
Community Responsibility Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"There should be clear rebukes from people within these communities to address this behavior."
"I have a responsibility to the wider community to use my voice and so do the players."
"We all have a role to play in the fight against COVID-19."
"Elder abuse is everybody's business, and it's everybody's responsibility."
"Do no harm. Spreading the virus hurts everybody."
"If you haven't gotten vaccinated, do it, do it now. For yourself, for your loved ones, for your community, and for your country."
"It's a tragedy anytime children are hurt. Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work toward resolution."
"Before we ask of other ethnicities to do us right, we should do us right as black people."
"We all must stay strong and stay at home unless we are doing essential work."
"Public property is never taken care of. There's no respect because it doesn't belong to you."
"A community is not responsible for the actions of those within it unless the community generally promotes those actions."
"We are the city of angels; we are guardians, we are protectors. It is our job to make the space better for everyone around us."
"All of us can support our NHS by continuing to follow the guidance to stay at home, to protect our NHS, and to save lives."
"If you don't give the young man a place in the village, they will burn it down to feel its warmth."
"Err on the side that you really did see something important. Don't just go, 'Well, who knows, maybe I was wrong.' Let the police make that judgment call."
"As the Muslim community, it's really incumbent upon us to step in."
"It's easy enough to say that we all have a role in making the system better."
"It's a case about duty to family, duty to your neighborhood, duty to yourself."
"It is my conviction that we will never put an end to the mounting problem of black on black crime until we stop coddling the hoodlums."
"It's just important to look out for each other, and bad things can happen sometimes because people that know better and could have helped, they don't say anything, they don't speak up."
"Please follow the directives of the World Health Organization and the health experts in your area to do your part for all of the people who can't."
"People forget that we are all the trustees of one another's happiness and well-being in life."
"If you're starting to see like your community... attacking women, harassing women, targeting women, you gotta say something."
"Justice is a responsibility incumbent on the community, creators, and audiences alike."
"Ali swore to me that no-go zones just don't exist, and if they did, he would condemn it and see it as an issue that must be solved within his community."
"Each of us has a vital role in flattening the curve."
"We've got to keep talking about it. I mean, I understand how people just wind up stepping over somebody and just going to work because you wind up wondering how big a difference can I make. But I feel like we can't give up."
"Every one of us has a role to play to protect the most vulnerable among us and to save lives by putting the guidelines into practice."
"I think we owe our communities this type of stuff, so let's not get it wrong."
"View themselves as ambassadors and activists to create a new world and to view that they each of you listening have a community responsibility to create this new world and it isn't me and it's not the government it's all of us together."
"It's not about vilifying young boys and men but more about them developing like a community responsibility."
"There's a side where the government has to do its part and there's a side where we as a community have to do our part."
"The fight really depends on all of us to do our part."
"If the women in our community don't feel respected, whose fault is that?"
"Matt became the sheriff and his audience were all deputized to go find more of this content and aggregate... it's a creepy thing to say but Matt should have assumed that some of his audience might not have been trying to help."
"It's up to the community, the family, the parents to try to push their son in the right direction."
"Seniors were there for us when we were growing up, now it's time for us to be there for them."
"Your job is to take care of your family, take care of your neighbors. That's a full-time job."
"There should be no safer place for a child in our community than in his or her home."
"Stay home for the vulnerable people who, if they get this virus, are in a really bad place in life."
"Kevin Samuel's legacy will forever live on. It's up to us to pick up the mantle to keep spreading his message."
"Players have a responsibility to give back to our community."
"It should be all of us taking responsibility individually collectively for what we need to do to live with this virus."
"I'm blown away by how responsible the majority of the Tesla owners responding to this have been."
"I believe we as a diving community have a responsibility to prevent this from happening to another family."
"Let's look after seniors with serious underlying health conditions and make sure that every American around them is practicing the best kind of hygiene."
"We have a responsibility here. You either feel like your energy is cared for or it's not."
