
Self-limiting Beliefs Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"The only thing that stops you from getting what you want in life is the bull (bleep) story you tell yourself of why you can't have it."
"As you let go of those self-fulfilling prophecies, you're able to expand your own potential."
"Being willing to take risks, big risks...we all have limiting beliefs on what we think our life can be."
"The moment you tell yourself that you can't do something, that's the moment when you won't do it."
"You maintain it and when people say oh I'm too old to do that I said that's the first thing you said that will stop whatever it was you were doing because you just told yourself I can't do it I'm too old."
"They're not recognizing how this situation has really disempowered you, it's hit you a lot harder than you thought it was."
"Not what God said over your life that determines the limit of what you will be. That limit is determined by your belief."
"You need to be 100 convinced that you are venturing into an abundant career and let go of the limitations that you have mentally constricted yourself with."
"Literally the only thing that's holding us back from achieving other things is just our own mindset. It's really like what you think you can't do is what you can't do. If you think you can do it, you can do it."
"If you catch yourself thinking that you're too old to do something you want to do, please recognize that you're now listening to the pessimistic voice inside of you."
"If you don't have the mindset that you can't achieve it, you won't ever even try."
"What the heck do you think is gonna happen when you say that you can't do something, when you say something's too hard, when you say something's impossible..."
"Let's not perpetuate any more limiting beliefs about age."
"I think self-limiting beliefs have got to be really common. I think a lot of us have chosen safe paths because the fear of failure especially publicly is really daunting."
"The only thing blocking this person right now is their own thoughts."
"We are our own roadblocks to becoming wealthy, and that roadblock is our mindset."
"You are as limited as you tell yourself."
"You are the only one that's standing in your way."
"What thoughts in my belief system are still holding me back?"
"The only thing holding you back is you."
"Realizing that we build these imaginary boxes around ourselves and live within them is a huge step."
"I can't become successful I can't become a business owner because of XYZ excuse or XYZ reason it's not that your excuse or your feeling isn't valid"
"You were holding yourself back in a way, so I do feel you're coming to a moment of awakening here. Expect a sudden uplift to come in from the universe, but you guys need to take this opportunity to take it to the next level."
"The Eight of Swords can also talk about negative thinking, getting stuck in a place of self-limiting beliefs."
"Telling yourself that you're lazy, that you're just a video game geek, and you're never going to amount to anything is not serving you whatsoever."
"The only thing that was stopping me was me."
"Learning how to see yourself and release yourself from self-limiting beliefs is pivotal."
"Your potential is capped by what you believe to be true, what you believe to be possible, what you believe that you are capable and worthy of."
"Asking 'why not?' isn't just about facing external challenges, it's also about confronting the internal narratives that limit us."
"What if cowardice is the only thing holding us back from our dreams?"
"You got to go out and change your limiting what: limiting beliefs."
"dream big it's crazy how people will like be their own ultimately stifling parent"
"how crazy it is to say someone like your goals are a little too big bring them down a bit play a little smaller yet that's the conditioning you got to stop dreaming you got to start taking yourself seriously"
"You are your own ceiling. External circumstances, as tragic and traumatic as they are, will never be the actual root cause of your ceiling."
"Any barrier you have, you have put there yourself."
"The only thing that's stopping you is you."
"Stop it with the limiting beliefs, dude."
"Stop it with the limiting beliefs."
"This is powerful when you don't allow other people to limit you."
"You're holding yourself back. What are you fearing? Are we fearing judgment? Do we feel like we're not good enough? Do we feel like there's other beliefs, maybe we feel rejection, maybe we fear failure?"
"You cannot build a connection with someone on self-limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behavior, insecurities, fears, doubts."
"Their own self-limiting beliefs... That negative voice in the back of their head."
"You are a giant who's been playing small."
"The fear of being judged keeps us in chains and holds us bound from achieving our true potential."
"Overcoming self-limiting beliefs and self-imposed limitations is often the biggest obstacle standing between you and the realization of your full potential."
"An excuse is a lie the enemy uses to keep you bound forever."
"It's about, like, the only thing that can hold you back is you."
"You are always free, but maybe you were the one holding yourself back."
"The only person stopping you is yourself."
"Honestly, the only person stopping you is you."
"Most of us are saying things like 'Well, I'm only human, I'm just a man.' That's a lie."
"Remove the limiting belief that is stopping you from achieving your goal."
"The only thing that is stopping you from following through is you."
"What do you do when the only thing holding you back is yourself?"
"You're ready for a new journey. Stop holding yourself back."
"The only thing limiting your horizons is you."
"What I want to challenge you with today is to stop blocking your miracle."
