
Government Action Quotes

There are 336 quotes

"Our administration is working around the clock to ensure that there is enough safe baby formula available for all who need it."
"We should have been in pretty good shape. The US government very smartly built up massive reserves of smallpox vaccine."
"To combat racism, xenophobia, and intolerance... leveraging the power of the federal government to stand against this hate."
"The federal government absolutely understands that we need to do and we will do whatever it takes to ensure that our economy can weather the storm."
"Maybe, just maybe, the government actually did the right thing."
"Don't let governments build camps, pick people up, and force them to go there. Bad things happen whenever that happens."
"The government will continue to do whatever it takes to protect jobs and livelihoods across the UK."
"This is not a problem that's just going to go away with more policing and criminalization. It will take concerted efforts at every level of government to address the systemic failures that have led to this current housing crisis."
"The law is settled that, as a general matter, the First Amendment prohibits government officials from subjecting an individual to retaliatory actions, including criminal prosecutions, for speaking out."
"It's been a heck of a week. Rudy Giuliani's apartment and office get raided by the DOJ or by the feds, seizing his electronic devices, and that is chilling to say the least."
"The market cannot deliver what is needed; only collective public action led by government can protect our people and our society."
"The government takes your property for the ostensible purpose of a legitimate public use, but the real purpose is just to stop you from being in business."
"We're taking this measure because we must offer our full support in every power possible to help our healthcare sector fight the spread of COVID-19."
"My administration is marshaling the full power of the American government, and we will do that, and that's what we've done, and we will continue to do it until our war is won."
"The government could do something much more aggressive than it's doing for people in so many ways."
"In 1973, the government bought a 25% interest in Aramco."
"Government approved the vaccine and you know that is a fact."
"Calling the fight against the pandemic a wartime effort."
"Congress deserves credit for moving quickly."
"I'd rather tell you that we were overprepared than we were underprepared and that was a good faith effort by New York, I have to say. A very good faith effort but it's nice we didn't need that instead of needing it."
"By closing the country down so early, we saved tens of thousands and much more than that lives."
"The act includes more than $360 billion to address climate change - something the White House and major environmental groups are touting as a huge win."
"In our number three spot today, we have the Pentagon papers."
"How will the government curb crypto money laundering?"
"This is going to be enormous help for the American workers and the American economy."
"Our government just issued a statement giving 10 billion Danish coroner solely for environmental and climatic issues."
"President Biden and Vice President Harris travel to Georgia to underscore delivering $1400 checks."
"It's a national emergency and it demands a national solution."
"Cuomo said he wants to stamp out these clusters."
"We acted quickly and boldly to vaccinate the country."
"Ensuring the American people know we're going to work to address this current challenge."
"France is going back into a nationwide lockdown, it hopes to contain COVID-19 infections that are threatening to spiral out of control." - On Tuesday, France reported 523 COVID-19 deaths over 24 hours, the highest daily toll since April.
"To unleash the full power of the federal government in this effort, today I am officially declaring a national emergency."
"This is what your government is doing, regardless of how you feel empathetically."
"It's really up to people and governments to put a price on Carbon."
"Putting climate change at the center of everything the US government is doing and all our diplomacy and naming John Kerry to this major position."
"They passed the second stimulus check because of the outcry of Americans and congressmen pushing for a stimulus check."
"We got tax cuts, the largest tax cut and reform in the history of our country."
"President Biden said, 'Look, we got a lot of people hurting out in our country today, and we have to act. We need to act fast.'"
"Let me get right to it if you've not gotten your first stimulus check the white house is now considering retroactive checks boy i mean this is totally incredible what happened today."
"As California sort of leads the way from starting to go back on lockdown... it does signal the urgency and the importance of a second stimulus check."
"Closing down Parliament in order to force through a No Deal Brexit is not democracy, it's dictatorship."
"His order will mean cleaner air and water, reduce risk of asthma and cancer."
"The health and safety of every Ontarian must come first, and that's why we're taking these important steps."
"Should money be managed by banks... or should we enable this peer-to-peer system in which we can all act in our own best interest?"
"Our stock market is collapsing. Our government is reading the table of contents of a 700-ish page bill."