"So there's another part of this conversation too. So as Muslim women and men living in America we feel a sense of responsibility for our communities."
"All it is is people have to get off their knees people have to take responsibility for themselves and their communities and start building something else than a system that's run by criminals."
"It's your turn to decide what you owe your community."
"Following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms our rights our values as a country."
"Why is it only the black community's responsibility...?"
"More often than not, goes unnoticed, which is why there's an extra burden on the Muslim community to speak out."
"It's in our power. So let's wear a mask, let's get to work."
"As black men we're supposed to protect all of the Queens."
"Please be responsible take care of those you love and be responsible for your community be an active participant."
"We have to hold accountability for our community."
"We have to get the case numbers down [ __ ] this is ridiculous it's not [ __ ] funny it's not a joke it's not a hoax right."
"Whether you believe in black men or black women need to be held accountable, never forget that as the black man you play a huge role in the state of the community around you."
"As music lovers, it is our responsibility to share music with each other."
"It's on us, man. I genuinely believe that, like, it's on the high-end community or the top end community to say, 'Speak up about this.'"
"Every parent, every teen sibling, every caregiver around them should be vaccinated."
"If men are the providers, what have we been providing for our community?"
"American public lands belong to all of us. I grip the mic and start the butts they ever get to the Future and we have to protect them, you know I flow in every direction."
"Two of the biggest streamers xqc and Ludwig both just pledged to actually clean up slicker's mess."
"When you quarantine, you are protecting your community and fighting alongside all Ohioans to reduce the threat of COVID-19 to our lives and to our livelihoods."
"This vaccination program depends on everybody stepping forward."
"It's all of our responsibility to promote safe and responsible firearms ownership."
"Exercising our freedom depends on taking responsibility for one another."
"We've got to develop the power. We have to stop begging them to do for us what it's our responsibility to do for ourselves."
"It's not the streamer's fault or anything... Some are bound to be mentally unwell."
"Follow the instructions from the CDC and our government and actually do our part."
"We must act as one family and actually take action."
"We have a responsibility if we just spent literally a few hours every day fulfilling that responsibility instead of waiting for somebody else to do it and pay them for it."
"If you're not gonna put in the minimum amount of effort to actually make sure you're compliant with the recycling rules, then you're actually just inhibiting the recycling process to begin with."
"The only way that this works is if we as a community come together and try to fix this morally bankrupt system."
"We all have a responsibility here, we all do. We all do. And I hope you guys look at that, let that digest, get it all the way down to the plums, okay, let it soak all the way down there and do something positive by being a light for somebody."
"You do not engage in any behavior that risks the safety, security, or survival of our people."
"Not the jerk, it takes a community to raise a society."
"This is not someone else's problem, this is all of our problem."
"Share responsibility. It's easy to say it's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem, but there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people My Heroes." - Fred Rogers
"We need to do everything we can to keep our kids safe."
"As long as people are sensible, and of course the vast majority of people are, we should be able to nip this in the bud."
"The American ideal was this one: I take care of me, I take care of my family, I take care of my community."
"Americans were taught you take care of your community and certainly your family. It was considered actually a shame to have the state take care of you."
"Christiania: a self-governing society where each individual holds themselves responsible over the well-being of the entire community."
"I hope we all have the same energy for when a young black woman is dead at the hands of another black man."
"We must act as stakeholders of larger communities, serving not only our self-interests but the community." - Klaus Schwab
"Everybody needs to be concerned with earning our vote."
"If you are putting the rest of the community at risk, you don't deserve to benefit from the fruits of the community."
"We promise that we will be good citizens to society."
"We all can do something a little bit about bike theft, and that is just don't buy stolen bike stuff."
"We're all in this together, so it's only fair for us to fulfill our end of the bargain."
"No kid should go missing off a street. That should be a pandemic. That's unacceptable from this point on."
"It's going to be on us to change this state."
