
National Responsibility Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I believe we're a blessed nation that is therefore have a sense of responsibility to the extent we can to help others."
"Any country or government that doesn't make every possible effort to rescue its own people is not a country that deserves to be."
"The court had a high duty and responsibility to the nation at least to decide the questions presented."
"There's no excuse that we shouldn't be one of the best-prepared countries for a pandemic."
"Nations do bear collective guilt... because nations mobilize national resources on behalf of policies that have to make up for, to the extent possible, national sins, national crimes."
"I hope we have helped make it clear that there is a broader kind of accountability, accountability to all the American people."
"President Biden: 'America is not a deadbeat Nation. We meet our obligations.'"
"Every country must honor its word, shoulder its responsibilities, and fulfil international obligations."
"No, the most important thing going on in the world right now is the state of your country, the one you're supposed to run, the people you're supposed to represent, whose lives you're supposed to care about."
"Nigeria is not a private company, it is the turn of Nigerians to take back their country."
"We're responsible for more death, destruction, and violence than any other [__] contemporary nation."
"It is our responsibility to take steps that are in the interests of the American people and the United States of America."
"Having diverse nations with different kinds of laws... each one taking responsibility for their own fate."
"There's a bigger responsibility that we have here, which is to who we are as a country."
"America is a special place... democracy 2020, it's in your hands." - Fox News
"Truth is universal, but it needs institutions and nations to defend it."
"We have the feeling of responsibility for our country and they don't."
"A nation that cannot take care of its People's Health is a nation that's in trouble."
"We have a national obligation, a national duty to fix this, to get this right."
"What we want most is to pass a better world and better country to our children."
"There's nothing fiscally conservative about breaching the debt limit...it would be profoundly unpatriotic and Un-American."
"The West can't accept that it's responsible for these things. America's never committed genocide? Maybe they've just not read a single history book."
"Countries that harbor cyber criminals have a responsibility to take action. If they don't, we will."
"As America while it is still light and this work is possible to be done."
"The labor of our heroes past is mortgaging our future. We cannot let it be in vain."
"If we are ever to solve the problems we are facing, we must recognize national responsibility for this issue."
"Andrew is running as a parent and as a patriot on values that are so dear to us as a family and so urgently important for our country."
"All of us living in America right now need to fill out the census next year."
"If one part of the nation is failing, then we're failing as a whole."
"We created a republic, madam, if you can keep it."
"It pays for us to reconsider the Sputnik moment and how every American felt a need to take personal responsibility and to act."
"This is a crisis, and as a developed nation, we need to act."
"Israel must do everything it can to help Jews when they're in trouble."
"Do what’s right. It’s not about you, and it’s not about your dad. It’s about the country."
"Our voice in the world as a nation holds an outsized impact and we need to step up and recognize that."
"As a nation, we have many obligations. Only one truly sacred obligation: to equip those we send into harm's way and to care for them and their families when they come home."
"But until we actually do something as a nation, it's a problem."
"Nobody will bail Pakistan out except Pakistan is making the right economic and other decisions."
"Have mercy upon your own nation, called to such high responsibilities in the affairs of humankind."
"It's our constitutional obligation to fight for the country because you not only have the rights, you also have the responsibilities."
"Whether we like it or not, we find ourselves, our nation, in a world position of vast responsibility. We can act for our own good by acting for the world's good."
"America must provide reparations if we desire a prosperous future for all."
"The nation takes on a great obligation toward the individual; it must promise to the creative individual complete freedom."
"It's not good, then it's shameful, because this rich country, this great country, can afford to take care of the least of these."
"We're a great country, we have a moral responsibility to take our share, share our burden."
"A country should take care of its own people, but also, at the same time, a country has to honor treaties with other countries."