"My administration agreed to lift those tariffs."
"I believe they knew. I believe they went with it anyway and I believe we're seeing that now from governments around the world."
"Through the historic relief package, we saved over 50 million American jobs."
"Experts are calling these measures 'the most consequential housing plan in more than 50 years.'"
"Knowing what I know about the United States government if these guys were actually leaking credible information they would [__] kill them they would just you would not hear about it."
"This will give the U.S government more powerful lethal tools to destroy the cartel."
"These executive orders are just the beginning, addressing multiple crises we face."
"Action in this image, action to this end, is feasible under the form of government which we have inherited from our ancestors."
"It is time for the government of Canada to revisit COVID-19 pandemic restrictions."
"The next option is to provide a handful of standalone bills."
"When you have the disparity between the desire of the people and the actions of the government, something's broken."
"Wuhan requires masks in public... provinces start declaring level one emergency... everything starts getting put into motion by the government."
"The entire government mobilizing towards something."
"The only way that we're going to move ahead is through effective governmental action."
"The speed with which they were able to pass this in the House of Representatives is unbelievable."
"This is a package that will help get the pandemic under control."
"I think we as Canadians and our Canadian government needs to act with the same level of swiftness."
"I will direct the relevant agencies to investigate whether big Pharma and big Hospital Systems have illegally marketed puberty blockers and other unapproved hormone treatments and if so the corporation is responsible will be brought to Justice."
"And just days after the massacre, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced a ban on semi-automatic weapons."
"The government cannot censor your speech. And so to have an agency called the disinformation board, I think that's why you saw it basically come go down as fast as it came up."
"The FBI recovered nearly a dozen sets of top-secret documents from Mar-a-Lago."
"The first major concern in the housing market goes back to March 27, 2020, when President Donald Trump signed the CARES Act."
"The government has pledged to address systemic racism and committed to do so in a way informed by the lived experiences of racialized communities and Indigenous peoples."
"Helicopter money is essentially a piece of fiscal policy enacted by the government."
"Federal agents in unmarked cars detained protesters in Portland... It's a form of intimidation, it's absolutely horrifying."
"The good news story from the government today was the ramping up of Britain's vaccination drive."
"Few Americans would want to see another pandemic like covid-19 and the government response that followed."
"The American government is attempting to do indirectly what the First Amendment unambiguously prohibits directly."
"We are bringing agencies together to make sure Americans with long COVID who had a disability, have access to the rights and resources that are due under the disability law."
"Pelosi has said that she is going to double down and work relentlessly and in a bipartisan way on a CARES 2 package that would extend and expand the current stimulus."
"We are committed to Bringing Americans who want to come home home."
"I've decided to revoke the security clearance of John Brennan, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency."
"The world was in disarray, but then something interesting happened: the U.S. government started to print money uncontrollably."
"Now instead of actually, I don't know, improving our schools and doing what they're supposed to do, what's the default position of the Democrat party? Let's go send the FBI after them, right?"
"The government is taking action to improve the provision of Mental Health Services for young people."
"If they're referring to the fact that ICE officers are now able to enforce the law, then yes, we are going to enforce the law."
"Liz Truss set to unveil a hundred billion pounds cost of living rescue package."
"Right now, European governments are trying to alleviate the pressures on households and small businesses of the cost-of-living crisis."
"There's something compulsive and deeply irrationally uncontrollable about how governments keep on fanning the flames or pouring the fuel on the fire."
"The real game changer this time is the size of the fiscal stimulus in the United States."
"These documents and more provide substantial support for the government's determination that there was no crime."
"The Biden Administration kick it into high gear to try to bring this war to an end."
"There is no preventative measures this extreme that the government is doing."
"The court holds that each plaintiff has demonstrated entitlement to preliminary injunctive relief against the government defendants."
"This action by the administration is just one part of our overall effort but it's an essential one that will do a great deal to address the crisis we are facing."
"We're moving very aggressively... to provide immediate relief."
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says today the House will move forward with plans to impeach President Trump."
"We've got ourselves an executive order, and a lot of you out there listening to my voice should be proud of you."
"The government forcing you to stay home is stupid."
