
Outlet Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"It gave me a sense of purpose, an outlet for my energy and frustrations."
"Sports are important... it's an important outlet, particularly in a lot of diverse communities."
"I was hyper as a kid, and I always say, like, bicycle riding was my outlet."
"You should find an outlet that allows you to be consistent."
"He gives her a hug and offers to be an outlet for her frustrations."
"Writing has always been my go-to for self-expression."
"You've got this great big island, a little outlet over here."
"All my life I seem to have been happiest when I have some kind of creative outlet."
"I do want to say that I'm not really trying to make it a part of my business to sell those things. It's important for me to have some artistic outlets that are not monetizable."
"I love interior design. It's a creative outlet that I've been able to experience over the last few years."
"I need dance because it's an outlet for me. It's a way for me to express feelings without actually saying it."
"This is why like the horror movie like people who are actually into horror right are tend to be like the healthiest folks because they found an outlet."
"As long as you're creating something, I always say, that's why I feel like I haven't missed it too much because I'm still at least being able to find that creative outlet."
"I have never once found myself thinking dang I really wish I had an outlet."
"Sometimes we just need that person in our life, we just need that outlet. Talking about things somehow really, really helps."
"You got to find some other outlet to be able to deal with your anger issues."
"They need to find an outlet to properly focus their emotion and efforts."
"It gives me an outlet of trying to be creative and get my mind right and be focused."
"That mental health thing is real... you need an outlet."
"It's so important, and I just need that outlet."
"I'm absolutely convinced that this should be an outlet."
"It felt like the outlet that I've been longing for just appeared in my phone."
"I guarantee you nine out of 10 times the people who are wrestling fans that are listening to this don't have an outlet in their personal life to talk about professional wrestling."
"You have to have something outside of yourself, be it a relationship with God, a higher power, your relationships with your family. You have to have other outlets other than acting."
"It's just so nice to have another outlet in a place where I feel like I'm just seen for more of me."
"I wouldn't call it my salvation I call it an outlet so then when did it become an like when do you realize this is for real like a place I need to go to and stand um I I look at it like more of my meditation."
"We've got to start a YouTube channel, what what are we out, let's do it."
"YouTube has been such an amazing outlet for me in my life."
"I just needed an outlet, like a physical when you moved back."
"Skateboarding was my first outlet."
"I needed an outlet, and initially, I started doing really, really stupid stuff."
"Fantasy is an outlet, like a steam valve, that releases energy."
"This record is quickly becoming more of an insurance policy for my safety than an outlet for some kind of relationship angst."
"Therapy has been such a great outlet for me."
"It's okay that I wanted to have an outlet for that and that [expletive] should exist."
"It's important to address the darkness and life not to just prove a point that everything in life is dark but for that to be the outlet."
"I just love cooking because for me it's such a creative outlet."
"I found drama as an outlet it was like an escape you know maintain our own energy what I ended up getting expelled from school but in that time she said to me to send out there looking for young actors."
"That child inside of me never really had a true, true outlet."
"Especially like that's something that you enjoy doing and then you got stuff you're going through your life like you could just get on that mic and just sit there and just express it."
"That might be therapy cuz like especially like that's something that you enjoy doing and then you got stuff you're going through your life like you could just get on that mic and just sit there and just express it."
"It was just really, really bad and that's why I'm super grateful to have all like you guys on social media because like, you guys are like really my outlet."
"Use it as an outlet for significant value, not as an aggressive release for the sake of it."
"It's just that creative outlet for me."
"It just feels so nice to have an outlet of some sort."
"It creates great music though it does. If you have an outlet like that writing or whatnot it's definitely life-saving."
"Paintball has always kind of been an outlet for me. It gets me through like some really tough times."
"I'm so glad that I made it to a place where they're gonna have an outlet."
"A creative outlet is essential, especially when stuck at home."
"And men need an outlet for masculinity. We need to howl at the moon, do stuff that's dangerous and gritty and tough, challenging, and it makes us stronger men and better protectors."
"It made me happy, like when I sewed it's like an outlet, an outlet of Happiness."
"Billy Woods gave me something that I could never give myself, and that's an outlet from life."
"...if people don't have the right outlet for that pain, then efforts can be made to try and dull it or just avoid it in some way."
"Having the right outlet has definitely been an important part of that."
"These dogs really excel at a lot of our dog sports, very high activity level, they really need an outlet for that mental and physical energy."
