
Possessions Quotes

There are 1055 quotes

"The people that I know that have the most stuff are the most miserable people that I know."
"A man's contentment is in his mind, not in the amount of his possessions."
"God is not concerned with possessions; He's concerned with priority."
"I've done so much, I mean, look at how much I own now."
"The whole concept of ownership is something that we used to hold dearly in society; you bought something, you paid for it, it is yours."
"I am not my stuff; we are more than our possessions. Our memories are within us, not within our things."
"The minimalist lifestyle begins with this simple question: How might your life be better if you owned fewer material possessions?"
"It's in such good condition, this is just the most beautiful purse I've ever seen."
"I got a diamond hoe. Look at it, it's beautiful."
"It's surprising how much stuff is coming out of the tiny homes."
"The question of what you want to own, is actually the question of how you want to live your life."
"The amount of blankets and pillows I have amassed is absolutely delightful."
"It's not about what you do and what you have, it's all about who you become."
"It's not about holding onto possessions but just using what we need to get where we need to go."
"I hear God saying there are possessions that have my name on it."
"I still currently have the harry potter book the set of curtains the fisher-price kitchen playset the set of two arctic tumblers the mirror that we picked up on the side of the road and the racquetball racket."
"His toys were his cars, his boat, his airplane."
"Your attitude towards possessions will increase and improve."
"Respect for a player's personal space includes both the physical space around someone and their possessions."
"Every single item that you own has some weight or emotional baggage to it."
"You can't take it to the graveyard with you, yet we're in constant pursuit of material possessions."
"Does it remind you of something you already own and love?"
"I think I was a little bit too impulsive with 'I need this now' and thinking that I was gonna love it forever."
"As you might guess I'm in love with this watch."
"Possessions possess the mind, literally increasing our cognitive load."
"Declutter the imaginary self associated with those items."
"Rethink your attitude about your possessions make an inventory of everything you own is there anything that you would die for in that list."
"You can't take it with you though, Anna. So you know, I mean we could all try but you can't."
"Everything works according to law. We each of us have what we deserve. Covet no man's goods, possessions, or happiness."
"I just like sitting and holding it...reassuring feeling."
"Respect the things you worked hard for, like your car, by keeping them neat and tidy."
"Money or gifts that were lost in transit find their way back to you."
"Once you've got something, you don't want to let it go."
"Character matters. Decency and ethics matter."
"It's no longer mine it's not my house my money yeah my car it's ours."
"This Deadpool skin is really cool, chat. What do you guys think about the Deadpool skin?"
"I think it's safe to say that I'm done acquiring things for a good long while. This feels like more than enough to me."
"If I didn't have all these guitars, I would be a shell of the person I am."
"It's not what you have it's what has you there's nothing wrong with possessions it's when possessions possess you."
"He's got a pair of shoes that's it he's got a road that fits he's got a ring."
"I think any piece can be worthy of inheriting."
"If they still haven't picked up their stuff or if they still have some of your stuff... it's a good sign that they're pretending to be over you but they still have one foot in the door."
"Abramovich's collection of possessions is so vast that the Wall Street Journal once dubbed it Roman Empire."
"You can't take it with you there's no U-Haul to the cemetery."
"Stop worrying about possessions. Lose the [expletive] and the clutter."
"I have no idea what's in these... I take them with me everywhere I go but I don't know what's in them."
"Before 2002, the only gold I had ever owned was my wedding ring."
"I am more concerned about what a man preaches than I am about what a man owns."
"Maintain your collection and be happy with what you have."
"I'm not leaving this, I think I just want to keep them."
"Most importantly, I've still got all my clubs."
"I don't want to sell anything; I'm too attached to everything we got here."
"Just every time I see them, even if I'm not using them, they just make me happy."
"There's a certain pride in owning something."
"The things that I have complement the life that I lead and the person that I am as opposed to just something that I have for life that I don't live."
"I literally have like one of everything other stuff but I pretty much bought it all myself and yeah I love it so if you want to be able to do all the cool stuff like this on stream definitely recommend checking out all the old gato products."
"This chest is gonna be my chest where I keep things that I really want to keep safe."
"It's my most expensive possession in the world."
"Diddy bought her boutiques, all types of stuff, but when they broke up, he took it all back."
"I'm fully aware that I have a stupid amount of perfume."
"The measure of a man’s life is not the things he possess, but the number of things he is able to use rightly."
"I want to make sure that the things that you have, the things that you do, the things that you own don't own you."
"There's no guarantee you're going to get that bad boy back."
"You can tell a lot about a man by his knife collection."
"The love of God sees the soul not the possessions."
