
Cultural Dynamics Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"There's this very dynamic cultural co-construction happening that is messy, that is iterative, that you can learn to do in different ways in different contexts."
"These cultures and communities tend to be a bit more free form."
"Anytime you feel a cultural closing of ranks around you saying something that's grounded in reason and fact, those are some of the most important questions for us to double and triple click on."
"Southeast Asia today, I think, is one of the most intriguing and enigmatic places in the world."
"I do not think you can win a culture war by brute force."
"Cultures are creative, dynamic processes, not imposed laws and boundaries."
"The story of Greek religion is one of continuity in evolution, reflecting the dynamic nature of human culture."
"Even when my family's house got foreclosed on in East Oakland and they auctioned it off to an Asian man."
"Cultural theorist named Raymond Williams wrote about dominant emergent and residual cultures. Residual cultures die out."
"Ironic enjoyment is actually just like a legitimate form of enjoyment at this point."
"There's a fear of the toppling of the white anglo patriarchy in the U.S., everybody who is afraid of white men no longer being the ones who are in charge are going to be afraid."
"The goons were cool with me when they found out it was me, they were hella cool, that's love, that's real respect."
"So much of what we are is built into the software layer and the software layer is there because it is rapidly changeable."
"The contrasting fates of black men and women highlight the importance of cultural compatibility."
"Guys, this country is getting increasingly racist in its behaviors and its attitudes because of the fear of white people, the fear that they're taking our jobs, they're taking our resources, they're taking our women."
"Council culture at its root is an attack on free speech."
"If the culture starts to go wrong, we're all susceptible to be dragged along."
"It might just be the culture that's based around supporting the hist."
"I have a thick skin, but the haters in China constantly trying to upset my life are the real deal."
"The majority of Americans are not woke, yet wokeness has an outsized influence."
"We need to acknowledge that there are powerful lobby groups, powerful cultural and political lobby groups driving this thing."
"Every group is bound to develop a type of insider language."
"Islam brings in through the back door what it pretends to have exiled through the front door."
"I think we live in a culture where people are so busy trying not to offend, but where is the offense?"
"It really does seem driven by just the same old stuff: emotional needs, emotional reasoning, and a bunch of cultural in-group out-group stuff."
"I think culture swings on pendulums and it's constantly swinging between what the culture is thinking."
"so why do ethnic groups with comparable historical traumas insist on perpetuating the crabs in the bucket mentality"
"At least for the next five to ten years, religious congregations will remain very important sites for political and cultural dynamism."
"Cancel culture will be the nebulous framing of the struggle from the side of the institutions."
"It's brought popular culture and politics closer together."
"Change is necessary and Indian society is conducive to it."
"We cannot be afraid of this culture. What we're dealing with is actually paganism revived."
"We are living in a world of intelligent rebellion."
"Cultural war for me is generally understood as backlash against the struggles of women and minorities for their rights acceptance security dignity."
"There’s an entire culture, indeed several, revolving around sailors so there seems no reason we wouldn’t expect the same of those serving on spaceships."
"Outrage is nothing but a game in our culture."
"Black Americans must get more nuanced, dynamic, and honest about who they are."
"Often frontier societies are the most dynamic because of the intermixing of different groups."
"There's actually two kinds of backlash going on in the world right now: a backlash against globalization and a cultural backlash for greater cultural authenticity, religious identity, and nationalism."
"Culture will always change. I knew you were going to say that. Okay, you caught me there. That's definitely going to help, that's definitely going to bring about change."
"Many today are changing to keep people happy about the way they want to live."
"San Pedro Prison: a unique society within its walls."
"It's just cultural inertia that keeps the system of inequality going."
"Black American culture is not only thriving, it actually supersedes white culture in a lot of ways."
"A kind of cultural suicide, in which believers and unbelievers were both prepared to officiate."
"Cancel culture can't succeed if we're having a nuanced conversation but it can succeed if it's convenient to be a part of."
"Spreading the truth is always an uphill battle because minds and cultures are resistant to new ideas."
"The whole point of life and culture is that it shifts and changes over time as we learn new information."
"...we're less formal than some other societies and we're less hierarchical too. Americans feel more comfortable engaging with people as peers as equals, right?"
"Are they ever going to be like why am I taking orders from a non-Japanese person?"
"I would say I feel sorry for him but when you get with your exotical you will always have to pay your exotical tax."
"Juvie was way different because in the adult system you have like the southern Hispanics are United."
"Indians are really interesting because I think that Indians super mixed with other groups when they hang out, but when they marry, I think their statistics, to back this up, they typically marry another Indian."
"When the resorts are closed, you can kind of relate to why people are quite pushy here—the hawkers, the coconut guys, or the motorbike drivers who whistle at you every time you walk past to get your attention."
"Domestically, we're not at war, but we certainly have profound and important cultural, financial, military, rhetorical wars that we're fighting all the time."
"...what I argue for sure in the book is that most of what is happening... is a little bit different. It's things that are going on inside American immigrant communities that are more important."
"Our culture is out of control because change in our civilization is driven purely by emergent technology."
"Culture alive is always on the run; it is its own irreducible counterexample."
"The enormous size of London and the sort of cultural ferment, the mixtures of peoples going on in London."
"The enormous size of London and the British cities and the sort of cultural ferment, the mixtures of peoples going on in London."
"Kind of opened my mind to this thing where we always want to please the north when everything is actually happening in the south."
"All culture is, is a group of people that have good relationships and can trust each other."
"Melly M is an older rapper who, by nature of his time in the industry, has a founded paranoia concerning white takeovers of black genres."
"Cultures are complex and they change over time; they're dynamic processes that do not merely participate in appropriation but are themselves composed of appropriation."
"Science is a cultural phenomenon and it changes its perspective sometimes."