
Community Issues Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"Every day they get another email about what's going on between us and our psychotic neighbors."
"The violence is non-stop. You can hear the gunshots."
"Harlem residents are accusing the city of using the bait and switch tactic on them."
"The citizens of Lakewood are drowning, and you're all talking about adding more water."
"This is getting way out of hand; I might just give up on Pokemon altogether because it's not worth getting beat up for cards."
"Kendrick is addressing all of these traumas that plague our communities on such a large scale and breaking them down to their most minute little details."
"This is a problem in our community that can be easily solved."
"As between the presence of white racism or the absence of black fathers, which poses a bigger threat to the black community? Without missing a beat, he said the absence of black fathers."
"Rape is about power, and power imbalances can form a part of any community, culture, or religion."
"If it doesn't solve these five, it won't be a society."
"The two most destructive words for this community are 'judge not.'"
"Defund him for what? As soon as one of our kids come up kidnapped, we want the support of the police."
"When a man gets incarcerated, the full family is incarcerated. When the woman is incarcerated, the community is incarcerated."
"I run a YouTube channel, STB Philly, I talk about the massive gun violence problem."
"At its worst, real geek culture results in a dangerous elitism."
"There's nothing quite so effective at making neighbors hate each other as a good old fashioned boundary dispute."
"This is one of the few bipartisan things that I know of."
"This is dumb and it's dangerous and our brother nearly fuller talks about how black people we've been programmed to run away from constructive behavior."
"There's definitely an economic disparity in neighborhoods with good infrastructure."
"There's something kind of uniquely awful about the way we're treating each other on social media especially... we Catholics."
"Wherever you go people are getting into squabbles and quarrels in checkout cues and on airlines."
"I'm glad they didn't just dismiss the issue and sweep it under the rug."
"A community like El Paso that has carried the burden of trying to restore humanity and call for a more humane life on the border to have this community targeted should alert all Americans."
"But if you weren't also complaining about the hyper unrealistic women in games, why would you have an issue with this?"
"I think we as a community need to come together to ban this very fraudulent and game-breaking tactic known as star camping."
"Belief is everything wow and it is a decision and once you make it and you stick to it because belief is always going to be pushed up against."
"Bullying or shit-talking or like harassing people is never going anywhere in the community."
"The community at large is going to be dealing with this problem in the near future."
"We simply turn to law enforcement to resolve issues that could be addressed with different approaches."
"Everybody's doing it. My homies dissing goofy BDs, GDs, dissing goofy [], 'cause everybody's bringing that [] upon themselves."
"Our young folks, they die in the day, they are dying, they dying, it's crazy man, y'all gotta y'all gotta not just pray for the city, pray for the world, you know?"
"If the problem really is disproportionate speeding inside the black community..."
"It is when it gets into being abusive and being exploitative that it becomes an issue." - Evie Lupine
"Why is it that there's a gun shop on almost every corner in this community? Why?"
"All this about what's going on in the so-called black community is racism a major problem absolutely but what was even a bigger problem is how the so called black men views himself."
"These protesters are crying for justice from communities that have long, long had the knee of injustice on their neck."
"I'm really sick of the black on black crime and I feel like as a people we just have to help ourselves, absolutely."
"Every time we get something popping, they find a way to sabotage it."
"I hate seeing so much fragmentation within sub-communities."
"Some of your crew are going to want to retaliate now and now you have a whole beef in the whole war over over a stumping that could have been prevented."
"Do you agree? Do you think there is a big camping issue in modern warfare?"
"Good for Rich Paul, good for Adele, but I think at some point for the black family to survive, we have to find a way to fix it."
"The angst behind it, the cry of help from that community behind it, who were talking about that, that wasn't unpacked, it was dismissed."
"We need to start addressing the stuff that's destroying our community, and the people that's destroying the community look like us. We need to hold them accountable, man."
"What's going on in the black community? We need to unite, get reparations, and help one another."
"There's no uglier truth in our community than what you talked about. The black homicide victimization rate is seven times higher than that of whites."
"If you're the most hated out group on earth and you don't even have a grocery store to get your groceries in a pandemic, that's a major issue."
"The fun casualness is dead you know I feel like competitive is fine in games but when everyday plings becomes like you're playing the esport yourself it's so delusional for non-streamers."
"The politicians calling to defund the police...have their own security while our communities go to hell."
"Unfortunately they've been roving bands of Biden's just lurking around the neighborhood sniffing children."
"The important thing to remember about this is that Sophie, a trans woman, received a Relentless amount of harassment not just from xanderhal's Community but from debate communities as a whole just for this threat."
"I think Kevin Samuels promoted a necessary conversation for black people."
"Democrats are more likely to deliver on the issues that are important to our community."
"So, I'm really frustrated right now just to see the state that the community is in right now. It's just really, really disappointing."
"We have many problems in the Ummah, but one of the biggest problems of religious-minded folks is narrow-minded, bigoted sectarianism."
"Mr. Heinz voiced his concerns about two-hour parking signs near the library and after several minutes of discussion, a city hall employee called the Harrison County Sheriff's Office to assist with the situation."