"Inside we found the house is completely filled with the couple's lifelong possessions."
"It felt oddly freeing to get rid of most of my worldly goods."
"It was said that his house was full of things, everything from antiques and collectibles to downright garbage."
"Now almost a year later, I am a free woman. I got to keep the house, my car and my business."
"Shiny silver boxes have always brought some kind of happiness in my life."
"When we get to the end of our lives together, the house we had, the cars we drove, the things we possessed won't matter. What will matter is that I had you, and you had me."
"They really like to take care of their family when it comes to money or possessions."
"It's only things! They can be replaced."
"It's okay to hold those memories in your heart instead of tangible property."
"What you value is what you'll have."
"I'm in an intimate relationship with my car, Lex."
"Her wealth transcended material possessions."
"Your stuff doesn't define you; it's not who you are; it's not what brings you joy."
"The more you take, the less you have."
"People overestimate the joy they'll get from things and underestimate the joy they'll get from experiences."
"Material possession stuff like it doesn't make you happy."
"There's always going to be some level of stress that whatever you have could go away."
"True contentment comes from within, not from external circumstances or possessions."
"...there's certain things that you just really love and you would never want to get rid of and you feel like it adds a little bit of value to your life and it enhances your space."
"Philosophy does not profess to secure for man any external possession."
"You need to buy enough, but no possession will do anything beyond bring you out of misery."
"Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants."
"I need to have the right amount of stuff in my house for me."
"Imagine if every single thing that was in your wardrobe you liked this much. That would be pretty cool."
"It's like man, okay, it's a cool experience. I have a Bentley, I have a Maserati, I have a G-Wagon, but it has not made me happier."
"The things you own are just things and they really don't matter."
"You will not take anything with you to heaven anyway."
"I do not like buying things, I do not like storing things, I do not like having things."
"There's just so much money in this car."
"It's just stuff right in the end however it's stuff that means something to us."
"Am I ever gonna use them up? I don't know. Am I happy that I have them? Does it give me a sense of safety and security being a man? Yes, it does."
"Books are one of my most important possessions."
"More things do not make you more valuable."
"Every car I have is my dream car."
"A man's life does not consist in the abundance of things he possesses."
"We value things we own, much more than we value things that we don’t own."
"You really will own nothing and love it or you get nothing."
"I bought my first Rolex and I love this watch."
"Always choose to possess less rather than more."
"Contentment does not come from what you have, contentment comes from whom you have."
"How many sneakers does one person need? Exactly."
"OMG I am so girly I love all my things."
"They're all just sitting there collecting age, but we keep buying more and more. We can't help it."
"I'm so bad at this like I have attachment to things and I can't get rid of them."
"I wanted my life to be about experiences and feelings and not about constantly maintaining my stuff."
"There's stuff you can have, and if it doesn't suit your personality, you don't have to have it."
"People do want your stuff, just not that stuff."
"This is like my favorite. I wanted to get a second one. A because it's just nice to have two of something that I rely on so significantly and is pretty inexpensive."
"Experiences over possessions: a key aspect of minimalism is valuing experiences over possessions."
"Honestly, I have probably like 12 of them."
"...your girl is in the green now, so she has to pull up in her new whip..."
"We're not gaining any money back, but what we are doing is cluttering up our closets."
"Being more minimalist doesn't mean owning only two things."
"There's something extra special when the sentimental value is greater than the sum of its parts."
"Your identity cannot come from possessions."
"I love my bags, and you know that about me."
"God has no problem with giving you the paper. He has no problem with you owning possessions. His only problem is when the possessions own you."
"...you can never have too many of those."
"It takes a lot for me to put something in the giveaway pile."
"It's just stuff, it's just stuff!"
"When you start to find high-end things or beautiful things from a big house, you want to see everything they donated. I want it all."
"Our worth is not what we possess, you'll take none of them with you when you go except the love you have received and given."
"You'll become a holder person because you had them."
"We grateful for what you're having."
"This jumper I'd never like to lose ever."
"This place is packed and not with people with stuff, which is what I love."
"I live up the street on kincannon so I pass by and was just like I have my hand I have probably like upwards of 10 lawn mowers now."
"I believe I have the best sneaker closet in L.A."
"Possessions really are part of the body."
"Separate our identity from our stuff."
"Having less allows me to cherish better the things that I do have."
"All the things I own are actually taking me away from the very thing that does bring me happiness."
"It's cool to have nice stuff, but it's a whole another ball game if those nice stuff have you."
"True, and I still got my Porsche."
"Compulsive hoarder Barry Phillips was struggling to part with his possessions."
