
Skillfulness Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Action and effort done skillfully following nature feels effortless."
"You're naturally very skillful, whatever environment you find yourself in."
"The biggest one for us is that they are excellent at their craft."
"I'm like the Matrix in there baby, and you know I'm going to find it." - Tyson Fury
"Power in confidence, unstoppable with skill."
"You gotta be ready to perform any skill at any moment."
"People feel you're unpredictable. You guys are very good at whatever it is that you do."
"Scott here is a jack of all trades and he's damn good at most of those trades."
"For a first time director and writer, Maïmouna Doucouré's direction was masterful."
"You shouldn't be able to see the moves you've made, keep them invisible which means have a light touch."
"Give me a problem and I will fix it pretty much on the spot."
"You can say what you like about Boris Johnson. He is a brilliant liar. He is a world-class liar. He is absolutely superb at lying."
"Tobin Heath is fantastic with both feet and just makes defenders' lives hell."
"I think Emma was a very good con woman. She was so good at it."
"The reason I recommend this particular pal is because he is extremely extremely good guys at being able to do a lot of handiwork."
"Having both proficiencies is actually super useful."
"That's some serious weaving for real, he really did that."
"Being good at this, it's a responsibility, man."
"You have a lot of natural gifts... a skillful energy."
"It's a lovely move of lovely patience, exploiting expectations and utilizing how subtly skillful this Scottish team can be."
"He's good for shots on target though, amazing going forward."
"Brenda said that Mark could fix absolutely anything."
"That's just how competitive it is here at the top level in GT Sport, you really have to be honest on every lap and every corner."
"His double touches are way too clean, his double touches are so, so clean."
"You're good at everything you put your mind to."
"ISTPs are jack of all trades, master of none."
"ISTPs are the true jack of all trades, master of none type."
"They were masterful, especially at getting heat."
"The other man is shocked at how many different techniques Lin Faye is able to use."
"Their jaws dropped when they saw how skilled Suzena was."
"Known as one of the most skillful and entertaining players in the game."
"I love being able to do something well enough that people from all over the city want to come around and kind of have a part in what I'm doing."
"It's like he's toying with the game, he's playing a different game than everyone else."
"His handle on arrangement is so advanced."
"She's very good at just getting the edge of illegal and dancing about in the legally gray area."
"Magnus is extremely confident in his moves."
"He had such a skillful way of dealing with problems."
"Stay happy, stay healthy, stay current, but most importantly, stay proficient."
"Skillfulness is nothing but attentiveness paying off."
"He is dangerous with the football."
"A brilliant success because you're becoming very skillful. Life is too short focusing on what you can achieve, not what you haven't."
"Lush making the tricky play look very easy."
"Lush making the difficult shot look easy."
"He's very effective with his skills."
"What a success that is, like you're not just the one-trick pony."
"You're a master level in a lot of different things, very skilled."
"Robbie Keane was just... very clever, very sharp."
"...he's very, very clever and he's very, very meticulous about what he does."
"And it seems like it was so effortless."
"Grief is not requiring any particular feeling; it's a skillfulness of being willing to be set upon by life."
"That is masterful from Johnny Clayton."
"If you do it right, it looks simple."
"I'm really blessed to have a farrier who is also a horseman. Shout out to Jake Anderson, a fantastic farrier and also a great horseman."
"Creativity is key, go fast, do your tricks big, do your grinds far."
"Yoga is skill in action, whatever you have to do, you'll do it more skillfully if you're established in non-duality truly."
"He would do what is called in Buddhism exercise the use of upaya, the Sanskrit word meaning skillful devices or skillful means."
"Skills that I have acquired over my career that make me a nightmare for people like you."
"If you can do that, you're the master of the universe, right?"
"He made it look so easy, and I think that was the point. You know with you haru, you know, nothing was a drama."
"He is one of the best to do it, and he did it very, very quickly."
"Grievous followed this advice to a T and he was extremely good at it."
"At the end of the day, my party people, what it's always been about is having the confidence and knowing that you can get any problem right in any skill that you want."