"Lifting's like this aggressive outlet of that primal need to uh, to get the intensity and aggression out. Yeah, that's the side. That's the difference. They're just different, no I get it. I guess it's like..."
"Faith provides us a healthy outlet for sacrifice."
"I don't have anything to lose, you know, and I needed an outlet to pour out into."
"...sometimes they show themselves in other ways they come and there was a song crystalline that became something in reindeer King so sometimes you know they do find could they do find a home they do find ways out yes they do."
"I feel like stand-up comedy is something that might save us because we need this outlet for expression."
"Beauty counter has given me an outlet. It has given me life again."
"Having an outlet is so important, whether it's binge-watching Netflix or going to the gym. Just having that one hour to myself where it's just me, my music, the weights, running, whatever I choose to do, has been such a relief for me because that's my hour of the day."
"That's everything I have to show you for now. I hope you did enjoy my little somewhat chaotic shopping vlog at the outlet."
"I love doing this. It's such a fun creative outlet and a way to get my feelings out onto paper."
"If you study war, there's definitely an outlet."
"Music has always been an outlet to me, bro."
"What's great is um funny enough during quarantine because I've only been in that realm of like writing scripts um it's been really nice to be able to kind of have a creative outlet in music."
"I realized I was miserable... because I didn't have that creative outlet."
"That's about the best outdoor gas barbecue outlet I've seen."
"It took me getting so desperate to have an outlet from my job that is so sedentary and quite honestly just soul-sucking at times to realize the value of working out."
"The Quran is giving you an outlet of expression."
"There was a point where I was not able to do any type of creative work as far as making short films or I put it so I was taking care of my dad yeah back in 2014 and he was passing away from cancer and I needed some sort of creative outlet."
"It's very important for these people to find some spiritual outlet or creative outlet which puts them in touch with the intangible."
"Music and studying, I came to learn, were huge outlets for me."
"Having like a creative outlet too... like for me it was definitely dancing."
"Music is creativity, but it's also a human outlet for me."
"I'm gonna need an outlet and if you guys are willing to go on this journey with me, then I will continue to probably make videos."
"People that aren't listened to feel that they've got an outlet now."
"Definitely gives you a creative outlet."
"...you wanted me to have a creative outlet, yes a creative outlet."
"Music is like a little positive outlet, you know."
"YouTube, I did see YouTube as an outlet to make people happy because I wasn't really that happy before becoming."
"It's definitely my favorite hobby of my hobbies, and it's a great creative outlet for me."
"Music sometimes is an outlet like that, an escape."
"Streaming became a good outlet for me to express myself."
"I started roller derby because I needed an outlet."
"Creating for me is just like an outlet, a thing that I do because I like it, you know, and it keeps me sane, it keeps me on my toes."
"The reason I started was because I felt like I didn't have a voice and that was my outlet just to let it all out."
"I feel like everyone needs an outlet to avoid depression."
"I feel like everyone needs an outlet to avoid depression; you guys are my outlet."
"...when I started my channel it was very much just a creative outlet... now it's like we have people that work on the channel... it can sometimes be hard to remember that like at the end of the day this is still just my creative outlet."
"Oh, it's nice because I'm creative and it gives me an outlet."
"Everyone needs an outlet to avoid depression; you guys are my outlet."
"For a lot of people who are creative, that's where we pour all of our feelings."
"The importance of having that outlet for mental and emotional health."
"Rap is just an outlet through which I speak and exercise my creativity."
"I'm very appreciative for this outlet."
"Sketching and drawing is gonna be using some sort of creative outlet."
"God gave me the gift and he also gave me this as an outlet."
"You need to find an outlet whether it's a part-time job outside of the house where you get to interact with other people."
"Poetry has always been an outlet for me."
"Skateboarding was that outlet that kept me out of trouble."
"I really started it just so that I would have an outlet."
"It was honestly pretty fun, it gave me something to do, it gave me an outlet and something to live for."
"Poetry for me is a really good outlet, and I love poetry whether I'm good or whether I'm bad."
"This is an outlet for me to do what I love."
"I feel like this channel has just given me a true outlet where I don't have to think about things."
"This is my only outlet to the world."
"This is my therapy, this is my outlet."
"Find an outlet for yourself for all this energy to flow."
"These are just like great ways to have a creative outlet if you're looking for one."
"It's like a creative outlet in a way."
"You do have to have an outlet, you know, it is about talking to somebody."
"I think you just need an outlet, just somebody to talk to."
"He's our only creative outlet, period, point blank."