"You don't need a certain item or amounts of items to be valuable."
"I cannot be happier to have it in my collection."
"I want to have some stories and some memories in those sneakers."
"The fact that it also my closet makes me so happy."
"It just feels good to know that you have something that is yours that nobody can take away."
"...there's just honestly there's none that I want to part ways with. I love them all you know, yes I have three totes but they're different because my go yard tote is different than my Demi Azure which is different than my monogram like they're just all different."
"I think I found my new favorite things that I own."
"By far we all have little packs of this that we're going home with. That's not normal. That's really that's not normal at all."
"Man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
"You can only buy him when you've sold all that you have."
"If you have something that someone wants they'll kill you for it."
"The less that you have, the less responsibility that you're going to have to deal with with having and owning those items."
"You gotta hold on to your stuff, bro, 'cause if you get rid of it, it's like getting rid of gold."
"That's my [__], like if I'm like, 'Hey, where the Woy W at?' and you're like, 'Oh, it's in my purse or it's in my drawer,' I'mma go bring you your purse and say, 'Huh, grab it.'"
"Watch out! A man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
"I'll never lend my vacuum cleaner again."
"King Eurystheus was an extremely wealthy man with the greatest number of cattle in the country."
"...yeah I beat it up you can't get these anymore they're probably worth like a million dollars each but uh I'm not going to be super nice to it."
"The lesson is a call to live a life not defined by the possessions one accumulates but by the moments one collects along the way."
"It's nice to have shiny things, that makes you feel good."
"...these big items... are things that you love for many many years."
"I would lose my [ __ ] if someone tossed my doc Marts."
"But when you realize that having less actually just gives you more time, you actually have the things you like and you don't need to go through outfit after outfit to find something."
"I always hate selling these spotlights cuz deep down inside I still want to own every single one."
"Females, men, money, cars, houses, all that stuff, it comes and goes. It's just possessions."
"You will find things that you forgot you had."
"My most prized possessions are the ones that I'll never be able to buy."
"The train was his, he said, and he would insist upon the exclusive use of it."
"...I am going to keep from my Personal Collection Personal Collection."
"The objects that you have in your life should be meaningful to you and should make you happy."
"Everything that you have at some point will be taken away from you."
"Living tiny doesn't mean you have to sacrifice all the things."
"Everything you own can fit in one of three piles"
"Essentially, she thought that since I did not want to buy the more expensive things in life for no reason, it meant that I did not deserve to have my classic car."
"One of the things about minimalism is it's not just about tangible possessions, things that you can hold and touch, it can be about headspace as well."
"It's about who you are because if you're not who you are, you can't keep anything you have."
"I have no Pavilion and I have no Squire either."
"I'm going to keep them for the rest of my life."
"I'm not someone who's so stuck on things. Like, things can go and things can stay, but there's some things that are coming with me to this apartment that I can't let go of."
"Get something you love and keep it. If you love it, get it. Keep it simple."
"People need to stop feeling like they always have the latest and greatest."
"As long as I've got that vehicle, I'll never be homeless."
"It's good, you know? I just keep it moving. All my cars outside."
"Here's a guy who has all the possessions that money can buy, he has all the women that men can lust after, he has all the wine that vineyards could produce and he has all the success that life has to offer."
"Give everything away except your garden, your worry, your fear, your small-mindedness. Your garden can never be taken from you."
"There is an optimum degree of material possessions for happiness and comfortability."
"I just want my belongings and you're not going to give them to me. So who are you so I can serve you papers?"
"Everything that I got now is really everything that I really needed for my car as of right now."
"Francis reasoned, 'What could you do to a man who owns nothing? You can't starve a fasting man. You can't steal from someone who has no money. You can't ruin someone who hates prestige. They were truly free.'"
"I bought every single Jordan I ever wanted in my life."
"I can get pretty obsessive over my backpacks."
"I had my own jet plane, a helicopter, a house in Florida, a 7,000 square-foot house in New York with a racquetball court and two acres of land, a house out here in Marina del Rey."
"I am a bit of a sentimental person when it comes to stuff."
"Pause what you're doing right now like right now I'm going to show y'all how I got everything most of the things that I got in my room how I got my computer how I got my laptop how I got my extra phone how I got this brand new pc that was about a band how I got this microphone."
"You never see a U-Haul behind a hearse."
"We want to effectively limit our stuff here."
"Our memories are not in our things. Our memories are inside."
"That's what they get cuz you know they're always taking my things."
"I handle death differently. When people try to get stuff from the deceased, it doesn't make me happy."
"Um, do you have any fragrances, do you own an E yet? Okay, sure, sure, okay."