"Self-limiting beliefs and listening to people whose opinions actually don't matter are the biggest hindrances to reaching your full potential and dreams."
"Give up the story that limits you."
"We've all seen how people can sentence themselves to failure by constantly telling themselves all the things they can't do."
"The worst thing that can happen is you judging yourself, limiting yourself."
"The only thing that can hold you back is your own limiting beliefs."
"Your biggest block truly is not life circumstances or anything like that. It's your fear or disappointment of the past or this will take too much time—all the excuses as to why this can't be. You've got to let that go because spirit is saying it can be and it needs to be."
"Don't imprison yourself with stories that don't hold up."
"You are the only one that is stopping you from starting."
"You've got to let go of these restrictions, choose to let go of those internal workings of the mind that are stopping you from believing you can have something."
"Fear is just something we're buying into because our old identity is trying to keep us safe."
"Don't put limitations on yourself. There's enough people in this world that will try and put limitations on you. You better not be the one to do it yourself."
"Getting more involved in on-site work made me realize I had become a pro at finding reasons for why I can't do this or that's impossible."
"What limiting beliefs are are excuses at the end of the day."
"People think they cannot go beyond what they can work for or what they can produce mentally or physically."
"If you stay so confined then you'll never grow."
"Break free from self-limiting beliefs or anything keeping you stuck."
"I allowed things to trap me in my life as a young Christian especially I allowed my educational failures to trap me because I was told if I don't get my degree I wouldn't I was finished there would be no life for me."
"Those things trapped me because I had this concept, missionaries aren't supposed to have any money. That was my concept and so all of those things I allowed to trap me in my in my bubble of life."
"Most of us behave like that elephant at some point. We had an experience that gave us an impression of what we're capable of, and our belief about our potential has been set ever since."
"You should definitely not limit yourself to other things."
"Remind yourself you are the only one putting a limit on you. No one comes and gives you anxiety. No one comes and puts fear in you. You put that on yourself."
"You're the only one that can stop yourself from growth."
"What way are you holding yourself back? It is time to set yourself free."
"Nobody could take that away from you unless you feed that to yourself mm-hmm."
"The only thing holding you back is yourself you and your generation think you are from the less developed world you are as developed as everyone else but until you realize that and behave that way you ain't going anywhere basically."
"Stop telling yourself stories about how you can't do this."
"You are the number one person holding you back."
"The reality is, it's not that big of a deal. This is an example of a limiting belief that will prevent you from doing something that you're totally capable of doing."
"Sometimes you only stop the only thing stopping your winning sometimes is how you think about you."
"Don't let anyone set your limit your your limitations especially yourself don't be afraid."
"The mind is the most incredible powerful tool to create whatever we want in our life, but it also can be our greatest torturer if we believe its negative thoughts because all of its negative thoughts are not true."
"...they know that they need to level up...they're literally standing in their own way."
"My own limiting beliefs have to be removed to allow me to do things that I hadn't done before."
"When you tell yourself you can't it really undermines your thinking about your capability."
"You cannot rise when you continue casting greatness."
"Insecurities are not necessarily a bad thing, but they become limiting when they hold you back."
"...the only limits that you usually have are the ones you've set yourself."
"Until you learn how to tap into your true power and actually express it out into the world, you may find yourself playing small."
"Your choking point does not exist unless it's in your mind."
"The biggest wall that you need to climb is the one that you build in your mind."
"When you don't want to, excuses become your default language."
"You are your own limiter. Some people do not realize they are the ones who drew their own limitation."
"Sometimes we limit ourselves and in so doing, we end up not learning much of what we are capable of doing."
"The only thing holding you back in this life is a [ __ ] story you tell yourself."
"You were the only one that's stopping you."
"I think this goes back to to telling yourself that you actually have more capacity and ability to do more if you allow yourself and if you stop getting out of your own way and stop telling yourself that you can't do things."
"People think 'I can't make that, I can't do that'... it's so not true."
"If you think you can't, then obviously you are the one who's blocking it."
"The reason why a lot of people won't become who they want is because they're too attached to who they've been."
"Why limit yourself with a limiting mindset? Why put all these parameters and barriers around yourself of shoulds and what you think you can handle or can't handle?"
"Go hustle hard you know I think the biggest thing for new wholesalers and probably new sales people in general is these limiting beliefs and it's all just BS."
"You always exceed what you thought you could do once fear is wiped away because that's the thing that's limiting you from bringing stuff into reality."
"No one is standing in your way but yourself."
"You're the only one holding yourself back right now."
"Aging being a bad thing is a limiting belief."
"Don't argue for your limitations because you get to keep them."
"If you feel like you're not good at guitar and you think it's because your hands are too small, I want you to just get rid of that idea right now."