"Main street is full of closed signs and the evictions and bankruptcies are just beginning. Vote Joe Biden, save America."
"Hip-hop is not only about just getting a hot song and just rocking out, like, you're gonna come under fire for these things because hip-hop, at times, does become about the larger issue for the black community."
"One of the reasons why we left the yard is because I just didn't, I just didn't feel comfortable growing my child around an alleged pedophile."
"The black community is afraid to stop wearing diapers and to stand up and walk and be independent."
"Players aren't fans of the game... Call of Duty competitive... my the biggest issue is that players aren't fans of the game."
"Most of what America have no clue of what's going on in the African-American community. They just don't know what's going on, they don't know how we live, they have no clue of the economic troubles that we are facing as a people."
"So, what do you plan on doing about the jet problem in our community? How about the settlement problem? Another settlement needs our help. I'll mark it on your map."
"That's our problem, and we've heard from parents across the country reaching out and saying, 'Hey, similar situation here.'"
"What are the different divisions and distrust and things like that that are sowed or amplified or whatever it may be? I think that's a big question hanging over all of this." - Eugene Puryear
"We need to get a grip and acknowledge the privileges that exist even within our own community."
"Lawlessness and Stupid behavior is now affecting many people even in smaller towns and cities."
"Local reporting is very important. What would have become of my mother and those other protesters if a local journalist wasn't there telling the story?"
"What if... What if... What if it's actually the church leaders who are the reason all this bad stuff is happening to us?"
"Y'all sons be murderers, thieves, drug addicts and y'all think Dwayne Wade loving on his trans daughter is detrimental to the black community. I have time."
"Politics is just as essential, an essential part of else that they're dealing with."
"The biggest problem in the black community now is the fact the black community is being burnt down by people like Black Lives Matter."
"The problem of the 21st century will be community boundary lines."
"At the end of the day, this isn't just about Gerard. This is about raising awareness that these types of people exist."
"It's really important for people to stop attacking at the pizza store."
"The hypocrisy within the community when it comes to player rewards and cosmetics is honestly one of the most infuriating things I've dealt with."
"I'll never be ashamed being a fan of Sonic but damn it some of these other fans have driven me close."
"Stream sniping affects such a small portion of the community, but it's definitely something that needs to be fixed."
"People don't want anything near them, especially if it might help somebody else."
"Black communities are under-policed and badly policed."
"Gamergate: the biggest gaming controversy of all time, revealing deep-seated issues in the gaming community."
"It's really problematic and this is where as a community we need to work with teachers."
"The only fix will come within the black community."
"There are so many things in society that are both fueling your privilege and also marginalizing the black community."
"I had no idea that scientologists being visited by CPS was such a problem that people in the community have become Specialists on how to keep CPS at bay. Go Britney!"
"We have got to clean the house, okay? We have got to clean the house. Look, see, Tinnubu, he said we cannot deal with the Fulani without dealing first with those people, you see what I'm saying?"
"The conversations are crucial, they need to happen."
"Mental health awareness is important. Important. Let's just be bottling up, because you know people in the hood and [__] go through crazy-ass degrees of trauma."
"For that one person you're clapping for that makes it out of the hood and gets the money, there's still millions of families in those neighborhoods suffering."
"It just tore everybody apart, you know? There's no family unity in the communities."
"There is no education that comes with money in the black communities."
"Your attitude and the way you treat people is far more important than anything appearance-wise."
"This is the place to bring the issues if there is an issue."
"How many wonderful ministries are we missing out on simply because of this spirit of jealousy and bitterness floating around in the body of Christ?"
"Calvary Chapel has steadily been sliding into apostasy for quite some time."
"The majority of the RAP Community was talking like you know snitching was just some rare [] we're seeing every [] snitch."
"When you see black women in cuffs who were nearly 70 years old begging your stupid days to stop it and you don't then you know the community is in shambles."
"Nobody wins if people are dying prematurely."
"I feel like a lot has to be said about how, within all of black media and in certain instances within all the black community, a lot of us have become lost in the sauce."
"Whenever survivors are dividing and bringing each other down, it's the worst."
"There can be no doubt that the ongoing problem of harassment and hatred in the gaming community is a problem actively nurtured by publishers..."
"May 2019 exposed a deep, dark, and rotten attitude within the beauty community."
"The video aimed to prove that corruption still existed within the upper echelons of the smash community."
"How does that happen? How do we get to this place? I worry about society, honestly."
"The essence of the community for us has always been the answer to the problems within our community have I always been getting rich enough to move out and never look back."
"Can you show me one instance of corruption?" demanded a resident. "Residents inside and out of the town just want to see Otter Creek restored to how it used to be."
"It's not a political divide. It is so much more than that."
"If you are going to have that energy towards that gay brother and sister you got to have the same energy to the heterosexual organist that's got four and five kids with some of the choir members in the church."
"These guys are not standing there because of the monsters but because of the people."
"But I hope you can do some introspection, I hope that you can struggle with this as I do rather than just give up and accept that the majority of the community is toxic because they're not, I promise you they're not."
"Ultimately, I said what I said and I meant what I said. Why people ruin the beauty community, and I'ma go [expletive] it."