"The child who doesn't feel the warmth of the village will burn it down."
"Responsible disposal of hazardous waste is a basic community need."
"If you owned a duplex in inner city Baltimore right now, you wouldn't let nobody burn down your neighborhood."
"Let's worry about other people. Let's not take selfish, irresponsible, unsafe behavior that could threaten the lives of people who are very important to ourselves and to our communities." - Mayor Bonnie Crombie
"Regardless of the age, if a child or if anyone is saying anything that could be a cry for help... I think it's everyone's duty to take that very seriously."
"I really trust that it’s going to be as beneficial for [children] and again, its importance to me is that we’re one community."
"We all have a responsibility to turn this type 2 diabetes epidemic around."
"Making America great again has to be people need to be great."
"It's really problematic and this is where as a community we need to work with teachers."
"Everybody is self quarantining and everybody is taking precautions to protect our most vulnerable citizens."
"If you've seen signs like this or have a feeling that a child might be in danger, make the call."
"Kahuna Hala, the Kahuna of this island, after all, whenever there was a problem on the island, it is my duty to resolve it."
"Preventing these acts of violence is not the sole responsibility of law enforcement."
"We assume someone else is going to do the work... That's not how this works. We are all responsible."
"If you know somebody who has gone missing, then you need to tell their relatives that the length of the search is greatly dependent upon how hard the people in that family push to have the area searched longer, harder, more thorough."
"If you see something say something and do something."
"They don't leave it better than they found it... when you are out here in the wilderness and you see some trash pick it up."
"Lucia's story has shown us that we can never take our safety and those of others for granted."
"This is black. If you ain't thinking about who's coming behind you, what are you thinking about?"
"Tragedies are somber reminders that preparedness is a shared responsibility."
"It's our collective duty and responsibility to bring justice and closure to all of our communities."
"We all can and should care, and I think we all have an obligation to do what we can to solve all the tough problems out there that we're dealing with."
"If we see police officers not doing what they should be doing, we should say something."
"We all have to do our bit to control the virus."
"We have to be ready as believers, not just the churches, but all of you watching. We need to be trained and equipped and ready to deal with these demons."
"Express yourself responsibly; it's a small price for a better community."
"Let's look at ourselves, our families, and our communities to protect and to become better prepared."
"If somebody's being a detriment to my community, it's my job to G-check that person."
"This place needs protecting because all our futures depend on it."
"We have to be on the lookout for predatory behavior and start creating being better bystanders too."
"I think it's incumbent on all of us to do everything we possibly can to catalyze constructive change."
"You're not going to call them names. You're going to say, 'Sir, I pay taxes in this local area. Why are kids not in school, sir?'"
"I think it's odd that an autistic kid walking around barefoot in 25 degree weather wasn't noticed by anyone."
"We have to demand better of each and every one of us. This is not just about the Asian community, this is about who we are and what we represent."
"The future of black people is not dependent upon how white people treat black people. The future of black people is dependent upon all black people treat black people. The future is in our hands."
"We're not anti-vaxx, we're anti-mandate and anti-blaming your neighbor for the Covid pandemic."
"It's up to us y'all to wear our damn masks and practice that social distancing."
"I think there's an element of the community itself doesn't step up."
"Protecting our kids is top priority for all of us."
"Your community created racism. Your community created Jim Crow."
"A real man understands obligations to family and community, even when it's not what you want to do."
"I don't believe in appeasement politics, but if somebody in my community is afraid, it is my duty to ensure that that fear turns into hope."
"We all have a real responsibility to one another right now because the choices we make in the coming days and weeks will contribute directly to how bad this crisis gets."
"End of one chapter and the beginning of another. We can't let these people down."
"Being aware of racism is being aware of that dynamic and saying those people we will not hold them responsible. We will instead try to change the conditions under which they live."
"We must be willing to stand up and call out one of our own who says or does something about us."
"We need to be able to do the right thing for these kids to make sure that we could get them on the right path."
