
Emotional Capacity Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"The more we were able to keep our hearts open to ourselves, the more we have available to give to others."
"Barry is more than capable of feeling empathy, remorse, and guilt."
"How much love can you pour onto yourself and accept, allow yourself permission to try and experience as much love as you can possibly hold."
"It's okay to continue loving people from your past, as our capacity to love is vast and multifaceted."
"People are phenomenal. We have emotion and capacity to be incredibly cool."
"Love cannot occur unless you have the freedom to do so."
"I have not met a more intelligent, compassionate, emotional animal in my entire life."
"Hey robots can have feelings too, I've seen Wall-E."
"Love is an ability. It's not just a feeling."
"My grief was so heavy, all I had room for was love."
"Animals have the capacity for empathy and love, just like humans."
"The human being is capable of holding extraordinary amounts of emotion, extraordinary ability to expand and feel."
"My heart only has enough space for love, not for hate."
"Your capacity to love yourself is your capacity to love others."
"Do you really think humans are the only ones capable of love?"
"She had emotional depth. She could love, learn, and grieve similarly to humans."
"We can only handle so much... when it's pertinent or when you're ready."
"The big guy is never about the body, it's about the heart, the passion."
"The problem is the crux of it is that animals feel, they are sentient, they have the capacity for pain and they have the capacity for pleasure."
"Sometimes we might hold on to pain hoping to gain acknowledgement from a certain person who may just lack the emotional capacity."
"You're capable of giving and receiving love more than you realize."
"An unfortunate myth about the disorder is that diagnosed individuals have no emotions whatsoever, which is simply not the case."
"All humans have the capability of being loved and loving others."
"A person is a being that has personality, that has emotion, that has the ability to act."
"Elephants mourned the death of their caretaker."
"What's the amount of love you have in your heart?"
"Your heart is even big enough to receive the joy that is lying in wait for you."
"Your heart is pushing the envelope of how happy you can think."
"It just my trauma tank is full I just can't take anymore."
"Software does not fall in love or threaten users."
"I seriously don't understand how I could put more Love in This Heart."
"It's very possible for people to care about two things at once."
"The worse you grew up, the bigger your heart."
"We can only fully love someone when our love cup is beginning to overflow."
"Your cup has to be full before you can pour into someone else."
"Cancer may have saved my life... I didn't have the same degree of emotional bandwidth."
"Low emotional bandwidth is typical for dismissive avoidants, as they struggle to fill their own emotional cups."
"I had a lot of love to give though."
"Everybody has a different cup, and if you keep pouring fluid in, regardless of who you are, at some point, that [__] is coming over the top, and that cup overfloweth is not a good thing."
"You can't give love if you don't have love."
"Humans have souls, have emotions, you know what I'm saying? The worst human being, there's a limit to what he gonna do."
"I have an amazing capacity to love, and all I needed to do was just direct that to myself."
"There's room in people's hearts for more than one person."
"The capability for love overwhelmed any other variable."
"These animals are so socially and emotionally intelligent."
"You taught me that word means 'my beloved,' and the human heart is too small to permit that feeling now."
"My heart is so big and I have so much to offer."
"Love is something you can't give if you don't have it to begin with."
"Masculinity comes down to two things and two things only: it's about the capacity to love and be loved."
"The capacity for love and feelings and empathy is what makes you human."
"The ability to have compassion is a huge factor in your ability to feel empathy and to exhibit empathy."
"A person only has so much real estate in their heart and in their mind."
"You just said that you have people that you do care about. So, that's not true. You do have the capacity to have emotional attachments to people and care about them."
"You've got a lot of love to give."
"The human heart is a very small place. If it contains too many bad things, good things won't fit."