"There's a lot of hurt in this community, a lot of mistrust. People that everyone trusted and looked up to."
"There are always problems within bookish communities which are reflections of publishing."
"Y'all need to apologize, y'all need to quit being so savage, y'all need to quit killing us, y'all need to quit bringing drugs into our neighborhood."
"Colorism is a huge issue within the Latinx community."
"There is an appetite by some to bring this issue to a head... because it is festering throughout the community."
"Financial illiteracy is ten times the problem in our community."
"The pervasive racism within the gaming community makes for a hostile environment."
"Uncover what's spoiling this garden community and rise to tear down the corrupt vegetable government."
"Neil and Tracy Bantleman live here, but they don't feel protected anymore."
"The only way we can make a change in our Muslim communities is to talk about the issues that are impacting us."
"Instead of you know embracing them and yes that you know they're shitheads in the community I'm not including those instead of saying hey maybe something's wrong you belittle them."
"Issues we need to talk about, issues affecting our communities."
"Community has broken down and this is bad for everybody." - Michael
"Most people don't care about their communities or what's going on in the world."
"In our community, we don't talk about it. We don't talk about any type of disorder. We don't talk about therapy."
"To say that black men didn't do enough is one thing, but to say that we're working with or in tandem with comes with a lot of implications."
"Alternatively, the children can't sled on the hill because a security theater panic has been ginned up and virtually no one in a position of influence has bothered even questioning it."
"This is a heightened... sensitive issue... resonates throughout various communities."
"Every town has a dark side, one issue that's always been highly debatable and often divisive."
"The number one problem facing the black community is not racist cops, it's not income inequality, it's not climate change. The number one problem facing the black community is the lack of fathers in the home."
"We cannot afford to make fun of intellectual curiosity in our community. We're at the bottom, we can't afford to do what others do."
"Churches' mishandling of mental illness: 'Just pray and it will make the illness go away' - unacceptable."
"We're specifically targeted. They put in a black leader who works for everybody except black people."
"It's a sad state of affairs that in england and america it seems that certain elements of black communities have problems with violence and this causes problems pain and hardship for the law-abiding people within those communities."
"80% of divorces in the black community filed by black women."
"We are pushing our community to the ground and the people who are empowered won't say nothing."
"We all know has been an issue with the Sims team before."
"Buffalo is known as a hot bed of James Martin types and Ted McCarrick types."
"What community can ever prosper when your men hate the women that much that they will never commit to them?"
"We need to stop being nasty over non-essential issues."
"Our habit in our communities is to dismiss men while simultaneously begging men to communicate more."
"The violence against Asians and Asian Americans is multi-layered and extends far beyond hate crimes."
"We constantly point out the negative attributes of the black community in media... Just problems in the black community in general."
"Better for them to have local problems to solve that they know they can solve."
"Many of these conversations may not be for everyone, but there are those in our communities who do experience these things every day."
"There is a level of ignorance rooted in some minority communities that they are blinded, brainwashed to believe that if you don't look or act a certain way, you're not representative."
"They're happy to see it empty it's a disgrace."
"Guys, this is really bad. There is a really bad problem in the zombies community of just people blatantly stealing or ripping off other creators and not caring."
"Why is it so hard for wargaming to take action against this account?"
"There's a real spiritual battle going on in the city of Chicago for the lives of people. There seems to be a spirit of murder throughout the city."
"We have to root out the bad apples, including both in the police force and the gang members."
"People are angry because others are having fun. This is getting beyond a joke when it comes to the level of anger, the attacks, the slamming."
"So all of these la-dee-da folks in our town walk their dogs which is a good thing however why the [ __ ] are these little poop bags scattered throughout our town?"
"The biggest problem of the black community is never white people, we are so good at killing ourselves, true."
"Why do you think it's such a problem in Evansville? It's easier just to go do I go get me a burger."
"I got this, these bikers aren't the problem in this town, it's your kids, they're a bunch of animals."
"The general will emerges when one is thinking publicly about a community problem."
"There's people out here hurting, man."
"We have problems in our community that we need to solve. Don't you think that by listening to our parents and different things that we can change some of those things?"
"We need to marinate in what's impacting our community: childhood trauma, childhood sexual abuse."
"We need to actively talk about the issues that are common in the Muslim communities."
"The problem is with the ummah; we need to wake up."
"Africa's problems are Gambia's problems, so I tell people Africa is the reason why I came back, not Gambia."
"It's great to see growth and it's great when the church grows, but with growth comes adversity, issues, problems, complaints."
"Our problems are minuscule to some of the issues the families that are dealing with the fires have."
"We're not just in here preaching and shouting and dancing; we're really addressing topics and issues that are affecting our homes, our schools, our communities."
"How do you deal with the lack of appreciation for intelligence in the African-American community?"
"Really understanding what's going on in the plight and the issues of all the communities in America."
"I want to cover situations that affect us in the Latino community."
"Blaming, fighting, killing each other, and abandoning children in your community is not the way to solve problems."
"I'm very very happy that she did bring up a real life issue that we have in the black community."
"I really wanted to start a channel because I wanted to talk about important issues that pertain to our community, our people, our women, our men, just us."