"They saw that the trillions of dollars of government stimulus... was just stealing the value from their cash reserves."
"Ultimately, this move by Trump is a massive victory for American constitutional rights."
"The government needs to act fast to get people back to work."
"Imagine our government had all suddenly said let's let's get robustness of human health right up in the next few weeks."
"To avoid having to read two separate documents, Trump simply signed sexual assault weapons ban."
"We have a travel ban on various countries and that travel ban remains until such time as we say it doesn't."
"We'll be signing a very powerful immigration act very soon."
"We're using the full power of the federal government to fight the China virus."
"There are no plans for Kamala to come and check out the border."
"My message is that the president has to move more rapidly."
"There is an insurrection taking place now. Anarchy. The governors must send in the National Guard."
"The government just ended homelessness in London... kind of a big deal."
"Why in the world doesn't the US government do this?"
"We're going to get all of the things that we want to do, whether it's transportation, whether it's safety, whether it's law and order."
"The CDC's moratorium on evictions was always another example of unconstitutional actions."
"Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist."
"I think actions speak louder than words. He only delivered that speech quite recently and there has been no kind of government policy shift since then."
"The drama of mascot towers has forced governments to act on the national defects issue."
"Everything's different now, a sweeping new vaccine mandate for 100 million Americans."
"The reaction is proportionate, the government are doing the right thing here."
"The US is in the hole by $34 trillion and yet we keep printing money."
"Barack Obama did authorize the CDC to do the largest uddiyan to gun violence beware of the statistics that came out of that study."
"All Chinese Communist secret police stations in Canada have been shut down."
"The Korean government has started mapping the police stations set up by the CCP."
"The disaster prompted major changes at a federal level."
"If you make those routes unviable, if you crack down on roots of entry, the only thing you do is push people directly into the hands of people smugglers."
"Experts agree Kevin Rudd did what no other government on earth did—freak stuff."
"President Trump took action to shore up our domestic supply chains."
"You have to do something; the government has to use the defense production act."
"What if I told you that along with all that we're just gonna happen to marry the biggest corporate bailout of all time with like no strings attached?"
"Reparations really means a corrective action by the government."
"If Democrats continue to hold this critical relief hostage, I will act."
"Our actions will be proportionate to the scale of this crisis."
"Senate Democrats passed the 1.9 trillion dollar COVID relief package."
"We're fortunate to be able to be here and to sign some legislation... I'm here with somebody that you've seen in these parts in the last couple months."
"We have a serious problem and serious solutions need to be pushed at every level of government."
"Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen: 'The relief package is the most important thing we could do to get on a sustainable path.'"
"Nancy Pelosi says the fourth stimulus check package could be unveiled as early as this week."
"Large majorities of the public believe that the government should actually be doing more to tackle climate change not less."
"The DOJ today confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that they are looking at laws, they are investigating with John Durham if laws were broken."
"The only thing that has saved not only the government's ass but our ass as well is the vaccination program."
"The CDC is taking aggressive action in containment and mitigation efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus."
"The government's cure is what's going to kill the economy, not the disease."
"India was one of the first countries to actually impose a very, very strict nationwide lockdown."
"Yeah, let's talk about some of the good things like Congress pass the chip sack and then Biden also did made his executive order that's very limited."
"The Federal Reserve is a sneaky way for the government to essentially create money out of thin air."
"The US and Canadian governments are banning TikTok over security concerns, as the app’s parent company is a Chinese company linked to the Chinese Communist Party."
"Executive actions could significantly lower the price of gas by addressing the supply problem."
"Government giveaways create bubbles and unintended consequences."
"Because they know you are hurting when it comes to gas prices and so they're saying we're going to scramble in order to bump up our use of clean energy by using the defense production act to do this."
"We have a plan to deal with the problem we think it's responsive to the actual causes of the problem and we're out there working hard every day to make sure that we're delivering as much as we can to the American people."
"There will be peace when the people of the world want it so badly that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them."
"We instituted something that the last Administration got rid of."
"What does the White House plan to do to give Americans relief at the pump?"
"Under my leadership we have marshaled the full power of government in our fight to end the opioid epidemic."
