet just knowing gives us a broader picture."
"Theories like the Big Bang and other bedrocks of physics have shaped our understanding of the universe, but recent discoveries are challenging these theories."
"New World Views will come; nobody knows at the present time when we will learn how our universe really was created."
"The cosmic who done it remains exciting and will keep the ball rolling."
"The only comparison the scientists who made [the first atom bomb] could make to illuminate its power was with the Hindu God of destruction."
"You cannot build a worldview off science since science is just a way of processing information."
"I do science because I think it’s an investment in the long-term survival of our species."
"You've got Hydra Quark... so quarks are diabolical in this way."
"Our response as a nation must be swift, it must be coordinated, and it must be based on science and the facts."
"I really do think that the best methodology for finding truth is science."
"Astronomers now find they painted themselves into a corner because they have proven by their own methods that the world began abruptly in an act of creation."
"Science can determine human values, and therefore, morality could be a new branch of science."
"Harris does not simply claim that science can tell us what humans do value, but what humans should value."
"Science concerns itself with descriptive claims; it seeks to understand how the world is."
"Life on Earth began from microbes delivered from space. This theory is called panspermia."
"There's a lot of science-based evidence... of the effects that sound has on your entire system, on your physical body, your mental body, your emotional states, your immune system."
"There must be right and wrong answers to questions of morality and values that potentially fall within the purview of science."
"In science, we never prove anything, and yet we make progress because we have warranted belief, we have justifiable claims that we can back up with evidence."
"I am always prepared to believe a mathematician or scientist because they can demonstrate and predict with precision, unlike spiritual or mystical claims."
"The mysterious fairy circles of Namibia...often range between 7 and 39 ft and have puzzled scientists and sparked numerous theories over the years."
"Olympus Mons, a huge shield volcano on the surface of Mars, is about two and a half times Mount Everest's height above sea level."
"The rock material collected on Mars contains the same type of carbon signals that are linked to living organisms on Earth."
"Science might tell you that if you eat something, you'll die, but for you to say that dying is bad, that's a moral question."
"What we are announcing today is the detection of organic molecules. They're the building blocks of life."
"We have a chemical laboratory on another planet."
"At first glance, Antarctica appears to be a frozen wasteland, but hidden below the icy exterior are mysteries that have left even modern scientists bewildered."
"The law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed... Everything that's here has always been here."
"I think the fact here that combined, there's a romantic goal that we had, to do something that people hadn't done before, which was important scientifically and a huge challenge."
"I would hope [my legacy] felt that I helped move science forward...and that I served as a good role model for how humans should live their lives."
"So Gatorade solves the mystery of our complex biology."
"LIGO or the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory is probably the most precise measurement device ever built by humans."
"Sleep is a very potent kind of master switch of the immune system."
"Reality is based on the replicated facts repeated by numbers of scientists in laboratories."
"From the data that Curiosity has collected so far, scientists are now convinced that Gale Crater was an oasis of water in the ancient past."
"Anytime you think about biology, think mechanical features and chemical features of a response."
"Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness."
"Curiosity is a roving biologist. Its job is to look for past places on Mars that could have sustained life."
"This is a community built on reason and facts and science and empiricism, and we value objectivity and examining our beliefs."
"Consciousness is the way information feels when being processed in certain ways."
"There is hope; we can use science now to help people get better."
"If you really understand that science, it leads to really simple, obvious, concrete solutions."
"If you believe that you have the ability to make independent choices, that you can actually supersede your own biological drives and the environment around you to any extent, this means that you believe in something that can't actually be proved by science but that you are living every single day."
"Be very careful of people who just operate on blind faith and don't actually pay attention to data and science."
"I am a mask advocate. I think that the science disagrees with this idea that masks are a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad thing."
"Gratitude is kind of like the scientific version of happiness."
"Most of the great discoveries in science and maths were made intuitively, through pattern recognition and seeing gestalt."
"Longevity research challenges us to think how science and engineering will change society."
"Fusion... literally water and helium come out of it."
"And if you can get to the point where science is advancing faster than you are ageing, then it's really hard to predict how long humans are going to live."
"The tools for thinking that are developed and improved in the sciences...have sort of filtered down into popular culture and become part of the ambient culture."
"It does suggest that there are ways of resetting your epigenome."
"The epigenome, I believe, is the reason that we age."
"I think Dawkins is a genuine scientist...he acts out the proposition that the universe has an intrinsic logos and that the pursuit of that will set you free."
"What science is really good at is examining the past."
"Scientific findings are cumulative, and they have gotten more precise and accurate about the natural world."
"I'm a visionary, exploring a universe of data to sharpen our view of the most distant galaxies and studying black holes to help prove Einstein's theory of gravitational waves."
"If we can figure out why we get old and how to reprogram the body, the cells in the body, to be young again, we won't get those diseases."
"Turning back time... actually figuring out how to slow down aging or reverse time is a lot easier than building a time machine."
"You can reprogram the body and reset the body's clock to be young again."
"You can't ground the axioms of science scientifically either; you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps."
"Let's not go quietly into that good night and talk about how we can slow, stop, and maybe even reverse aging."
"This is about more than staying fit and healthy into old age with a good diet and exercise. This is the pursuit of a much longer, healthier lifespan using science and genetics to achieve it."
"We've been working for many years on slowing aging, but we've wanted, how do you get that to be reversed? Is there a reset switch in an old cell? And we think we found it."
"Why should I suppose that I am able to plumb the mysteries of the universe? It's amazing how far we've got. It's absolutely incredible how clever we are at working out the mysteries of the universe with the aid of lots of very sophisticated machines and by people building on the shoulders of others over centuries."
"The temperature of a single lightning bolt is around 28,000 degrees Celsius or around 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Science is still in its infancy... 95% of the matter and energy in this universe is unknown to us. Dark matter, dark energy are completely unknown."
"Aging is not unidirectional. In my lab, we're driving it forwards and backwards."
"I'm about to touch a one-kilogram sphere of silicon 28 atoms."
"What we're learning is that genes are not your destiny."
"Aging in many ways could be thought of as the process of oxidation outrunning our antioxidant defenses."