"We're responsible for the well-being of those in our community, we're responsible for the generations that follow."
"I'm voting for me, and I'm voting for my children, but I'm also voting for each of you."
"Everybody needs to wear masks, everybody needs to social distance, and everyone needs to be sensible about this."
"Yes, we are crime solvers, but it's also the responsibility of law enforcement to prevent crime times in advance, not to allow it to happen."
"Recognizing that you owe something to your community because you're a member of that community."
"This story that will change everything will be told to the world by the people. So if we don't step up, nobody else will."
"We gotta be the village to stupid management as they."
"I think Americans should fear criminal behavior. I think we should do the best we can to control criminal behavior." - Donna Marshall Connor
"We're in a position to where you're either going to save yourself in your lineage or you're going to save black men who don't want to save you."
"They vowed to do so and told the present people to do their own bit to make sure the present's okay."
"It's more about trying to step in and really step up to fixing what's happening and really step up for the safety of concertgoers or people in just live spaces period."
"In your view, corporations have responsibilities to their employees and their communities."
"Black people have to take responsibility for educating society."
"If each are wearing masks, then we can help reduce the spread of the virus and we can keep it contained in a way that we can manage to take care of."
"There is something to be said for that extra thing that we can do to not only protect ourselves but protect other people from getting a potentially deadly virus."
"If you notice the white power structure using you against your brothers and sisters, you have an obligation to speak out."
"This is not a joke, we're not all isolating and going crazy for fun. It's completely about keeping everybody alive."
"We are responsible to God and to each other to do our part."
"We as a community need to take responsibility... to make sure that what happened to Jr. does not happen again."
"Nobody else is gonna be able to clean it up, that's our job."
"It's our job as Black people to keep everybody else from resenting us if we get something finally after the foot on the neck for hundreds of years."
"With these facts in mind, we must conclude that the price that each of us is asked to pay at this time in order to safeguard the comfort of future generations is, in truth, negligible."
"Everyone has a role to play in protecting and promoting the mental health of our youth."
"If you guys are people out there that see something definitely make sure you say something because I'd rather you say something and save a life."
"Being part of the tribe has responsibilities."
"With the tithes that these churches collect, there should be no poor sections in Atlanta."
"We insist almost that the community accept its responsibility to these people."
"You don't only owe it to yourself and the communities that are affected but you owe it to your families."
"I grew up in this community; I feel a responsibility to it."
"It's your job to help your neighbor and not let his ox get lost; you have a responsibility because you love your neighbor, because he's your brother."
"I think we owe ourselves and our community an obligation to do it."
"We all have our own responsibility in our communities and for our own health."
"Only by a community of responsibility is there any hope of meeting that peril."
"Be vigilant, and if you see anything suspicious, be sure to report it."
"You're not applying for the post of leisure center manager. You are seeking responsibility for the moral and physical welfare of every person in the community."
"I think it's really important for the commentary community to police themselves."
"As always, remember to report anything suspicious to the police. Do not try to take matters into your own hands."
"Safety is not a task of a single person; it should be shared by all."
"Safeguarding is everybody's business."
"We have to grow the game. That's a duty that we have."
"The dentist is ethically required to be truthful for the patient and the community at large."
"We all need to do our part to try to make this go away."
"All children are the responsibility of all adults. What they grow up to be depends on us."
"It is everyone's responsibility to help preserve our natural resources for future generations."
"We're privileged to be able to use these trails and keeping them clean and nice and safe for other users is so important."
"We need to shift that conversation and start talking about the responsibility of community stakeholders as it relates to the supervision and the education of our children."
"We as African-American men need to stop killing one another. There are better ways to handle different types of issues."
"He should see himself as a provider and a protector, and your lover, and a great dad, and a responsible member of the community and society before you say 'I do'."
"Each one teach one, to whom much is given, you know, all those things like the responsibility for the community, lift every voice and sing kind of situation."