"But the amount of care that you needed, the dexterity and fine motor skills to do that, you have to be deliberate and you have to pay attention to what you're doing."
"...it's one of those skills where like you don't know how powerful you are until someone desperately needs you."
"It's not a useless skill by any stretch of the imagination."
"Displaying their considerable skills and nerve."
"It's almost like a form of meditation and really isn't it, like being fully focused on, like, a skill?"
"People here had some major skills."
"Quick footwork, quick hand speed."
"You possess many talents, you're good at everything."
"I'm too good with these words, watch how I maneuver."
"He has a very all-around skill set, has some very solid hands, has a great frame."
"I'm the guy who can fix things, has tools, and the mechanical aptitude to work things."
"We're multitasking, thanks for asking, 'cause we're just that good."
"It's really having the skills to defend yourself in certain moments or having the skill to let something roll off your back."
"I have a bloody brilliant shot and I'm not afraid to use it."
"He was tough as a crowbar, quick as a chisel, fair as a plane, and true as a level."
"Having the skills to be able to tuck into such unique spaces really adds to the experience of the cruising lifestyle."
"To actually implement it is an extremely valuable skill set."
"You need to look after your own life and make sure that you know the skill."
"Why be good at one thing when you can be good at a bunch of them?"
"Actually knowing what you're doing is very, very helpful."
"Being a jack of all trades and excelling in multiple areas."
"What made his shot fake unguardable was it looked exactly like his shot."
"Mindfulness in and of itself is not skillful. Right mindfulness is skillful."
"Oh, that's so beautiful and he does it smooth as you could be, that is butter."
"It's like an art, you just, if you could change levels and change directions fluently, you could be great on your feet."
"Skill always beats brute strength."
"He's carrying the puck like Bobby Orr some shifts."
"I really admire people who can do their own hair."
"Jack of all trades and a master of fun."
"There are no borders to his cuisine. Many are curious where he developed the skills to fuse ingredients that seem so foreign to each other."
"I felt like I'm in the right place with the right skills at the right time."
"Use your practical skills to bring things together, you have influence, you have resources."
"It took every single tool and skill that I had."
"I'd rather be really good at a lot of things than great at one."
"I would love to be as good at anything as they were at all those things."
"With your skills, make us rediscover the pure essence of French cuisine."
"Strategies come and go, skills never die."
"I'm so happy 'cause I'm so nice at this, I could give advice in this."
"That's looking great from Kristen, she navigates it really well."
"He's a cool ass kid, super nice, and he does have the skill, man."
"She's got skills, bro. Mad skills."
"Isn't it amazing that we always end up on the wreck? It's unbelievable how good they are."
"He's very well-rounded, he's good on the feet, he's good on the ground."
"A true handyman is like water; he finds his own level."
"There is no limitations, it appears that I could turn my hand to almost anything."
"I'm passionate about a lot of things and in addition to that, I'm pretty good at a lot of things."
"He brings a level of skill and excellence to everything he does."
"If you can use a needle and thread, there are so many things you can do."
"The skills that can pay the bills."
"I'm multi-if in it. I'm a jack of all trades."
"Being good at more than just one thing pays off."
"Being independent... means generally you can take care of yourself... and also you have some kind of useful skill or ability or something to help the group."
"Letting go of self doesn't disable us or make us less functional, it makes us more functional, more effective, more able to act in skillful ways."
"It taught us how to be resourceful and imaginative and handy."
"If I can overcome the causes of unhappiness in my life, that means I will be more skillful in my actions and I will also be able to give more to other people."
"You're a skilled worker, you're extremely talented."
"You're such a master spy and amazing at everything you do."
"Ensign Mayweather's extraordinary flying skills truly come into play to save the day."
"He's just a jack-of-all-trades; he can do anything."
"It's an incredible sport, it's fast, it's fun to watch, it's so skillful, it's tough."
"Based on what we've seen and what we found, we can tell that the owners of this property were jacks of all trades."
"I'm very confident in my skills and looking at the geology and things that could potentially get me hurt."
"Every skill is done in combination... she wastes absolutely nothing."