"We barely scratch the surface. If you have time, read through the rule and the ATF's reasoning behind some of these worksheet items."
"The crisis of the Ukrainians is moving governments and peoples to do things that would have been unthinkable."
"Raise the admission cap of the U.S refugee intake."
"This is all about unleashing economic growth. It's a combination of the tax plan, regulatory relief, and our trade principles."
"The executive branch has power to do a lot of things through the agencies."
"America is finally doing something right. It feels weird to see the federal government actually passing a bill that has the American people in mind."
"Stopping the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, swapping the construction of the U.S-Mexico border wall, rejoining the Paris climate accord... that is going to have a huge impact."
"John Major paraded parliament for even longer time before the 1997 general election."
"Let's put the country out of its misery, let's get a deal that can command the parliamentary majority and let's move forward."
"No more subsidies for fossil fuel industry. No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill. Period. Ends. Number one."
"Trillions of dollars are being spent responding to this pandemic."
"He said that he will use the Defense Production Act to increase the supply of rapid at-home tests and make them more affordable. He said places like Walmart and Amazon and Kroger will begin to supply those tests at cost as soon as next week."
"The feds are not playing, man. They're not playing around like they're not [ __ ] around."
"It's very disconcerting because we've seen that the ban was enacted through regulation and not legislation."
"Some people are very scared; this is putting a chill in the hearts of Canadians. They don't want to be treated like terrorists."
"The 1 trillion infrastructure bill is about to be passed by the US Senate."
"The president's number one focus remains getting the American rescue plan through."
"Our swift action is directly supporting 30 million American jobs."
"As we enter the next stage of our battle, we are continuing our relentless effort to destroy the virus."
"Deal to crack down on fentanyl... pretty cool."
"U.S. to auction almost 1 million acres in Alaska for oil drilling."
"We need an infusion of cash into the American people right now."
"I'm very proud of John Durham and I do take responsibility for his appointment."
"It's clear from these recent indictments that the US government is no longer taking a passive stance on the theft of our IP or espionage in general, especially not from China."
"We gotta pressure our governments to pass a ban on single-use Plastics."
"Will this prime minister finally show some compassion and make food cheaper for Canadians by passing Bill 234 in its original for?"
"That's why America bailed out the banks in 2008."
"Our government is focused on getting things done for Canadians."
"There is no excuse America just cut checks for millions of Americans that are white black Hispanic Asian red yellow business entities and all kinds of other people places and things."
"The IRS just released a couple of days ago that money is now going to be going out."
"With a stroke of a pen, the president wiped out 750 million dollars owed by more than 25 thousand heroes."
"My administration will never rest in our fight against human trafficking."
"We delivered the largest tax cuts in history."
"Every time when they try to confiscate or there's a ban or they're just trying to get guns all right out of the hands of the public, it never turns out well."
"The renewable energy sector is calling on the government to implement an effective energy policy."
"The release of Andrew Brunson rests solely on diplomatic efforts by the United States government."
"He can do an executive order, it's the weekends, he has the money, he can send out stimulus checks right now."
"For only the second time in 20 years, fuel duty will be cut by five pence per liter."
"Joe Biden to call for suspending normal trade relations with Russia. The Senate passes a 1.5 trillion dollar budget package. Its COVID relief dries up, they're gonna take another bite at that apple."
"It is a step in the right direction but it is only a step and I hope that it will be the beginning of a better approach."
"If this happened in Westerville where Governor Kasich uh live or former Governor Kasich lives I'm sure dewine lives in a very nice neighborhood uh they would have evacuated everyone it's it's crazy to me."
"Senate may work into August to pass both the 1.2 trillion-dollar bipartisan infrastructure plan and the budget resolution for the 6 trillion reconciliation bill."
"The Ukrainian government's resolve to protect its citizens is on Full display in the successful response to the Russian invasion."
"For stimulus is happening folks, really great news. Those monthly stimulus checks between now and at least the end of the year."
"I love that the US government is finally getting off their asses and doing something." - Bruce
"You're forcing the Russians to use a different weapon system, a more expensive one."
"This may be infrastructure week under President Biden."
"China raised its flood response alert on Sunday to the second-highest level."