"Ronaldinho for me is goated, like absolutely incredible player."
"You guys are the type that you learn quickly, you catch on to things quickly, you become good at things very quickly."
"It's just the cleanliness of his moves and his execution."
"You had to be adept at everything, things were coming your way, and it would be dumb to pass up opportunity."
"I like to think of myself as a jack of all trades and a master of none; do everything pretty darn well, definitely not the best at anything I do."
"They are masterful at the effortless."
"She is amazing, she has amazing content, I mean you cannot take away the heart and these skills, it's on a sky-high level."
"They are super skillful individuals with brilliant game appreciation."
"You define yourself, and who's to say you can't be good at two things?"
"The craft of the heart is the root of the intelligence of how to proceed skillfully in your life to bless yourselves."
"The Buddha is advocating... a lot of effort, but it's not just any effort, it's skillful effort."
"Use your skills to make sure it's safe."
"You are a jack of many trades; you can do so many things."
"They're great at guitar, so good at cooking randomly."
"He's got so much wit and so much humor and so much skill."
"I'm doing real good right now, I feel really confident in my skills."
"The instructors were awesome; they really knew what they were doing, and they knew how to teach it."
"She is a daredevil. It's remarkable how incredibly difficult the skills she's capable of doing."
"We're here, we've got peace, we've got skill, and then sauce."
"We need to also move ahead with this technology in our body space, in our mind space, in a way that is much more skillful and intelligent."
"We need to become more skillful in our daily lives."
"The band skillfully lays out an undeniable, rock solid foundation."
"There's no question that he is a master of his job and his trade skills are even better."
"Being resourceful and being content with what you have is a really good skill to have."
"I think it makes you well-rounded as a fisherman."
"Patience is an incredibly valuable skill."
"Basketball, for all intensive purposes, is a much more skilled game."
"I'm handsome, tall, dark, sexy, and I'm good with my hands."
"Another word for 'Jack of all trades' is polymath."
"This is a feminine energy who's very independent, works for themselves mostly, they're skilled at something."
"He's so clinical, so calm, so collected, but lethal when given the opportunity."
"I do just a little bit of everything."
"Skills are accurate, consistent, efficient, fluent, aesthetically pleasing, show high levels of control, and appear effortless."
"A jack-of-all-trades, a master of none."
"People rely on you and your skills to help them in situations that they can't help themselves in."
"People call me the master of none but the jack of all trades."
"I am impressed but I'm not surprised that you guys have amazing skills."
"His skill is impressive and amazing."
"Being one of those people that recognizes the factors that help them understand if inclement weather is moving in or not then having that ability is going to be very beneficial."
"Being able to make soap from scratch will be a very beneficial thing just for the hygiene purposes alone."
"They become present, they become centered, they become really good at what they're doing."
"I'm in business, I got the bars, I got the flow, and I got the technique."
"Even philosophers should know how to work with their hands."
"I am a great problem solver, I can take something, figure out what's wrong with it, repair it, get it back on the road."
"The King of Swords is someone who is very intelligent, very analytical, very skilled."
"You have many talents and are really good at multiple things."
"You're somebody who might express their intelligence, express their skillfulness."
"They did it really masterfully, they did it really expertly."
"The magician, they have the skills they need to do this."
"The detective is just masterful here, he did a really excellent job."
"You're more crafty, you're more clever, you're more talented, and you keep going."
"You're very spiritual and very skillful."
"You have many skills and can fit into any situation."
"You know how to do so many things."
"I taught myself many skills so I can fix what I have instead of needing to go buy something new, which is better for our planet."
"I could totally make crochet versions of these things, and that I did, my friends, that I did."
"You're a multi-dimensional person with a lot of different talents and skills."
"If you were doing this, we'd already be done. You're so good at this stuff, Tom. You're great at everything you put your mind to, so great it's annoying, but great."
"Being flexible, being versatile, kind of being a triple threat."
"You have to be adaptable, you pick up as many skills as you can."
"Larry Bird is one of the most skilled players of all time."
"I'm actually so proud of my online shopping skills."
"It's possible to be a jack of all trades, master of many."